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Article 59. The term labor contract

The term labor contract can be concluded on the initiative of the employer or the employee:

for replacing a temporary absent employee for whom the job is retained in accordance with the law;

for the period of performing temporary (up to two months) work as well as seasonal work when due to natural conditions the work can be performed only during a certain period (season);

with persons enrolling in the organizations located in the Polar North areas or in the localities equated with them, if this is occasioned by a move to the job venue;

for performing urgent work on preventing accidents, incidents, catastrophes, epidemics, epizootics as well as for liquidating consequences of the abovementioned and other emergency situations;

with persons enrolling in small business organizations with the personnel numbering up to 40 persons (up to 25 persons in the trading and consumer services organizations) as well as working for individual employers;

with persons being sent for a job abroad;

for performing work out of the regular operation scope of the organization (renovation, assembly, commissioning and other work) as well for performing work in connection with the knowingly temporary (up to one year) expansion of production or volume of the services rendered;

with persons enrolling in the organizations formed for a knowingly predetermined term or in performing a knowingly predetermined work;

with persons hired for performing a knowingly predetermined work in cases when its implementation (completion) cannot be determined by a specific date;

for jobs directly connected with practical training and professional training of the employee;

with persons attending day schools;

with persons working for the organization part-time;

with old-age pensioners as well as with the persons to whom temporary work is only allowed due to their health in accordance with a medical opinion;

with creative personnel in mass media, movie industry, theater, theatrical and concert organizations, circuses, and with other persons participating in creation and/or performance of art works, professional sportsmen in accordance with the lists of professions approved by the Russian Federation Government with account for the opinion of the Russian tripartite commission for regulating socio-labor relations;

with researchers, teachers and lecturers, with other personnel concluding labor contracts for a definite term as a result of the competition held in the manner set by the law or another normative legal act of a state authority or a local self-government body;

in case of election for a predetermined term to an elective body or to an elective position as paid job as well as in case of enrolling in the work directly connected with supporting activities of elective body members or officials in state authority and local self-government bodies as well as in political parties and other public associations;

with heads, deputy heads and chief accountants of organizations irrespective of their organizational and legal status and form of ownership;

with persons assigned to temporary jobs by official employment agencies, including public works;

in other cases stipulated by federal laws.

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