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Irregular Plurals

Some nouns are exceptions when it comes to making them plural. These nouns are called irregular plurals. When these irregular nouns become plural, their spelling changes in a different way, or it might not change at all. Here are some very tricky irregular nouns.


Singular Plural
-f /-fe is changed to - ves in the plural
Calf elf dwarf half hoof knife leaf life loaf scarf self sheaf shelf thief wife wolf calves elves dwarves/dwarfs halves hooves/hoofs knives leaves lives loaves scarves/scarfs selves sheaves shelves thieves wives wolves
Nouns ending in -f /-fe have the plural inflexion –s in the regular way
belief brief proof chief safe cliff gulf reef grief handkerchief roof sheriff staff   beliefs briefs proofs chiefs safes cliffs gulfs reefs griefs handkerchiefs roofs sheriffs staffs +proper nouns
Some nouns change the vowel sound in becoming plural
man fireman woman foot goose tooth louse mouse child ox men firemen women feet geese teeth lice mice children oxen
- o becomes - os
auto kangaroo kilo memo photo piano pro solo soprano studio tattoo video zoo autos kangaroos kilos memos photos pianos pros solos sopranos studios tattoos videos zoos
- o becomes - oes
echo embargo hero potato tomato torpedo veto Echoes embargoes heroes potatoes tomatoes torpedoes vetoes
- o becomes either - s or - es:
buffalo cargo mosquito motto tornado volcano zero buffalos/buffaloes cargos/cargoes mosquitos/mosquitoes mottos/mottoes tornados/tornadoes volcanos/volcanoes zeros/zeroes
Some nouns do not change at all
bison deer fish offspring sheep moose swine bison deer fish, fishes offspring sheep moose swine
Nouns ending in - us with plural - i:
alumnus bacillus focus fungus hippopotamus nucleus octopus radius stegosaurus stimulus syllabus terminus alumni bacilli foci fungi/funguses hippopotami/hippopotamuses nuclei octopi/octopuses radii stegosauri stimuli syllabi/syllabuses termini
Nouns ending in - um with plural - a:
Bacterium Curriculum datum erratum medium memorandum symposium stratum Bacteria curricula /curriculums data errata media memoranda/memorandums symposia/symposiums strata
Nouns ending in - ex, - ix becoming plural - ices:
appendix cervix index matrix appendices/ appendixes cervices/cervixes indices/indexes matrices/matrixes
Nouns ending in - is becoming - es in plural:
analysis axis basis crisis diagnosis emphasis hypothesis oasis parenthesis synopsis thesis analyses axes bases crises diagnoses emphases hypotheses oases parentheses synopses theses
Nouns ending in - on becoming - a:
criterion phenomenon automaton criteria phenomena automata


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