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Chapter Four. ROB WAS EXACTLY what Melanie expected him to be

ROB WAS EXACTLY what Melanie expected him to be. She expected him to be dark and incredibly good-looking with a rough, dangerous edge. He was. She expected him to paw at Sam most of the evening and to appraise Melanie with a predatory up-and-down-very slowly, animalistic look. He didn't disappoint her...he might as well have licked his lips. She expected to dislike him immediately. She did.

Taylor and the delivery boy from the Chinese restaurant arrived at the same time. Taylor looked fresh and vibrant in khaki shorts and an olive green T-shirt. Her dark hair was pulled back in a ponytail, she wore brown leather Teva sandals on her feet, and Melanie thought she smelled like soap and sunshine. Taylor winked at Melanie, who was paying for the food.

" I see Sam spent the day slaving over a hot stove again."

" Honestly, I don't know how she does it, " Melanie joked back. " She's a regular Julia Child." She smiled her thanks as Taylor helped carry the bundles to the tiny kitchen.

" Hey, get a room, you two, " Melanie scolded Samantha and Rob, who were joined at the tongues, leaning against the kitchen counter. They pulled apart, showing no embarrassment whatsoever.

" Rob, " Taylor acknowledged coolly.

" Taylor." He nodded back.

She doesn't like him either, Melanie thought with a grin, mentally giving Taylor points for good taste.

It was such a beautiful evening, not to mention the carriage house was so small, that they opted to sit and eat at the picnic table behind the house. Taylor poured three glasses of the Merlot she'd brought; Rob preferred his Bud Light.

Samantha and Melanie played catch-up, updating each other on mutual friends and family, pausing every now and then to give Taylor or Rob background on the person they were talking about. Taylor sat smiling quietly, enjoying the interaction between the cousins. Rob made various noises to indicate how bored he was, absently peeling the labels off his beer bottles.

As dusk settled, Melanie finally decided to broach the subject she had promised her uncle she would. " How's the bookstore doing? "

Sam rolled her eyes. " Ugh. Damn waste of time."

" Not good, huh? "

" Jeff always took care of it. What do I know, or want to know, about running a business? "

" But, didn't you help Jeff with it? "

Sam shrugged. " At first, yeah. Then... I don't know. I got bored, Mellie. You know how I hate to be stuck in one place all the time. Jeff seemed into it, but with Barnes & Noble down the street and Borders around the corner, it's hard to make it work."

Melanie sighed. This would not be good news for Uncle Phil. " What's the deal with it now? "

Sam took a large gulp of her wine. " Well, since Jeff decided to take off with our only employee, I closed it indefinitely."

" You closed it? "

" Yup."

Melanie tried to hide her frustration. " You mean, it's just sitting there, full of inventory and costing rent and it's not even open for the possibility of customers? "

Taylor and Rob glanced at each other in an unusual silent agreement to keep their distance from the conversation. Both swigged simultaneously from their drinks.

Sam shot Melanie a warning look. " Don't you go getting all preachy on me, Baby Cousin. I didn't ask for the damned shop, and I don't want it."

" Sammi, your dad was just trying to help you and Jeff get on your feet. He thought you loved books."

" Yeah, well, I love cars, too. Doesn't mean I want to be a car dealer."

Rob snorted a laugh at that, earning a searing glare from Melanie.

" The fucking thing's like an albatross around my neck, Mellie. I wish I could just sell it, but of course, it's in Daddy's name."

Melanie rubbed her forehead with her fingertips, hoping to stroke away her frustration with her cousin. She remembered her promise to her uncle. " Okay, look. How `bout if I take a look at it? I'll check out the numbers, the inventory, all that, and see where you're at. Then we can look at your options."

With that simple suggestion, Samantha's entire demeanor changed. Her face lit up, and she reached across the table to throw her arms around her cousin's neck. " You are just the best, Mellie. Rob and I have plans, but I'll leave you the keys and directions, and you can go tomorrow. It's not hard to find."

Taylor rolled her eyes at the look of disbelief on Melanie's face. She was very fond of Samantha, but also found her very frustrating at times, her priorities so far out of whack it wasn't funny. Here, her cousin had been with her for barely half a day, and she was bailing on her already. To be with her white trash boyfriend. " I'll take you, Melanie. I'm going to the gym in the morning. I can drop you off on the way and pick you up when I'm done. If you want."

Melanie smiled with gratitude, then glared at her cousin. " That would be great. Thank you, Taylor."

If Sam noticed the look, she didn't react to it.

" Come on, baby, " Rob ordered as he stood. " Let's go for a ride."

Sam jumped up, downed the rest of her wine and followed Rob's leather-clad bulk. " Don't wait up." She winked at Melanie and Taylor, leaving them to clean up the remnants of dinner. From the front of the carriage house, they heard Rob's Harley roar to life and Sam's squeal of delight as they sped away.

" She is a piece of work, isn't she? " Melanie sighed, shaking her head.

" That's the understatement of the year." Taylor held up the wine bottle. " Just enough for two more."

Melanie held her glass out and Taylor replenished them both, emptying the bottle.

" So. Tell me about you, " Melanie suggested, taking a sip of wine. " What do you do? "

" I'm in sales, " Taylor answered.

" Really? I wondered about that. You seem so easygoing, I figured if you weren't in sales, you should be. What do you sell? "

Taylor felt a warm flush rise up her neck at the compliment. Thankful for the near-dark that she hoped would prevent Melanie from seeing her new pink tint, she launched into a speech about the wonderful world of radio advertising sales.

Melanie studied Taylor as she spoke, loving the smooth, relaxing sound of her low voice. She was sure Taylor had blushed over the compliment Melanie had paid her, something Melanie found inexplicably endearing.

A few stray locks of dark curls had escaped her ponytail and fluttered gently in the night breeze, like feathers on the wind. Even in the late dusk, Melanie could see the flash of adrenaline in Taylor's dark eyes when she spoke of landing a big client. Melanie was concentrating on Taylor's full, moist lips when she realized they had stopped moving. Her blue eyes snapped up to meet smiling brown ones, framed by impossibly thick, dark lashes.

" I'm rambling, aren't I? "

" What? No. Oh, no. Absolutely not." Melanie finished her wine in one gulp, mortified that she'd been caught staring. What was wrong with her?

" What about you? " Taylor asked, graciously overlooking Melanie's embarrassment. " Sam said you left your job. Why? If you don't mind my asking, of course."

Melanie met Taylor's gaze for a long moment. She felt so...what was it?...at home in those eyes. She couldn't remember ever being so comfortable with somebody. She hadn't told anybody but her secretary her real reason for leaving Rucker and Steele, not even her own parents, but she felt so safe with Taylor. So secure. It was strange and comforting at the same time.

She took a deep breath and told Taylor the whole story, from beginning to end, leaving nothing out.

" Wow, " Taylor said when Melanie finished.

" Yeah. Crazy, huh? "

" What? No. I admire you."

" You do? "

" I admire somebody who has the guts to make a change. Most people wouldn't realize what you did until they were in their forties or fifties and had already wasted most of their lives on their job. By then, it's almost too late. Or, they realize they're unhappy, but are too lazy or scared to do anything about it, so they stay unhappy forever. I think you did the absolutely right thing."

" You do? " Melanie repeated.

" Without a doubt."

Melanie felt a great burden lifted from her shoulders at Taylor's words. She didn't understand why the approval of this young woman was so important to her, but it was. She'd only known her for several hours, but her opinion already meant a great deal to Melanie. What a strange day, she thought with a smirk.

Taylor stood and began clearing the table. " It's getting late. You must be exhausted from your drive."

" Now that you mention it..." Melanie stretched and stifled a yawn.

They cleaned up in companionable silence, Taylor showing Melanie where various dishes and utensils belonged.

" So, " she said when they finished, " I'll come get you on my way to the gym in the morning? Is nine o'clock too early? "

" That's perfect."

Taylor turned back as she stood in the doorway. " Thanks for dinner."

" Thanks for the wine and the company. I really enjoyed myself."

" Me too. Good night."

" Good night, Taylor."

Melanie watched as Taylor made her way across to her own house, the moonlight bathing her in a soft glow. She had finally managed to close the door when she was struck by the realization that she was actually focused on the gentle sway of Taylor's hips.

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