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Give short answers to the following questions
: 1. Who and why was riding in the convertible? 2. In who's honor was the ceremony in the Astoria Hotel? 3. What championship did Althea Gibson win in 1957? 4. Who were Althea's parents? 5. Why did they have to move to Harlem in New York? 6. Where was the Althea's first playground? 7. Why was she always truant from school? 8. Was she good at fighting? 9. Her father thought of training her to become a woman boxer, did not he? 10.Did she manage to finish junior high school? 11.What kind of establishment she entered after finishing the school? 12.How many jobs did she change within three years? 13. What kind of sport was she good at? 14. Who was impressed by her ability? 15. What did Buddy Walker give as a present?
THE LOVELY PEARL A great temple once stood on yonder hill. Two people lived there. They stood tall in that very wild land and they were kind. It was there that these magicians had secreted the Mystery Eye of Brigetta and with it they could measure the stars. We had climbed to the summit of the hill that had been carved from malachite. Our eager eyes surveyed the island from the heights. Far down below, our ships looked tiny like spiders caught in white lace at a very narrow shore. The azurite sea had been kind and had given us a safe journey with little incident. As 1 looked out at the horizon, 1 remembered my vow to the lord of Doom to get the Mystery Eye of Brigetta, no matter what. The path to the Temple summit was wide and inviting. It was here that the Keepers watched time create a Wheel of Ending and Beginning-this is what they told us, the day we entered their wide open gates. The Temple had been fashioned from great timbers and was round and lovely, yet we were not concerned with this. Dressed as we were in iron, we thought we were invincible. But instead of a fight, we were welcomed to take what we wanted and asked not to harm the Temple. The Keepers showed us to a room with a very strange seam. The Mystery Eye of Brigetta had been tethered there.We climbed and hauled down the Eye of Brigetta and quickly stowed our treasure in a deep iron chest. We were shown every room, which we immediately looted of every treasure. However, now we were in no hurry, and our attentions were want to see more. " Sup with us, " the Keepers suggested. " And rest your feet at the round table. We have food and a tale you can take back with you to your kin and powerful lords. The weather will hold strong and clear and your ships will ride high. We all quickly agreed and sat down to food because we were famished and knew the journey back would be long. " Kindness is calculated in great measure by our Creatoress and Creator, " they told us, " because human beings will have what they pray for and what they will Dream. Yet, let us tell you of what will be the future for these marvels. " Those in the deserts will pray for water. Those in the mountains will pray for easy access to lofty places. Those in stony places will pray for metals to flow like water for them. Those in tiny villages will pray for great buildings and miles of highways. The militarist will pray for killing machines Human beings will throw away their dignity in their rush to conform and will torture and burn women by the millions-calling them witches.Conformity will kill babies and tear apart peoples in the name of religion. All this will also happen with the aid of prayer " Yes, riches of every kind will be prayed for, and every kind of slave machine will be wanted. Human beings will be given machines that will carry them to the clouds-they will fly in luxury. They will be able to preserve food for months and it will taste fresh for them. And, yes, ships will be guided by the hand of mathematics and time and know every star. " Yet-humans will not be satisfied. They will pollute the land and water. You cannot imagine the marvels that will be given to mankind. They will be given Electra's great wonders. " People will have water in every home to bathe enjoying the wonder of Hygeias knowledge. " People will be given toys, games, information and luxury that have never been dreamed of-yet they will continue to whine that they do not have enough. The religious zealots will continue their need to control, the politician will not see beauty and the Spiritual will hate what has been shown to them. " Yes, you will take the Mystery Eye of Brigetta but your lords of Doom will ignore space and not see the stars. They will only concentrate on the few-seven out of the quadrillions of billions-and never comprehend that they see galaxies. They will melt down the gold and buy henchmen like you They will cut the diamond crystal lens into fragments and set them in cheap rings for sale. No-they will never use the Mystery Eye of Brigetta as a measure of their Universe. " All this we tell you will be so. When this happens, the Keepers said, they will watch as time creates a Wheel of Ending and Beginning After we had eaten our fill and refreshed ourselves, we put the Keepers in chains to take them to our lords—then we set sail. We watched the black smoke rise above the mountain that was called the Pearl: Crete. 1 wondered what would be these kind Teachers' fate once they were sold into slavery. Glossary: yonder- ось там carve – витісувати eager - нетерплячий lare – мереживо, нитка (павутина) azurite – колір синього малахіту vow - клятва timber - колода concern – мати справу, зустрічатись invincible - непереможений fasten - зачиняти haul - переносити stow - класти chest - шухляда loot - грабувати famish – зморені голодом marvel - диво lofty – дуже високий, піднесений militarist - воїн dignity - гідність rush - квапитись torture - катувати luxury - розкіш whine - скиглити zealot - фанатик comprehension - розуміти Tasks