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Один из двух; такой или другой; тот или другой
Holiday Plans Mary: Have you had your holiday for this year yet, Jane? Jane: Not yet, I’ taking it at the end of September. Mary: Where are you going? Have you made up your mind? Jane: Not really. I thought of going to Spain again, but I’ve already been there twice and I’d like to try somewhere new. Mary: My brother’s just gone to Mexico for two weeks. I had a card from him yesterday and he seems having a good time. Why don’t you go there? Jane: That’s OK. for you, well-off people, but I couldn’t possibly afford it. I’m much too hard up at the moment. Mary: The air-fare is quite expensive, I admit, but you needn’t spend a lot when you get there. Jane: I’ve spent a lot of money this year. My flat was done up last month, so I haven’t got much to spare for expensive holidays abroad. Mary: Oh, I see. Jane: Perhaps I’ll just go to Scotland or Ireland in the end. I’ve heard they’re both beautiful, and I haven’t been to either of them. Mary: We went to Ireland two years ago to pay Jill and her husband a visit. They are in Dublin now. Jane: Oh, yes, so they are. Mary: If you decide on Ireland, you can call in on them. Jill will willingly put you up for a few days, I’m sure. Jane: That’s a good idea. I haven’t seen Jill for more than three years now and I’d like to know how she’s getting on. possibly adverb (WITH CAN/COULD) used with 'can' or 'could' for emphasis He can't possibly have drunk all that on his own! We did all that we possibly could to persuade her to come. Used in polite requests Could I possibly ask you to move your chair a little? Used in polite refusals of offers " Have another chocolate." " No, really, I couldn't possibly." to admit [ə d'mɪ t ] 1) допускать, соглашаться to admit oneself beaten — признавать себя побеждённым This, I admit, is true. — Допускаю, что это верно. You must admit her statement to be doubtful. — Вы должны согласиться с тем, что её заявление не вызывает доверия. Синоним: acknowledge hard up [ˌ hɑ ː d'ʌ p]1) сильно нуждающийся (в деньгах) Синоним: poor 1. 2) в трудном положении to be hard up for something to say — не знать, что сказать do up 1) ремонтировать (здание) to do up an old shed — отремонтировать старый сарай Синонимы: tidy, clean up To spare иметь в избытке I have no time to spare. — У меня нет свободного времени. either ['aɪ ð ə ] 1) любой (из двух); один из двух; тот или другой Here are two dictionaries; you may take either of them. — Вот два словаря, вы можете взять любой (из них). 2) и тот и другой; оба; каждый Either of the examples is correct. — Оба примера верны. Прил. один из двух; такой или другой; тот или другой Take either book, I don't mind which. — Возьмите одну из этих двух книг, мне все равно какую. You may go by either road. — Можете идти по любой из двух дорог. 2) каждый, любой (из двух) There were chairs on either side of the table. — С той и другой стороны стола стояли стулья. There were many fine houses on either bank of the river. — На том и другом берегу реки было много красивых домов. 3. нареч. также, тоже (в отрицательных предложениях) I haven't seen him either. — Я его также не видел. 4. Союз или (часть союза either … or...) He is either in Paris or in London. — Он находится сейчас или в Париже или в Лондоне. to decide [dɪ 'saɪ d] 1) решать, принимать решение, делать выбор to decide against smb. — выносить решение против кого-л. to decide for / in favour of smb. — выносить решение в пользу кого-л. to decide between smb. / smth. — выбирать между кем-л. / чем-л.