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Chapter Six. Seated in her office, Juliet was thankful she could close the door on all the excitable midweek chatter that seemed to buzz around the building

Seated in her office, Juliet was thankful she could close the door on all the excitable midweek chatter that seemed to buzz around the building. The economy is screwed, and I think we’re all about to be screwed right along with it. She studiously ignored the flashing of her e-mail inbox that told her of yet another message that needed her important input right this second. She was more intrigued with the fact she had no message yet on her cell phone from Trent. I was so sure she’d have sent me a text to cancel this weekend.

Juliet leaned back in her chair and thought about Kayleigh’s unusual protector. She’s such a damn contradiction; one minute she’s giving me a look that begs me to rip my clothes off, and then she’s backing away as if she’s scared to get too close. Juliet considered Trent for a moment. But she’s so handsome, especially with that piece of hair that threatens to fall in her eyes. It’s so sweet, though she probably wouldn’t appreciate that sentiment. I can’t help but wonder at the shadows in her eyes, though. She doesn’t seem aware they’re there, but that night at pizza, I saw a whole world of hurt when Eddie brought up the waitress. I can’t help but wonder why. And I wouldn’t have thought the waitress was exactly Trent’s type either. She snorted softly at her own musings. Like I would know Trent’s type. I barely know her. She registered another ding from her computer as yet another e-mail came in. But I would like to.

Another e-mail followed quickly on the heels of the last, causing Juliet’s temper to spill. “I’m beginning to hate this job, ” she said out loud, startling herself. But she knew it was true. It had been so much fun at the start, learning all the complexities of the banking world. The job had been rewarding, the pay fantastic. The bonuses alone were worth every single hour Juliet had put in above and beyond her work schedule. But somewhere along the line it had become tedious. The constant backbiting and power games that her colleagues played wore at Juliet’s soul, and she was disheartened by just how cutthroat a business it had become. Having to constantly move from branch to branch had also proved tiring. It had left her constantly trying to make new friends only to be relocated again once she’d settled. Maybe I just never saw it before, but my rose-colored glasses are off now; I’m not happy anymore. She scanned her office, which displayed all the trappings of a successful career. The polished furniture, the framed awards, the fact she could boast a window with a fairly decent view.

She touched a petal on the orange carnations Monica had given her to brighten up her desk. “Maybe Monica is right. Maybe I need to shake up my cozy little world and try something different.” She caught sight of the laptop resting on the desk. “But I have my proposal to finish. If I do it right I could be in line for the senior manager’s position at the head office. My job would be secure, my future settled.” She ran a hand distractedly through her hair. “Then why is it Monica gets up every day looking forward to work and I feel like I should just stay in bed? ” She leaned in to smell the flowers. “I should take her up on her offer of working for her, if only to see what it’s like.” She thought back to when they were in college. Monica had badgered Juliet to join her on her gardening projects. Juliet had been tempted. She loved being outdoors, but her professors had wanted her to use her talent for finance to reap a greater reward for her in the business sector. She regretted not taking the chance and seeing what she could have accomplished with Monica’s help. With a plan in mind, Juliet sat back down and reached for her phone. “I’ll speak to her now before I change my mind. If nothing else, I can enjoy being out in the warm weather.” And maybe it will take my mind off the captivating Trent Williams.


Trent’s dilemma was in trying to work out what she should wear to a little girl’s birthday party. She sat on the end of her bed, staring into her closet waiting for inspiration to strike.

“So you still haven’t decided yet? ” Elton asked her over the cell phone she had stuck between her shoulder and ear as she perused the rack of clothing.

“I have absolutely no clue what I should wear.” Trent flung herself backward on the bed. “Is it formal so I should wear a suit, or is it going to be just casual and I could wear my jeans? ”

“Why not just phone Juliet and find out? ”

Trent made a face at the ceiling. “Because I don’t want to call her over something so lame. When a woman gives you her number it’s not for dumb questions.” And I’ve written the same “Sorry I can’t make it” text five times this week and couldn’t work up the guts to send it.

“So wear whatever you want, then.” Elton’s long-suffering sigh echoed down the receiver.

Trent let out a groan. “Why am I even going to this thing? It’s not like I know the kid.”

“Maybe it’s the fact her sister is an absolute stunner with amazing eyes and a chest that—”

“Elton, you are not helping me here.”

“Treeent, ” Elton deliberately drawled out her name. “You haven’t had a proper date in years.”

“This isn’t a date. This is a kid’s birthday party. And I don’t date, Elton, because it just gets too complicated.”

“I know that too, my friend. But you need to experience a warm body close to yours for a while.”

“I do, occasionally, ” Trent grumbled.

“No, you don’t, Trent. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you with a woman more than once, and you never even stay the night. You need to spend more quality time with these women. You might find someone worth keeping.”

Sure, but would she be interested in keeping me? I have never met anyone worth keeping, and certainly no one whose interest kept me wanting to stay around longer than the fumble we go through and then I go home alone. I couldn’t deal with the fallout once they realized I don’t do things like love and happy ever afters. “I do okay. I’m not a nun, ” Trent said, all too aware that argument was weak.

“I know that, but I want you to have someone special. You deserve that. You do so much for others, I’d like someone to take care of you for a change.”

“You’re asking for the impossible. None of the women I have ever seen have done that.” Trent could hear the bitter tone in her voice and scrubbed at her face. “Just because you’ve found a kindred spirit doesn’t mean that this Juliet is mine.”

“But you like her.”

“A little too much, I fear, ” Trent said. Fear being the operative word.

“Does she set your heart all aflutter? ”

Trent smiled at Elton’s affected high voice as he sought to tease her out of her mood. “She makes the whole planet tilt under my feet. Satisfied? ” Trent hated to admit it. She just couldn’t control the feelings Juliet stirred in her, and that left her even more terrified.

There was a moment of silence over the line while Elton digested that. “So what are you going to wear to knock this woman off her feet? ”

Trent put a hand over her eyes. “Why can’t you be gay? It would be so much easier. You could help me pick out something in a flash.”

“My disappointing sexuality aside for a moment, I would recommend you go with basic black. It always works for me.”

Trent lifted up off the bed and squinted into her clothing. She spotted exactly what would work. “You’re a good friend.”

“I know; I’m a total catch. Monica said she and I would swing by the Sullivan home to drop off her present to the kid, so I will see you there. That way, your choice of clothing will pale into insignificance when we enter the room. Monica got us tickets for a screening of Within Temptation’s Black Symphony concert at the local Goth club. Full-sized screens and music from the gods, and Miss Monica by my side. I’m expecting a stellar evening of entertainment.”

“Maybe you could rescue me, because you know and I know I don’t really do parents.”

“You’ll do fine, and anyway, if they get too weird staring at your dark beauty than you can just go play on the Wii with Kayleigh. There’s nothing a bit of gaming can’t cure.”

“Amen to that, ” Trent said, finally hanging up the phone. “It’s been my substitute for sex for years now.” She sighed at her pitiful whining tone. She got up to stand before her closet and drew out a pair of black chinos and a button-down black shirt. “Black it is.” She opened up a small box on a table nearby and removed a pair of silver cufflinks shaped like Space Invaders aliens. “But we’ll do black my way.”


Trent stood on her doorstep enjoying the warm August sunshine. Lazily, she watched the occupants of her street go about their weekend duties. She waved to the ladies across the street when they tried to keep their two dogs from tangling everyone up as they crossed leashes in their excitement to be going for a walk. Trent took note at the picture of domestic bliss the two made. She wondered how they did it without losing themselves in the process. They linked arms as they got their animals under control and set off toward the local park.

“You look very handsome, my dear. Are you going somewhere? ”

Trent looked over the adjoining fence at her elderly neighbor Mrs. Tweedy.

“I’ve been invited to a birthday party, ” Trent said.

Mrs. Tweedy’s face lit up. “I was twenty-one at my last birthday, you know.”

“You’ve got to stop adding years to impress the gentlemen. I was told you were barely a day over nineteen.”

Mrs. Tweedy chuckled and waved Trent on. “You’re a charmer. It’s about time you got yourself a lady of your own for you to use those charms on. Like the two across the road there. Lovely ladies.” She paused for a moment. “Can never remember their names, though, too many Js that just befuddle this old lady’s mind.”

“You’re no old lady, Mrs. Tweedy, and you know full well I’m just waiting for you to notice me.”

Mrs. Tweedy’s eyes widened and then she giggled like a little girl. “You’d never keep up with me, my dear! ”

Trent tried not to look too shocked and tutted at her instead. “You’re a sneaky old lady; that’s for certain. I’ll wheel your garbage can down when I get back tonight, so don’t you dare try to move it yourself, okay? ”

“You’re too good to me, dear. I appreciate your kindness. My arthritis holds me back so much now.”

“It’s no problem.” A car pulled up. “I think that’s my ride.”

“Have a nice time, dear.”

Juliet got out of her car and flashed Trent a brilliant smile at finding her waiting.

“Hope I haven’t kept you long.”

“Not at all. I was just passing the time of day with my neighbor and making the most of this fine weather while it lasts. And believe me, seeing you in that dress has just put the day to shame.” She let her gaze run from the top of Juliet’s free-flowing hair, over her curves swathed in a sky blue dress that fell demurely to her knees. High heels afforded her an extra inch so she reached just above Trent’s jawline.

“You look lovely.” Trent was unable to tear her eyes away from the vision Juliet made. She caught her breath when Juliet reached out to brush at her shirt just above her collarbone.

“You look incredible too, may I say even formidable in black.”

“Is it too much for a birthday party? ”

“No, you look just fine, and Kayleigh is going to love your cufflinks, and the fact your tie has the same motif will just make her day. She’s more like you than she will ever be me.”

Trent held up her own gift-wrapped parcel for Kayleigh. “Can you hide this until Kayleigh has had her gifts from you? ”

“You didn’t have to buy her anything.”

“I’m not going empty-handed to a birthday party. Not when there’s the promise of cake.” Trent gestured with the gift. “Besides, she had to have this game. It only came out yesterday and it’s brilliant.”

“You’ve bought yourself a copy? ”

“And played it for most of the night, ” she said. “Excellent graphics.”

Juliet gave her a censorious look. “Games aren’t cheap, Trent.”

“No, they’re not, so it’s a good thing it’s her birthday only once this year.” Trent brushed aside any further arguments Juliet was going to voice. “I get a staff discount, so it wasn’t that expensive, okay? ” She opened the passenger door to the car. “So are you ready to take me to meet the folks? ” She tried desperately not to let her nervousness show.

“I’ll warn you now, they’ll probably grill you like a suitor. I rarely take a woman home unless it’s Monica. And she’s already told them that as much as she loves me, I’m just not man enough for her.”

“Maybe you should have told them I’m more Kayleigh’s date than yours.”

Juliet threw back her head and laughed joyously. “That would so mess with their minds! ” Juliet’s eyes were alight with amusement. Trent though she had never looked lovelier. “There’s a part of me tempted to do just that, but I’ll spare them. I’m sure Kayleigh will do her own mind blowing with them as she gets older.” Juliet got into the car still chuckling. “They’re your usual parents. They just want me to settle down with a nice young woman.”

“I’m not that nice.”

“That’s good, because I don’t do nice either.” Juliet winked in Trent’s direction and pulled away from the curb.


Kayleigh’s excitement was palpable when Trent followed Juliet through the front door of her parents’ home.

“Trent! Did you come for my birthday? ” Kayleigh skidded to a halt in front of her. “Wow! You have Space Invaders all over your tie! ”

Juliet gave Trent an “I told you so” look and directed Trent forward to meet her parents. “Mom, Dad, this is Trent Williams.”

Trent shook their hands politely, silently amused as their eyes widened at her height towering over them both. “Thank you for inviting me.”

Trent was spared any small talk when Kayleigh piped up. “Can I have the rest of my presents now? I’ve been patiently waiting all day, you know.”


The front room to the Sullivans’ new house had been designated Kayleigh’s playroom. Trent reached behind the television and threaded a lead back to connect into the designated socket.

“This is the best present I could ever have had, ” Kayleigh said for the umpteenth time, her arms wrapped around Juliet’s waist as she hugged her.

“Kayleigh, turn the TV to the AV channel. Keep clicking through until you find AV3 and you should see the screen appear.” Trent disentangled herself from behind the TV and moved back. The screen appeared that signaled a connection. “There you go. Now get your batteries in your remote and you can start playing.”

“It’s that simple? ” Juliet asked.

“It’s hooking up a game console; it’s not exactly rocket science, ” Trent said. “Doing just one is easy. It’s setting up a hall full of monitors that takes the time and energy.”

For the next hour Trent helped Kayleigh design her own personal gaming character and then stylized versions of her family, much to Juliet’s horror and Kayleigh’s amusement. With a break for some food and for Kayleigh to blow out her candles on a suitably heavily frosted cake, the Sullivan family all traipsed back into the playroom to watch Kayleigh celebrate her day.

“This is the happiest I have ever seen her, ” Leonard Sullivan said, his eyes on Kayleigh as she explained a game to her mother.

“Encourage her in this. She has a natural talent for it.” Trent leaned back in her seat, licking frosting from her fork. She let out a satisfied sigh. “This is some good cake.”

“Thank you. I made it myself, ” Kathy Sullivan replied. “I’ll make sure you take some home with you.”

“I’ll hold you to that, ” Trent said. She started at the sound of the doorbell chiming. Checking her watch, she stifled a grin and settled back in her chair. If Juliet’s parents had been surprised to meet such a “lean and mean-looking butch babe, ” as Elton regularly described her, Trent was intrigued to see how they would react to Elton’s always understated presence.

Elton and Monica made for the most striking couple. Monica entered wearing a black corset over a skirt that trailed on the floor, while a fancy shawl covered her shoulders and cleavage to offer a brief sense of decorum. Elton was resplendent in a suit that any 1950s stylized vampire would have killed for. His shirt was a mass of ruffles, as were the cuffs. His shoes were as pointy and lethal as Monica’s stilettos. Trent caught Mrs. Sullivan’s open-mouthed stare before she hastily hid it and welcomed her guests. Kayleigh was more interested in showing off her present than in what either of the new arrivals was wearing.

“We can’t stay long. We have a concert to attend at eight o’clock, but we wanted to swing by and see the birthday girl.” Monica, unmindful of her dress, got down on the floor and hugged Kayleigh close. Elton did the same to embrace her tightly.

“Happy birthday, ” he said, holding out a gift.

Kayleigh unwrapped her gift from them and pulled out a small black robe. Trent recognized the cut of cloth immediately as Kayleigh squealed and quickly put it on.

“You made me a Reaper robe! ” Kayleigh cheered and flung her arms around Monica’s neck.

“It’s a copy of the ones that the Baydale Reapers wear. I made sure there’s room for you to grow.”

Kayleigh twirled around in it before everyone. Her parents were at a loss to make any kind of comment but could see Kayleigh was thrilled.

“Guess if you’re going to be our mascot you have to be dressed properly.” Trent was heartened by Kayleigh’s happy face. “Elton, that is a seriously cool gift you orchestrated.”

“We came up with the idea between us. This gorgeous woman makes all her own clothes. A Grim Reaper robe was child’s play for those talented hands.” Elton tossed Monica a proud gaze.

The door bell chimed again. Juliet excused herself and was soon back with Zoe, Sam, Rick, and Chris with his brother Wade.

“How did you guys know? ” Kayleigh asked excitedly as the younger guests rushed over to her to exclaim over her gifts and hand her more.

Wade spoke up first. “My brother overheard Trent say you were turning eleven, so we thought we’d come wish you a happy birthday ourselves.”

Zoe leaned down to whisper in Trent’s ear. “Sam told me Kayleigh had only just moved here and was in need of some friends, so here we are.”

Trent patted her on the shoulder, touched by Zoe’s thoughtfulness for a young girl they had only just met. “Thank you.” She shifted over as Juliet took the seat beside her. “Sorry if we’ve suddenly taken this out of your control.”

“I’m not. Look at her. She’s the happiest kid on the planet.”

Kayleigh shared her controllers and the children began to play on her new console.

Mrs. Sullivan nudged Juliet. “I should have made a bigger cake. I didn’t know she had this many friends of all ages.”

Juliet looked at Trent. “Well, she started with one and the rest just followed.”

“It’s wonderful, ” Mr. Sullivan said.

Juliet leaned closer into Trent’s side. Trent welcomed her warmth and leaned back involuntarily. “Yes, it is, ” Juliet said quietly.

Caught up in the happiness of the room, Trent silently agreed with her.


“You have marvelous friends, ” Juliet said when Trent wandered into the kitchen, stretching her legs and rolling her neck. She handed her a glass. “Here, you look like you could use a drink.” She surreptitiously eyed Trent and noticed the faint signs of strain on her face.

Trent held the glass up to the light. “It’s brown, but I fear it’s not the beer I would kill for.”

“Sorry, you’ll have to make do with Pepsi for now. But I promise you, if you can last just a little while longer, I will take you out after this and you can unwind.”

Trent stared into her glass. “Am I so transparent? ”

“Only to me.” She met Trent’s startled eyes without censure. “Something tells me that, for all the people that are drawn to you, you prefer times of solitude more than the babble of friends and their noisy siblings.”

“Is that your polite way of saying I’m secretly antisocial? ”

“I think you’re trying very hard to be a part of a birthday party that is way out of your comfort zone.” Juliet picked up a cookie and held it out for Trent to take. “I only have experience of these things through Kayleigh, and I think this has been her most attended one.”

“Those folks in there amaze me.” Trent chewed her cookie thoughtfully. “I had no idea they were going to crash the party. I would have warned you.”

“I’m glad they did. It’s made Kayleigh’s day, and I think my parents were fascinated by Elton. He charmed them so much I swear I caught my mother flirting with him.”

“He has that affect on women.”

“It’s a pity they had to leave earlier.”

“I think Monica was oddly disappointed too.”

“I noticed that. It was fun to see her relax and play with the kids. She does love children. Although, the sight of her playing tennis in her Goth corset and those ridiculous heels will be something I’ll have to treasure forever! ”

Trent laughed with her. “Wish I’d have had a video camera, the hits we’d have gotten on YouTube…”

Trent seemed to relax in the quiet kitchen. Juliet longed to reach over to brush back the hair that fell across her forehead, to feel its softness and reveal more of the face that it hid. “I think Wade has a crush on my sister, ” she whispered and was delighted at the mischief that sparkled in Trent’s answering gaze.

“I’d noticed that too, but then I witnessed it last Saturday when he made sure not to leave her side while they were playing in the kids’ gaming area. Wade’s a good boy; his brother Chris makes sure of it.”

Juliet edged a little closer and bumped Trent’s hip with her own. “How are you really holding up? ”

“Well, I’m disappointed the cake is all gone, but I’m very glad you asked me to come. It’s been an experience. Kids are so much more draining than adults, though.”

“Can I still talk you into a drink after everyone has gone? ”

“Do you promise strictly adult conversation over a beer? ”

“It will be just you and me as your designated driver.”

“I don’t drink to excess. Just a couple of beers and I’m as mellow as a pussycat.”

Juliet’s eyebrow rose. “Now that I’d like to see.”

Trent drained her drink and set the glass back on the counter. “What time do you want everyone out, because they’ll stay until the birds start their dawn chorus.”

“Nine o’clock maybe? Given it’s a birthday and a Saturday night.”

Trent squared her shoulders and prepared to return to the fray. “Consider it done. I’ll go have a discreet word with Zoe.”

Juliet enjoyed the steady gait that took Trent back into the playroom. She mentally shook herself at the direction her thoughts were all too busy heading in. She placed the glasses on a tray, still mumbling to herself. “You haven’t been here long, and you’re still getting settled at work. You do not need the complication of falling for the first handsome woman that comes along.” Juliet lifted her tray and paused. She’s not the first woman I’ve seen since moving here, but she is the first I have been immediately drawn to. So maybe there might be something worth pursuing. Just maybe. With the tray held carefully in front of her, Juliet returned to the room where the laughter was loud and the party still in full swing.

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