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Article 171. Guarantees for the employees chosen to serve on trade unions and committees on labour disagreements

Guarantees for the employees chosen to serve on trade unions who are not relieved of fulfilling their labour duties and the procedure of their dismissal are defined by corresponding sections of the present Code.

The members of the committee on labour disputes are given free of work time to participate in the work of this committee with preservation of the average wages.

The procedure of dismissing employees chosen to serve on committees on labour disputes is defined by Article 373 of this Code.

Article 172. Guarantees for the employees chosen to serve on elective posts in state bodies, and bodies of local self-management

Guarantees for the employees relieved of work as a result of their choosing to serve on elective posts in state bodies and bodies of local self-management are defined by laws, regulating the status and activities of these persons.


Article 173. Guarantees and compensation for the employees combining work and study in higher educational institutions and for the employees entering these educational institutions

The employees who were sent to study by the employer or who entered independently a higher education institution having a state accreditation regardless of their organizational and legal forms of studies: by correspondence, full-time and correspondence (evening), and who study successfully in these institutions are given an additional leave by the employer with preservation of the average wages for:

taking intermediate attestation in the first and second year - 40 calendar days each, and each of the following years - 50 calendar days (at mastering the main curricula of higher professional education in shortened terms during the second year - 50 calendar days);

preparation and defending the final qualification paper and taking final state exams - four months;

taking final state exams - one month.

The employer is obliged to grant a leave without pay to:

employees admitted to entrance tests in educational institutions of higher professional education - 15 calendar days;

employees attending preparation courses in educational institutions of higher professional education before taking final exams - 15 calendar days;

employees taking full-time training in higher professional education institutions with a state accreditation and combining work and study to take intermediate attestation - 15 calendar days during an academic year, to prepare and defend the final qualification paper and to take final state exams - four months, to take final state exams - one month.

Once during an academic year the employer is to pay for a return ticket to the place of the location of this education institution to the employees taking training by correspondence in educational institutions of higher professional education having a state accreditation.

The employees taking training by correspondence or full-time and by correspondence (evening) training in higher professional education institutions having a state accreditation may have a working week shortened by 7 hours, on their wish, for the period of ten academic months before the beginning of preparing a degree thesis. During the period of relieving of work the employees are paid 50 per cent of the average wages for their main work but not less than the minimum amount of remuneration of labour.

On the agreement between the parties of the labour contract the working hours may be reduced by giving the employee one day off a week or by shortening the length of working hours during the week.

Guarantees and compensations for employees combining work and study in higher professional education institutions which do not have a state accreditation are established by the collective agreement or labour contract.

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