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Контрольные уроки

Как и в устном курсе “I CAN SPEAK”, в пособии “I CAN READ” каждый 4 урок - контрольный. К этому уроку дети выполняют задания на контрольной странице соответствующего юнита (Rhyme, Half Minute Text, Writing Practice) и домашние задания (Task), которые не успели проверить в течение недели. Стих считается сданным, если ребенок прочитывает его без ошибки и тут же, закрыв ладонью, воспроизводит наизусть. “Half Minute Text” считается сданным, если ребенок успевает прочесть его за полминуты, исправляя за это время и ошибки, которые ему указывает учитель.

Все отметки о выполнении задания заносятся в Контрольный лист (Control list) на странице 3 детского пособия. Детям более старшей возрастной группы (8-9 лет) можно проставлять в ячейки оценки, детям более младшего возраста мы рекомендуем лишь делать отметки о выполнении задания, например, рисовать в ячейке сердечко и расписываться.


Инвентарь, необходимый для занятий


В принципе, все необходимое для занятий есть в рабочей тетради для ребенка. Но для того, чтобы мини-уроки по обучению чтению проходили легче, учителю желательно подготовить наглядные пособия, описанные в Книге для учителя.


* Дополнительный печатный материал, необходимый для подготовки к урокам можно распечатать с сайта www.I-love-english.ru

Часть 1

Первая часть пособия “I CAN READ” состоит из 9-ти “юнитов” (3 рабочих урока + 1 контрольный урок в каждом юните) и рассчитана соответственно на 27 рабочих и 9 контрольных уроков по 40 минут каждый, из которых 25-30 минут отводится на обучение устно-речевым навыкам, 10-15 – на чтение.


Грамматической темой первой части является форма глаголов 3-го лица единственного числа во времени Present Indefinite (affirmative, interrogative, negative), числительные от 13 до 20, а также сравнительные формы прилагательных и притяжательные местоимения: her, his, our, their, my, your.

VOCABULARY – в Книге для учителя приведен подробный перечень по темам:

NOUNS: Occupations, Family, Face, body, Geography, ZOO, Places, Food, Flat, Animals;






1) Our family. (10 sentences.)

2) My mother. (10 sentences.)

3) His day. (10 sentences.)

4) At the café.

5) Our flat. (10 sentenсes.)




Материал 1 и 2 частей пособия распределяется по “юнитам” для удобства составления планов по неделям и на год. Весь материал представлен в таблице, где просчитаны и распределены объем для Аудирования, повторения и отработки на весь период обучения.

В Книге для учителя также подробно приведены Вопросы и ключи для контрольных уроков.

Ниже приведен пример планирования на первую неделю и план 1-го урока:


GR. He, she, it / his, her, my, your, our, their VOC. 13-20; aunt, son, daughter, cousin, uncle; beautiful, young; city, farm; businessman, factory worker, engineer, driver, singer, dancer, doctor, cook, farmer; today, to hear, to smell PH. I want to be... Where do you live? What’s his (her) job? Do you want to be...? What do you want to be? May I come in? Let me have a look at this! Just a minute! How do you...? What do you want to do? Of course… What about you? When...? Why? GR. VOC. teacher, pupil, shop assistant, magician; finger, toe, nose; wind, singing, smiling, ice cream; PH. Do you speak...?   материал 1 ступени  


I do magic every day And I like to sing and play. I’m a smiling magic wind. I don’t have feet or toes! I like singing silly songs about my fingers and nose. Fingers…. Nose…

УРОК 1-1

1. (pic. - wind) {Start: Come in, boys and girls! Are you ready? – We are ready! - Let’s begin our lesson smiling! Hello! -... - How are you? -... How are your parents? -... – How is your grandmother (grandfather)? - … - Look out of the window! Is it morning or evening now? -... Why do you think so? -... - Is the weather fine or nasty today? -... - Why do you think so? -... (cold/warm; raining/snowing; wind – strong, cold) }

(the 4 beautiful seasons) Look at the picture! Do you like it? -... - I like it very much! It is beautiful! (жест) How many seasons are there in a year? -... - What are they? -... - What colour are they? -... - Which season do you like best? -... - When do we play snowballs (ride bikes...)? - We... in summer (winter)! - What season is it now? -... - What season is coming? (жест) -... - (Is summer coming?...)

2. (pic. – nations -“I can speak”, часть 2) Look at this picture! Who are they? -...- Where do they live? -... - What languages do they speak? -... - Are you Englishmen? -... - Who are you? -... - Where do you live? -... - What languages do you speak? -...

3. (pic. - a dog with a long/short tail, 1-1-3, ice cream) Look at the dog! Is its tail long or short? -... - (Учитель выдвигает хвост так, что он становится длинным и виляет, когда собака видит мороженое.) Here is some ice cream! Do you like ice cream? - … - The dog likes ice cream! Look! The tail is longer and longer now! Can you tell me please if it is long or short now? -... - Do elephants (butterflies, hedgehogs, rats, squirrels, owls) have tails? -... - Are their tails long or short? -... - Do boys (girls) have hands (feet, fingers, noses)? -... - How many hands (...) do they have?

4. (Разминка.) Stand up! Clap your hands! Stamp your feet! What do you want to do now? - Let's spin around (wink our eyes, hop, wash our face, clean our teeth, brush our hair, shine our shoes, fly, swim, jump, run)! - Let's!

5. (pic. 1-1-5) What’s this? -... - What colour is it? -... - What are these? -... - What colour are they? -... – {School: Now, let’s play schools! I don’t want to be the teacher! I don’t want to teach! I want to be a pupil! I want to study! Who wants to be the teacher? – I! – OK! You are the teacher now! } - What’s this? -... - What colour is it? -... - What are these? -...- What colour are they? -... -

6. (a clock) What’s this? -... – Can you tell me the time, please? - It is 1 o'clock! - Let's sing a song! - Now it's 1 o'clock, 1 o'clock, 1 o'clock!

Now it's 1 o'clock! And what do you do at 1 o'clock? (2-3 куплета)

(Учитель прячет часы и переводит на них стрелку.) Can you tell me the time now? – That’s a secret! Guess! - Is it... o'clock? - No, it isn't! (Yes, it is!)

(a watch) And now, pretend we don't live in Kazan! We live in London! You have a watch and I don't have a watch! (Topic - Time.) And now, you have a watch and you don't have a watch!... (2-3 пары.)

7. (Разминка.) {Look: Stand up! Look around! Where is (are) the floor (table, chair, desk, window, door, lamp, curtains, shelf, bookcase, blackboard, walls)...? - Here is (are) the... - Now, I don’t want to be the teacher! I don’t want to teach! I want to be a pupil! I want to study! You are the teacher now! - Where is (are) the...? - Here is (are) the... }

8. (pic. - their classroom -“I can speak”, часть 2)) Is our classroom big or small (good or bad, dark or light)? -...- And now, can you tell me please… what’s the difference between our classroom and their classroom? How many… are there in our (their) classroom? -... -

9. (books - m., ev., n., af.,) Is it morning or evening in the picture? -... - Why do you think so? -... - And what do you do in the afternoon? -... - Does your mother ski (skate, toboggan, ride a bike... every day? - Yes! (No!) - Yes, she does! She... every day! (No, she doesn't! She doesn't... every day!)

10. (Разминка.) How do you...? - This is how we... (Учитель использует глаголы из книжек m., ev., n.)

11. (Aunt Marianne with occup. pictures (pupil, teacher, shop assistant, businessman, engineer, factory worker) is knocking at the door) {Guest – minute – may – her/his name – are you: Listen! Someone’s knocking at the door. Who is it? - It’s me! - Who are you? - I'm your Aunt Marianne! - Oh! Just a minute! This is my Aunt Marianne! I have a mother! My mother has a sister! Her name is Marianne! So, she is my Aunt Marianne! - May I come in? - Yes, come in, please! - Hello! -... - How are you? -... - I like your children, Valerie! But I don't know their names! What’s her (his) name? - Her (his) name is.... (Учитель делает ударение на her/ his.) I like the children very much! They are good! Are they clever or silly (brave or cowardly/ kind or wicked/ strong or weak/ thin or fat/)? - I don't know! Ask them! - I'm clever! Are you clever or silly? - We are clever!... - I'm not old (жест)! I'm not little (жест)! I'm young! Are you old, young or little? - We are little! }

(microphone) {Reporters: Do you like my Aunt Marianne? -... - Let’s ask her some questions! Here is the microphone! (Игра в репортеров: микрофон передается по кругу, каждый ребенок задает по вопросу. Учитель подводит детей к вопросам: Ask her, where she lives! Ask her, if she has a mother or a father! … if she speaks Russian… if she likes singing… и т.д. На этом уроке учитель сам задает вопросы и дает микрофон детям, только если они сами проявляют инициативу.) }

(city/farm pictures) Do you speak...? - Yes, I do! (No, I don't!) - Where do you live? Do you live in the city? - No, I don't live in the city! I live on the farm! – Which animals and birds live on the farm? – Cows live on the farm…

12. Look! Aunt Marianne has some pictures! Aunt Marianne! Let me have a look at your pictures! What’s her job? I’m a teacher! You are pupils. And what’s her job? - She is a teacher (...)! (Если дети не могут ответить на вопрос, то тетушка обращается к учителю: Don't you know? -... - Ask me! - What’s her (his) job? - He (she) is a...!)

(she-engineer, he-factory worker) What’s his (her) job? -... - He (she) is a...! What can you say about the engineer (factory worker)? - She (he) is thin (fat), (wicked/ kind; bad/ good; silly/ clever; weak/ strong).

You are little (жест)! You are pupils! And what do you want to be when you are big (жест)? Do you want to be a...? - Yes! (No!)


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