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samurai – samurai(s) 侍 haiku – haiku 俳 句 but: kimono – kimonos 着 物

ninja – ninja(s) 忍 者


Unchanged Plurals

The following nouns have the same form in the Singular and in the Plural:

a) sheep, deer, swine, grouse " шотландская куропатка"

b) various kinds of fish: fish, pike, trout, cod, perch, salmon [sæ: mə n], etc. (e.g. a few trout, seven salmon)

c) species ['spi: ∫ iz] " разновидность", series ['siə ri: z], craft " судно", means " средство", crossroads.

d) names of nationalities or local groups ending in -ese, -ss, -x: Japanese, Vietnamese, Myanmarese, Swiss, Manx " житель острова Мэн", etc. (e.g. thirteen Congolese)

e) the words sort, kind, manner in the expression: these sort(s) of things

f) such nouns of quantity as pair, couple, dozen, score, head (of cattle) if preceded by numerals (e.g. three dozen students)


Note: Sportsmen (big-game hunters, anglers, and others) tend to use the singular for the plural - lion for lions, antelope for antelopes, etc., etc. – and to look with scorn upon those who speak of lions and antelopes. The ordinary people, unacquainted with the jargon of these very superior specialists, should not allow themselves to be intimidated by the snobs of sport. If you wish to shoot three lions or to hunt tigers, do so.


Nouns with Identical Singulars but Different Plurals

(Double Plurals)

brother brothers sons of the same parents

brethren members of the same society

genius geniuses men of genius

genii [dž i: niai] fabulous spirits of the air

penny pence the amount of pennies in value

pennies more than one penny coin

staff staffs military headquarters, workers and employee

staves sticks, supports


die dies stamps for coining

dice small cubes used in games

shot shots discharges

shot little balls discharged from a shotgun

cloth cloths kinds of cloth

clothes articles of dress

index indexes tables of contents

indices in mathematics

antenna antennas in electronics

antennae in biology

beef beeves full-grown bulls raised for meet

beefs complaints

The Plural of Compound Nouns

1. If in a compound noun there is only one noun stem, put that noun in the plural: e.g. a passer-by -- passers-by

a looker-on – lookers-on

an Englishman – Englishmen

(Note: Such words as " Norman, Roman, German" have the plurals " Normans, Romans, Germans", since they are not compounds.)

2. If in a compound noun there is no noun stem, add the suffix -s to its end: e.g. a forget-me-not – forget-me-nots

a hold-all " хозяйственная сумка" – hold-alls

a stand-by – stand-bys

a hair-do – hair-dos

3. If in a compound noun there are more than one noun stems, put the head stem in the plural

e.g. a story-teller – story-tellers

a man-of-war – men-of-war

an editor-in-chief – editors-in-chief

a brother-in-law – brothers-in-law

But: a son-of-a-bitch – sons-of-bitches, son-of-bitches

4. In some compound nouns both noun stems may be changed

e.g. a woman doctor – women doctors

a lord-justice " судья апелляционного суда" – lords-justices

a gentleman-farmer – gentlemen-farmers

5. Some compound nouns have two plural forms: e.g. an attorney-general " министр юстиции" – attorneys-general, attorney-generals.

a court-martial – courts-martial, court-martials

a cousin-german – cousins-german, cousin-germans

mouthful – mouthfuls, mouthsful, mouths full

spoonful – spoonfuls, spoonsful, spoons full

6. One must be especially careful about French compound words. They are numerous and their pronunciation is hard to predict. Sometimes it can depend on the dictionary the word is registered in.

e.g. a) aide-de-camp [eiddə 'ka: n] – aides-de-camp (same pronunciation)

coup d'é tat [ku: dei'ta: ] – coups d'é tat (same pronunciation)

chef d'oevre [∫ ei'də vre] -- chefs d'oevre (same pronunciation)

b) nouveau riche [nu: və u 'ri: ∫ ] – nouveaux riches (same pronunciation)

enfant terrible [onfante'ri: ble] – enfants terribles (same pronunciation)

filet mignon [fi'lei min'jon] – filets mignons (same pronunciation)

c) hors d'oevre [o: 'də v] – hors d'oevres (same pronunciation)


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