Text analysis: A legal opinion
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19 Look at Reading 4 again and think about these questions.
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1 What is the purpose of the text?
2 Why was it written?
3 Why would someone read it?
4 Looking at the text carefully, what would you say is the function of each paragraph?
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The text in Reading 4 represents a legal opinion, a type of text written by a lawyer for a client.
The function of a legal opinion is to provide an analysis of a legal problem so that the client can make an informed decision concerning a course of action.
| o outlines the options the client has, pointing out advantages and disadvantages of each option;
o considers factors such as risk, delay, expense, etc. as well as case-specific factors;
o makes use of facts, relevant law and reasoning to support the opinion.
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Regarding the contents, we can say that in general a legal opinion:
o identifies the legal issue at stake in a given situation and explains how the law applies to the facts presented by the client;
o indicates the rights, obligations and liabilities of the client;
| The information structure of a legal opinion can be made clear by using standard signalling phrases. The table below provides examples of phrases used to structure the information in a text. These phrases serve as signals, pointing to information before it is presented, thus increasing the clarity of a text.
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20 Read through the legal opinion (Reading 4) once again and look for 11 phrases with a signalling function. Add them where appropriate to this table.
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Referring to the subject matter
| Thank you for instructing us in relation to the above matter. You have requested a legal opinion concerning...
Summarising facts
| Our opinions and advice set forth below are based upon your account of the circumstances giving rise to this dispute, a summary of which is as follows. Based on information provided to us, we understand that...
Identifying legal issue
| The legal issue seems to be...
Referring to relevant legislation| regulations
| The section which is relevant for present purposes provides that... The section makes express reference to... As the law stands at present,...
Referring to previous court decision
| The court has held that... We have (not) found cases or interpretation of this law which argue that...
Drawing conclusions
| We therefore believe that... 7).....................................................................................................................
Indicating options
| In light of the aforesaid, you have several courses of action / alternatives / options open to you.
| I await further instructions at your earliest convenience. Please contact us if you have any questions about the matters here discussed, or any other issues.
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