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Article 21. Main rights and duties of the employee
The employee shall be entitled to: conclude, amend and terminate the labor contract in the manner and under the terms and conditions set by this Code, other federal laws; be provided with the job specified in the labor contract; a workplace meeting the conditions set by state labor organization and occupational safety standards and by the collective contract; timely and complete payment of wages in accordance with his/her qualification, the job complexity, the quantity and quality of the work performed; rest and leisure ensured by setting the normal working time duration, by shorter working time for certain jobs and categories of employees, by providing weekly days-off, nonworking holidays, paid annual leaves; complete true information concerning the working conditions and occupational safety requirements in the workplace; professional training, re-training and skill improvement in the manner set by this Code, other federal laws; association, including the right to organize labor unions and join them in order to protect his/her labor rights, freedoms and legitimate interests; participation in managing the organization in the forms stipulated by this Code, other federal laws and the collective contract; engage in collective bargaining and conclude collective contracts and agreements through his/her representatives as well as to be informed on implementation of the collective contract, agreements; protection of his/her rights, freedoms and legitimate interests in any ways not proscribed by laws; settlement of individual and collective labor disputes, including the right to strike in the manner set by this Code, other federal laws; redress of the damage inflicted on the employee in connection with his/her performance of the work duties and compensation of the moral damage in the manner set by this Code, other federal laws; mandatory social insurance in the cases stipulated by federal laws. The employee shall: perform his/her work duties vested by the labor contract in good faith; comply with the internal working regulations of the organization; maintain the work discipline; fulfill the set work norms; meet occupational safety requirements; take due care of the employer's and other employees' property; immediately inform the employer or his/her direct superior about emerging situations hazardous to human life and health, to the employer's property.