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Exercise 18. Exercise . Fill in the blanks with articles if necessary before names of substances.


1. " Thanks, " he said and she cut him a slice, reaching up to unhook... big cheese that hung in a net from the ceiling. 2.... sand was special. Elsewhere around the airport, on roadways and areas which the public used,... salt was added to... sand as a means of melting... ice. 3. Everywhere, mingled with the smell of cooking were odours of... stale eau-de-cologne,... strong talcum powder and the sharp smell of... antiseptics. 4. There had still been... snow then,... snow that had ruined them. 5. Bart heard Jan calling him. It was... water that she wanted. He remembered that he had forgotten to place... water near her bed in the evening. 6. She lay back. She didn't want to watch... snow any more. 7. At once a draught of... cool fresh air suffused the room. 8. I think you are unwise to eat... meat. 9. This year the additional demand for... fuel and... rolled ferrous metal is to be met by saving of 60 per cent, as compared with the planned 50 per cent. 10. We were enjoying a breakfast of … cake and chicken when gunfire slapped through the woods. 11. And now the thing that had been Doris—was only... clay, just the raw material that would soon be fashioned into something else. 1.2. She was chewing... gum. I couldn't bear the fact that she was chewing... gum. 13. " It's... best tea I've had for 18 months, " Bart said tipping the last of a bottle of... beer into the glass. 14. Every drug-store has a food counter with high stools in front of it and there they serve... various juices, coffee, sandwiches, omelettes and other egg dishes. 15. She had no words, but she went on packing, wrapping sandals in... paper 16. He's made of … iron, that man, 17. He dropped silently back into … blue-black waters. 18. He broke open the carcase of the first bird and was cutting off thin bits of... brown meat from the ribs, but he could stand it no longer. 19. It's on the edge of the lake and... water comes right under it at high tide—you can hear it. 20. Bart filled the blackened kettle and set it beside... fire while Jan arranged chops on... grilling iron and placed it on... stones. Soon... fat was dripping on... fire and... meat sizzled tempting.

Exercise 19. Translate into English:

1. Я попросив його купити паперу та чорнил. 2. Дайте мені, будь-ласка, молока. 3. Молоко потрібно дітям. 4. Додайте олію в салат. 5. Поставте олію на стіл. 6. Я не п’ю молоко, я п’ю чай або каву. 7. Я вчора купив хорошого чаю та кави. Я надішлю каву матері. Вона дуже любить хорошу каву. 8. У цьому районі є нафта? 9. Куди ви поклали цукор, який я вчора купив? 10. Вода у цьому ставку дуже чиста. 11. Паливо, що використовується в авіації, має бути високоякісним.




  1. Абстрактні іменники вживаються без артикля, коли вони виражають абстрактні поняття у загальному сенсі:

Knowledge is power.

I like music.

She teaches geography at school.

  1. Абстрактні іменники вживаються із означеним артиклем, коли вони мають при собі означення, яке слугує для того, щоб віднести цю ознаку, стан, почуття та ін. до будь-якої особи або предмета:

The honour of our country is very dear to us.

To the joy of his friends he recovered very quickly.

I like the music of this ballet.

  1. Абстрактні іменники вживаються із неозначеним артиклем, коли йдеться про різновиди якостей або почуттів. У цьому випадку іменник зазвичай має при собі означення, а неозначений артикль має значення a kind of, such (такого роду, який):

He showed a patience (a kind of patience) that I had never expected of him. (Пор.: You must learn patience.)

He spoke with an enthusiasm (such enthusiasm) which inspired us all.

Exercise 20. Insert the articles where it is necessary:

1. ….. chief aim of ….. philharmonic societies is to develop ….. love for ….. good music among ….. people. 2. ….. thermometer ….. instrument for measuring ….. temperature. 3. ….. temperature today Is not so high as It was yesterday. 4. ….. observation and ….. experience are two great teachers. 5 ….. air is necessary for ….. life. 6. Ester made ….. excellent speech at ….. meeting last night. 7. ….. length….. breadth and ….. height of ….. cube are equal. 8. He deserves ….. punishment. 9. Can you find ….. time for this work? 10. I have noticed ….. great change in him lately. II. I have ….. great deal of ….. con­fidence in that man. 12. Every machine requires some sort of ….. power to operate it. 13 ….. history is his subject, especially ….. history of ….. Middle Ages. 14 ….. poetry of Shakespeare is beautiful. 15. There was ….. expression in his eyes that I could not understand. 16 He finished his work without ….. difficulty. 17. ….. task presented ….. difficulty which we could not overcome at first. 18. He was not discouraged by ….. difficulty of ….. task.


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