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Chapter Twelve. When the nightmare returned, it wrenched Trent from her sleep, her ears ringing with the sound of her own screams
When the nightmare returned, it wrenched Trent from her sleep, her ears ringing with the sound of her own screams. Shaking, she looked in every corner of her bedroom until she realized she was safe. She ran a trembling hand through her hair and searched her fingertips for any blood visible in the pale dawn light. Her fingers were clean. “Fuck” slipped from her lips as she willed her heart to calm its frantic pace. Swallowing hard against the rise of bile in her throat, Trent resigned herself to getting up. Unsteady feet carried her into the bathroom, where she waited until the wave of nausea eased. She searched her face in the mirror, seeing only strained features instead of the battered visage that had been in her nightmare. “I don’t care what time it is, I need a beer, ” Trent told her reflection and headed downstairs to the kitchen. She caught the time on her kitchen clock: 4: 33 a.m. “This is getting old fast.” She popped the tab on her can and drank half of it down in one swallow. Hands still shaking, Trent ran her fingers over the scar that lay partially hidden under her hair. She paced the length of the kitchen and back, draining her beer can. Seventeen years ago, and I’m still ruled by that day, terrified by his anger and bearing the scars. Trent slammed the can into the sink. “You have no control over my life now, Dad, so stay the fuck out of my dreams! ” She flung open the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water. Taking the stairs two at a time, she ran back up to her bedroom where she hastily dressed in workout clothes. “Time to hit the Wii Fit, and if yoga doesn’t help me relax, then I am switching to boxing so I can beat the shit out of someone.”
It was still too early for the mall to be open to the public when Trent flashed her pass at the security guard manning the door. She walked the length of the mall to where Gamerz Paradise resided. At her banging on the shutters, Elton raised them to allow her to slip under and get in the shop. “Christ, Trent, you look like shit, ” he said. “You pull an all-nighter with the guys? ” Trent headed toward the back of the shop. “I wish. Damn nightmares are back.” Elton let out an angry sigh. “Dammit. What brought those on again? ” Trent shrugged. “Guess I was long overdue a visit from the ghosts of a lifetime past. It’s been a while since the last bout.” She tapped on the keypad to go back into the staff quarters, Elton hard on her heels. Stowing her messenger bag in her locker and taking off her jacket, Trent was all too aware that Elton was watching her like a hawk. “Do you think it’s because of Juliet? ” he finally asked, putting Trent’s fears into words. She leaned against the lockers and sighed. “Which is why I choose never to get close. Women are a nightmare in more ways than one.” “You like this one, though. Maybe your subconscious is fighting while your heart is trying to draw you closer.” “You are way too profound for this ungodly hour of the morning.” She moved to walk past, but Elton deftly stepped in her path. “You look like crap, little sister. I’ll go get you some coffee and a doughnut from the food court, but first…” He put his arms around her shoulders and just held her close. Trent relaxed into the hug and willed herself not to cry. After a long moment, Elton let her go. “There, all better now.” Trent coughed at the emotional lump that had lodged in her throat. “Thank you, Uncle Elton.” “Hey, my hugs have healing powers, and all my nieces and nephews think I’m the coolest thing on the planet.” “Second only to me.” Trent slipped past him back to the shop floor while he blustered. “I’d like a frosted doughnut, please. Heavy on the sprinkles.” Elton bowed at her request and raised the door shutters again. Leaning back against the counter, Trent closed her eyes briefly. I can’t live my life like this, haunted by the past and not getting beyond it. Always being in control so I’m not caught off guard again. Yet Juliet’s touch makes me want so much more. Can I really let my guard down now? Can I let go of it all with Juliet? Trent was still considering this when Elton returned. “I could hear your mind working overtime from out there. What are you plotting and planning? ” Trent gave him a tired look, her mind made up. “I’m going to ask Juliet to accompany me to Zoe’s birthday party.” Elton handed her the coffee and doughnut. “Like in a date? ” Trent nodded, quickly taking a big mouthful of her doughnut. “Good for you. Do you realize that Zoe has invited my family as well? ” “Mama Simons will be there? ” “Yes, Mother is gracing us with her presence along with a sibling or two. You know how they love a party, and Zoe invited the whole Simons clan.” Trent’s tightness in her chest eased. “I’ll do it. I’ll ask her this week. Maybe she can bring Kayleigh along.” “A little chaperone to keep you two in line? ” “That woman just bowls me over, Elton. I’ve never experienced anything like it.” “You need it, Trent. You’re too wonderful to be alone in this world.” Trent held out her doughnut to share, and Elton took a sizeable bite. “You’re slightly biased.” “I know you better than anyone. My word stands.” “I suppose you want a share of my coffee too? ” “Just some of the whipped cream off the top. You can have the rest.” Trent dutifully handed it over and experienced her first peace in hours.
Managing to find a quiet spot in the day, Trent tucked herself away in the locker room to text Juliet. She hesitated only for a second before sending the message. She sat staring at the screen for a moment, then raised her eyes heavenward. “She’s working. She isn’t waiting for you to call.” She was just slipping her cell phone away when it announced an incoming text message. Yes 2 bday. Will CU tonight. Trent left the locker room with a massive smile on her face. Elton instantly sidled over to her. “The fair Juliet said yes, I take it? ” Trent nodded, both nervous and excited and at a loss to explain either feeling. “Now what do I do? ” Elton patted her on the shoulder comfortingly. “Welcome to the dizzy world of dating for dummies.”
The yard’s overgrowth had been ripped out and the bareness was quite a contrast to what Trent had been used to seeing from her window. She sat on the back doorstep, handheld console in her grasp as she split her attention between the game and the women in her yard. One woman in particular, Trent had to admit, as she paused her game for the umpteenth time just to watch Juliet move something or reach to push a branch aside. “Are you really playing that or just using it as cover to ogle my coworker? ” Monica spoke so only Trent could hear. Trent jumped at being caught staring. “I was not ogling, merely admiring her dedication and commitment to the work in this yard.” Trent shaded her eyes to look up at Monica. “She’s really taken to it, hasn’t she? ” “She’s marvelous in the yard, as I knew she would be. But your eyes aren’t following her every move because you admire her work ethic.” Trent stared at her. “Haven’t you got something to dig? ” “I’m too busy tripping over your line of vision going straight to her ass.” “Monica, I can’t lift this slab up.” Juliet’s voice cut through Monica’s taunt. Trent gave her a toothy grin. “I’ll be right there. Don’t pick it up on your own.” Monica turned her attention back to Trent. “The party this weekend, Zoe’s birthday bash? Elton tells me his sisters will be there.” “Stevie and Anne and their assorted kids plus husbands, no doubt.” Trent realized Monica was uncomfortable. “They’re going to love you. The family needs another splash of darkness so it’s not all on Elton’s shoulders to carry the Goth banner.” “Thank you for that reassurance. I’ve met his mother. She’s a sweetheart, but siblings are…” She searched for the right words. “Judgmental, overbearing…nosy? ” Monica nodded at Trent’s assessment. “They’re all that and more, but you’ll do fine. Once they understand you like kids, they’ll just foist their offspring on you and go enjoy the party.” Trent considered for a moment. “Or is that just me they do that to? ” “So I shouldn’t be nervous? ” Trent turned back to her game. “They give you any grief, you come straight to me and I’ll tell you tales about them as teenagers. But I assure you, they won’t be any problem. They’ll love you as much as Elton does.” Monica blustered. “We haven’t got that far yet.” “ Yet, ” Trent said simply. “Just enjoy the party. Your friends will be there if you need us.” “Monica, ” Juliet called again. “Needing help here, please.” Trent immediately went to get up but a hand stopped her. “You’re in your work clothes. You’re not stepping anywhere off your back step and touching stuff that could damage those game-playing hands.” Monica pushed her back down. “I am reliably told your hands are like a surgeon’s, not to be damaged or else.” Monica stepped away. “Personally, I think that’s your and Elton’s excuse to get out of any hard work.” “I could go change, ” Trent said. “Yeah, like you’d be any use whatsoever. All I’d hear is how you got a splinter and then Elton would start grumbling, and it’s not worth the hassle.” Monica walked away to aid Juliet. Trent kept an eye on them while still playing her game, but she lingered too long on Juliet’s face set in concentration, and the level she’d been working so hard on in her game slipped from her grasp. Trent stared at the screen as the taunting “Game Over” message played. “Well, that was unfortunate.” She started the level again. The level wasn’t as difficult as Trent’s inability to keep her eyes from Juliet, so she saved her progress, switched the machine off, and conceded defeat for now in both playing and observing.
The nightmares mercifully stayed away for a few nights and Trent got to catch up on her sleep. She was still wired, edgy, and almost hyper by the time the weekend drew close. “Geez, will you turn it down a notch? You’re like a ten-year-old who’s been force-fed additives and fizzy orange pop! ” Trent skidded to a halt in front of Elton. “What? I’m just stocking the shelves with the new releases.” “It’s your way-too-happy face while you are doing it that’s going to scare the customers away.” “I can do serious.” She hardened her face, but the grin soon broke free. Elton sighed and swatted at her playfully. “I can’t help it. I’ve actually slept three nights in a row, my yard no longer looks like the Amazon, and I have a date this Saturday.” Zoe and Rick seemed amused at Trent’s unusual giddy enthusiasm. “Dad’s getting the barbecue all fired up, ” Zoe said. “It’s going to be a great party.” “She’s invited all the neighbors so no one can complain if we get too rowdy, ” Rick added. “So you’re bringing Juliet? Actually bringing and not just tagging along with? ” Zoe leaned back against the counter, regarding Trent with a fond look. At Trent’s confirmation, Zoe beamed. “Good, we like her. I wonder if Kayleigh would like a sleepover with Sam? That way you wouldn’t have to worry about getting her home and having to leave early.” Trent grasped Zoe’s face between her hands and placed a loud kiss on her forehead. “I knew there was a reason why I liked you so much.” Zoe laughed at Trent’s silliness and looked over her shoulder at Elton. “Keep her away from the doughnuts.” She got her cell phone and began typing away. “I’ll get Sam to invite her. They’ve been e-mailing each other daily since Kayleigh’s birthday party.” “So you gonna use not having the kid to worry about as an excuse to get all up close and personal with this woman when the stars come out? ” Elton asked. Trent just shrugged. “Who needs an excuse when the lady is so damn hot? ”