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That most closely matches its meaning.
1 passed 2 who have the right to 3 instead 4 on condition 5 cancelled 6 revised 7 given to
Language use: shall and may 8 Read through the text again, noting how shall and may are used. 1 Which of the following words most closely matches the meaning of shall in each case? a) will b) should c) must 2 Which of the following words most closely matches the meaning of may in each case? a) might b) can c) could In legal documents, the verb shall is used to indicate obligation, to express a promise or to make a declaration to which the parties involved are legally bound. This use differs from that in everyday speech, where it is most often used to make offers (Shall I open the window?) or to refer to the future (I shall miss you). In legal texts, shall usually expresses the meaning of ‘must’ (obligation): Every notice of the meeting of the shareholders shall state the place, date and hour. or ‘will’ (in the sense of a promise): The board of directors shall have the power to enact bylaws. Shall can also be used to refer to a future action or state, similar to the future formed with will in everyday speech: ... until two years shall have expired since such action by vote of such shareholders. Another verb commonly found in legal documents is may, which generally expresses permission, in the sense of ‘can’: ... any bylaw or amendment thereto as adopted by the Board of Directors may be altered, amended or repealed by a vote of the shareholders.
Speaking: Informal presentation When speaking briefly about a topic of professional interest, experienced speakers will organise their thoughts in advance. A simple but effective structure divides information into three parts:
1 introductory remarks; 2 main points; 3 concluding statement.
Similarly, the main points are best limited to three, as this is easy for the speaker to remember and for the listener to follow. Notes for a response to the question below might look like this: Introductory remarks A publikt aktiebolag is the closest Swedish equivalent to a public limited company – most common business form for major international businesses in Sweden. Main points 1 liability: no personal liability 2 management: board of directors (Swedish equivalent, styrelsen) has power to make decisions; shareholders don’t participate in management 3 needed for formation: memorandum of association (stiftelseurkund) and articles of association (bolagsordning)
Concluding statement An aktiebolag is similar to a public limited company, with the most significant difference being that its shares do not need to be listed on an exchange or authorised marketplace. 9 Which types of companies are there in your jurisdiction? Choose one and describe it as you would for a client from another country. In your description, refer to some of the features given in the UK company table. Tell your client which documents must be filed to complete the formation process. Wherever relevant, compare and contrast your company type with a UK