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Chapter Seven. The bar was bustling with the regular Saturday-night crowd, but Trent managed to snag a table for Juliet and herself

The bar was bustling with the regular Saturday-night crowd, but Trent managed to snag a table for Juliet and herself. She hastened to the bar to get drinks, then maneuvered through the people mindful not to spill a drop. Finally able to hand Juliet her glass of wine, Trent was astonished to see her swallow half of it in one go.

“Guess you needed that, ” Trent said taking a more leisurely drink from her own bottle, savoring the bitter taste of beer on her tongue.

“Three children, six adults, and my parents all in one room for more hours than I care to remember. I could drink the whole bottle.” Juliet put her glass down and shifted it a little out of her immediate reach. “But I will try not to guzzle the whole glass in one just yet.”

“Kayleigh went to bed one seriously happy kid tonight.” Trent recalled the long hug she had received before Kayleigh had climbed the stairs. She had whispered, “I know you told them what I wanted, ” and kissed Trent’s cheek before tiredly going to bed still dressed in her Reapers robe.

“You helped us make her eleventh birthday something to remember.”

“I like to see kids happy. Childhood is fraught enough.”

“What about your family, Trent? Do they live locally? ”

Trent traced a pattern in the condensation on her bottle before finally answering. “No, they live far away from here. I don’t see them.”

Juliet reached over to pat the back of Trent’s hand. “I’m sorry.”

Trent shrugged. “I’m not.” She took a gulp of beer and deftly changed the subject. “I didn’t know Monica made her own clothes.”

Juliet blinked, obviously recognizing a deflection when it was given to her. Trent could almost see her warring inside as to whether she should call Trent on her action. The small smile Trent received was all-knowing, yet she was warmed by it. Juliet was letting it go for now, and Trent appreciated it.

“She’s got an amazing talent for it, but would you believe her heart is in landscaping? ”

“Excuse me? ”

“She’s completing her courses at the local college for landscape and design. She’s fitting it all in while working at the local garden center just in the town here.”

“But she’s so…” Trent searched desperately for a word to explain, “ not the kind of woman I would have imagined digging holes and planting trees.”

“No, she’s not exactly how you’d picture a typical gardener when you see her in her Goth regalia. But she can nurture a dying plant back to life and design a yard that you would kill to see in full bloom. I’ve seen some of the projects she’s worked on; they’re growing works of art.” Juliet played with her glass as she paused. “She always wanted me to go into partnership with her.”

“Landscaping? ”

“I would predominantly do the bookkeeping, work out the costs involved and handle the paperwork behind the scenes, ordering and such.”

“And are you still interested? ”

“It would beat being behind a desk for eight hours a day.” Juliet pushed her hair back from her face and leaned her chin on her palm. “But I think I’d like to get my hands dirty, both figuratively and quite literally. If I’d be a partner with her I’d want to do more than just sit back and write out receipts.”

“You’d want to get out and smell the roses.”

“Exactly. But I can’t just up and leave my job to go be a gardener for a few weeks to see if it’s a more suitable career move. Monica has some big projects she’s working on, and I just can’t justify the time I’d need to take off to join her on them. She wants something smaller I can putter around with after work to get the feel for it.”

Leaning back in her chair, Trent thought for a moment. “You need a place to practice to see if this is really what you want to do. A place to get your hands dirty, somewhere to go to experience what Monica wants you to be a part of. Correct? ”

Juliet nodded diffidently. “I guess.”

Trent took a deep breath, ignored the roaring in her head at what she was about to propose, and spoke before she could let herself think about it any further. “You can come do my yard.”

Your yard? ”

“I have a yard at the back of my house. I don’t use it. I have no use for it. It would be prime testing material for a budding amateur like yourself to walk in and see what needs to be done.”

“You’d trust me to work in your yard? ”

“Juliet, believe me, you couldn’t make it any worse.”


Juliet waited as Trent worked the lock on her front door and pushed it open to let Juliet enter first. Trent quickly keyed in a code in the alarm box that was beeping threateningly.

“You’ll find the kitchen straight ahead. I just need to go get Mrs. Tweedy’s garbage can ready for collection tomorrow, and if I don’t do it tonight the stubborn old biddy will try to manhandle the thing herself in the morning.” Trent handed Juliet her keys. “Try not to scream too loud when you see the yard; you’ll only wake the neighbors.”

Juliet wondered at Trent’s sense of humor and walked into the house, grateful of a chance to see inside without Trent’s presence. The hallway was long with one closed door to her left which she guessed was the front room and a living room at the back that looked strangely empty. Juliet paused long enough to notice there was a small portable television in there and a sofa. The room looked unused and unlived in. The kitchen had just a few amenities, though there was a washing machine with a dryer beside it. The sink held only one of everything set in the rack. One plate, one bowl, a spoon, a fork. Juliet wondered at the solitude on display here. She knew Trent lived alone, but this home seemed very empty given that someone as vibrant as Trent lived there. She took a step toward the kitchen window and stared out into the twilight.

“Oh my God.” Juliet stared at what was outside in disbelief. She jumped at Trent’s voice behind her.

“Told you it was bad.”

“No, you said I couldn’t make it any worse. You did not say that nothing, short of a nuclear explosion, could clear whatever it is infesting your backyard.”

“It’s a tad overgrown, I’ll admit.”

Juliet looked back and forth between the yard and Trent’s amused face. “Trent, that is not overgrown, that is a jungle that has planted itself in the suburbs.”

Trent moved to look over Juliet’s shoulder. She towered over her and Juliet could feel her warmth sear through the cotton of her dress. She resisted the urge to lean back and feel Trent’s body pressed against hers.

“Think you could tackle it, though? ” Trent’s voice was soft in Juliet’s ear and she shivered slightly at the low tone.

“I couldn’t do it alone. I’d need Monica’s help.”

“I recognize that. You are more than welcome to bring her over to see the disaster zone for herself.”

Juliet noticed their reflections side by side in the window. Trent was so much taller than Juliet, yet seemed to fit so well beside her.

“I can pay you, so be sure to let Monica know it wouldn’t be a labor of love.”

“Monica is nothing if not shrewd. She’ll give you a price just to clear this tangle back. Then she could begin to see what it would take to bring it back to some semblance of order.” Juliet turned and was so close to Trent she could see golden flecks in the brown of her eyes. Eyes so dark they were almost black as they bored into Juliet. “Are you free tomorrow, maybe around midday? I could bring Monica over and she can be equally horrified by this mess, then tell you what she recommends.”

“I don’t want a yard I have to mess with.” Trent’s breath whispered across Juliet’s brow.

“I can tell that.” Trent’s eyes grew darker still. For a moment, Juliet was certain Trent was going to kiss her, but she took a step back instead, shaking her head wryly.

“What’s wrong? ” Juliet asked.

“Me.” Trent leaned back against the kitchen table. “You have got me so mixed up I don’t know whether I’m coming or going.” Trent studied the tiling on the floor as if searching for her answers there. “I’m usually so much more confident around women, but you, ” she looked up and Juliet got the full force of Trent’s stare, “you just scare the hell out of me.”

“Why? ”

“Because I have just spent a marvelous evening with you torn between enjoying your company and wanting desperately to hold you close and kiss you.”

Juliet’s grin spread across her face at Trent’s obvious agitation. She wondered why Trent seemed so uncomfortable admitting her feelings. Juliet had felt the same attraction all night too. Trent groaned.

“No, don’t give me that smile! It makes you look too damn pretty and only makes my resolve crumble more and more.”

“What’s so wrong in you wanting to kiss me? ” Juliet asked, moving closer until Trent was pinned at the table’s edge. “Do you have a long line of women that you string along with your charm and good looks? ”

“There’s no one, hasn’t been for a while. I like my life uncomplicated.”

“Are you telling me you are too comfortable in your life not to risk one kiss with me to see what it would be like? ” Trent groaned, and the sound vibrated through Juliet’s chest in an almost erotic symphony. She pressed in closer until their bodies touched.

“I don’t need complications either, Trent. I haven’t lived here long. I’m still getting settled into my job and my surroundings. I enjoy being with you and I’d like to get to know you better. No strings attached. Plain and simple. Think you can manage that? ”

“Plain and simple, ” Trent repeated, her hand reaching out to caress Juliet’s cheek. “Neither word I would use to describe you. Do you know how beautiful you are? ”

Juliet pressed her own hand to Trent’s lean face. “I see it in your eyes. I hoped you’d find me so because I can’t help but be drawn to you too.”

“You deserve better than me.”

“I happen to like you just the way you are.”

“That’s because you don’t know me well enough to turn away.”

Standing on her tiptoes, Juliet kissed Trent gently on the lips. Trent shuddered against her. “Then I need to get to know you better and for you to know me. You’ll find I’m not so easily frightened off.”

Trent’s hands rested on Juliet’s shoulders and gently kneaded, a restless movement almost like she was going to push Juliet away, but she drew her close instead, covering her lips with her own. Juliet gasped into Trent’s mouth, astonished by the warmth that poured from Trent as she held Juliet tightly to her hard body. Juliet’s breasts pressed against Trent’s chest, and she marveled at how strong Trent was. Juliet wrapped her arms about Trent’s back and clung to her, letting her control the kiss and set the pace, sensing that was what Trent was used to. Juliet was dazed when Trent finally drew back to grant them both air. She reached up to touch her lips to Trent’s just to reestablish a connection. She could almost feel Trent’s disquiet for all the arousal that surrounded them both.

“Did you kiss me to save money on the plants we’re going to recommend for your yard? ” Juliet asked and was heartened to see Trent’s brooding look lighten.

“Did it work? Do I get free labor on top? ” Trent’s voice was curiously shaky.

“Depends what else you have in mind, Trent Williams.” She was captivated by the blush that rose up Trent’s cheeks. “Why, Ms. Williams, for such an expert kisser I do believe you are really quite shy.”

Trent ducked her head and just held Juliet close. “You are a dangerous woman. You make me feel things that I haven’t felt for so very long.” Trent ran her hand through Juliet’s hair. “It’s unnerving.”

Juliet snorted softly. “You play games where the main objective is to shoot zombies and mutant monsters, and I unnerve you? ”

“You’re real. ”

Juliet digested the softly spoken words and held Trent closer for a while, loving the feel of her body so close to her own. Trent’s body was all but vibrating.

“You make it very hard for me to leave.”

“You deserve more than a quick fuck.”

Juliet flinched at Trent’s rough words and immediately Trent’s arms tightened around her in wordless apology.

“And what do you need, Trent? ” Juliet carefully drew back to look into Trent’s stormy eyes. She found confusion there warring with desire.

“I don’t know. No one has ever asked me what I wanted before.”

“I’m not like anyone else. Just thought I should warn you.” She placed one last kiss on Trent’s curved lips and slipped out of her arms reluctantly. “And on that note, before I have you test out my theory of how strong your kitchen table is, I’ll just let myself out. Good night, Trent.”

The long groan Trent emitted followed Juliet as she shut the front door behind her.

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