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Chapter Two

Trent was in a reasonably quiet corner of the hall getting into her black robe. She made sure the long draped sleeves were hanging just right and lifted up the cowl to cover her head. She pushed past Elton, who was picking invisible lint from his pristine robe.

“Looking good, ” Trent said. “Not every Reaper can boast such sharp creases in their sleeves.”

“At least mine is clean. Have you walked by Eddie yet? ” Elton made a disgusted face in the general direction of their fellow teammate.

“Hey! Our washing machine isn’t big enough to cram this thing in.” Eddie pulled the seriously crumpled material over his face.

“You are sitting downwind from me, Eddie Gray, ” Trent said, her nose wrinkling at the stale smell of unclean wool and goodness knew what else. “You could stand to have that dry cleaned once in a while, you know.”

“He’ll give us a bad name, ” Elton said, fixing his cowl just right to hide his features from the audience they were about to face. What part of his face that was free of beard and mustache was painted a deathly pale color to emphasize his death skull visage. Black under his eyes hollowed out his lean cheeks and made him appear decidedly ghoulish.

“I’ll have another word with him later, ” Trent said. She leaned in closer to Elton’s face to get a closer look at his handiwork. “You are a living work of art, my friend. I’ve never seen a man more skilled with makeup to create the desired effect.”

“Except perhaps for the Divine Danny? ”

“She…or actually, he was truly an artist. A drag artist, but a beauty nevertheless.”

“I miss him in the shop. He made the day seem so much brighter.”

Trent agreed. The flamboyant drag queen had been with them for a year at Gamerz Paradise before the bright lights of the stage had called him away to better things. “I don’t think management ever quite got over him turning up at the Christmas party as Daniella and not Daniel.”

“Daniella was a hottie.”

“And she just adored you.” Trent nudged him. “Pity he wasn’t your type.”

Elton sighed. “Alas, it was not to be. He was not enough girl for either you or me.”

Trent agreed. Her nose wrinkled as an offending smell wafted under her nostrils. She growled as that something came to stand next to her. “And he would have kept his robe clean. Eddie, move your skanky ass away from me. You’re supposed to embody the swift kill of a Reaper, not smell like his rotting corpse! ”


“So tell me again why we’re here consorting with the geeks and freaks of the gaming world.”

Juliet cast an eye at Monica, who was sitting with her chin rested on perfectly posed hands as she leaned forward watching the endless procession of people streaming into the hall. Juliet was a little underdressed sitting next to her friend; her blue jeans and sky blue sweatshirt paled in comparison to Monica’s long black dress. Each layer was ornately trimmed with an intricate lace that also edged the high-necked collar. Monica wore knee-high black boots with lethal heels as opposed to Juliet’s white Nikes, and where Juliet’s hair was swept back and held by a small tie, Monica’s jet black hair hung straight down her back. Juliet had long since realized they were as different as night and day, in both attitudes and coloring, but looking at Monica now, her dramatic makeup was undeniably the finishing touch to a beautiful Gothic lady.

“We’re here to bring Kayleigh to get to play with some other kids, ” Juliet explained again. She twisted around in her seat to catch Kayleigh’s attention. Kayleigh was all but leaning over the barrier, her eyes racing over the activity below.

“Have you seen Trent yet? ”

“Not yet, but she’ll be here.”

Monica leaned back and regarded Juliet. “Such certainty over one whom she only met yesterday.”

Juliet hitched her shoulder. “There’s something about her. Even I can’t begin to explain it.”

“I can’t wait to see her. From how you’ve described her she sounds quite delicious.”

The atmosphere in the hall grew charged as the lighting changed. Juliet was amused by how excited Kayleigh was getting. She enjoyed seeing her enthusiastic about something.

“What do you think is going to happen now? ” Juliet whispered in Kayleigh’s ear as the lights began to pulse out a rhythm that echoed the piped music’s beat.

“The Reapers are coming! ” Kayleigh said assuredly.

A loud voice over a microphone welcomed everyone to the hall and started to announce the teams one by one. Troops of teenage boys, twenty-something men, and the occasional girl came out to great applause. Juliet craned her neck to try to see where Trent’s team was.

“Patience, Juliet. Your geek will be out shortly, I’m sure, ” Monica said sweetly.


Behind the curtains Trent waved forward each team on their mark and looked over at her own team. She could see Elton still steering well clear of Eddie.

“Eddie, you clean that robe by next week or you are off the team, understood? ”

“I’ll get my mom to wash it tomorrow. I promise.”

Trent rolled her eyes at Elton. “He is why gamers get a bad reputation.” She ushered out the last group, their main rivals, the Henley Hurricanes. Elton good-naturedly booed them as they stepped through the curtains and got a one-fingered retort from their captain.

“That’s very un-sportsman like conduct, ” Elton said, blowing a large raspberry at the rest of the team and earning a gentle slap from their lone female player. “See? ” He turned to Trent. “I told you she liked me.”

“And here I was thinking you were waiting for your vampiress to come to you out of a dream.”

Elton shrugged inside his robe. “I keep waiting. I just keep meeting the ones who want a pound of flesh more than a bite of eternity with me.”

“That was very poetic. I like that.”

“See? I’m the answer to a maiden’s prayer.” Elton listened to the cheering going on for their rivals. “I don’t know why you don’t just use a fart machine to announce them, ” he muttered.

“Because they deserve all the respect we can give them back here because the minute we hit the consoles, we wipe the floor with their sorry asses.” She waved to the guy manning the equipment to load up their music. The sound of piped organ music creepily echoed around the hall. A wolf howled, and an evil chuckling began to sound out menacingly. With a solemn air, the team members all flipped up their cowls and prepared to make their entrance. Trent got into position in front of Elton who, as their team leader, always brought up the rear. Trent listened to the crowd getting ready for the home team to make their appearance, and one by one her team filed out. They all kept their faces hidden, their hands tucked away in the long sleeves of the robes. Trent walked out to the sound of the audience cheering for their recognized talent and their showmanship. Elton stepped out from behind the curtain, a lethal-looking scythe in hand and his ghoulish face just visible beneath his hood. The cheers grew louder as he played to the audience, swinging his weapon above his head.

“Ladies and gentleman, give it up for the reigning champions, the Baydale Reapers! ”

The team removed their cowls and the audience cheered for their home team. Trent scanned the audience and unerringly found Juliet among the crowd. A smile broke out unbidden at the sight of her. She flashed a thumbs-up sign to Kayleigh, who was waving to her excitedly. But her eyes were captivated by the beauty of Juliet. She got a soft nudge in the middle of her back from Elton.

“Basking in adoration done now. Let the gaming begin.”

Trent reluctantly followed him as they left the stage and the emcee took over to welcome everyone to the games.


Juliet sat back down with a thump.

“Wow, talk about a production.” Monica fanned herself comically. “Please tell me that next to the last Reaper is this Trent because, girlfriend, she was all but eating you alive with her eyes.”

“That was her.”

“She’s handsome, in a leaner, meaner incarnation of Mariska Hargitay kind of way.”

Juliet had to laugh at Monica’s description of Trent. “It’s only a slight resemblance, I’ll give you that. But Trent is so much more…”

“Butch? Studly? Damn sexy as hell for a woman? ” Monica sighed. “I can see it all written as clear as the lust on your face.” Monica leaned in closer. “Wouldn’t you just love to run your fingers through that short hair of hers? ”

“I hadn’t really gotten to the part about mussing up her hair.” She did, however, appreciate how Trent’s dark brown hair was cut to accent her lean face.

Monica nodded sagely. “I see. You mentally skipped the foreplay and went straight for the down and dirty parts. I like your way of thinking! ”

Juliet was scandalized. She checked that Kayleigh’s attention was still elsewhere and hushed Monica. “I just mean I hadn’t really thought about her in that way.”


“Much. Okay. I admit it, I thought about her.”

Monica leaned back in her chair. “Well, she couldn’t keep her eyes off you, so I’d say the feeling is mutual.”

“She could have just been checking to make sure Kayleigh was here.”

“Oh, honey, I don’t think it was your sister she was looking at with those eyes. And think about it, she plays these games. She’s going to have dynamite fingers. I bet she could push all your buttons very nicely.”

“I can’t believe I’m sitting here cruising her with you helping me along.”

“She’s just looked up here at you again. Who is cruising who? ”

Juliet couldn’t resist any longer and looked over to where Trent was helping to set up the first tournament. Their eyes met, and for a long moment the dull noise filling the hall disappeared and all Juliet knew was the pull from those dark brown eyes. She had to blink to physically break the spell.

“Juliet, she’s coming! ”

Juliet was shaken from her introspection by Kayleigh grabbing her arm. True enough, Trent was heading toward them.

Monica leaned in to whisper in Juliet’s ear. “She’s on her way. Be on your best behavior.” She paused for a second, then added, “Stick your tits out! ”

Red faced, Juliet hissed at her. “Will you stop that! ” She looked up to find Trent bounding up the steps to lean over the barrier and greet Kayleigh.

“Hi, kid.” Trent looked over at Juliet. “Juliet, glad you could make it today too.”

“Kayleigh would never have forgiven me if we’d have missed this.”

“Can I steal Kayleigh away from you? We have some competitions starting in the next rooms that are for kids her age.” She gave Kayleigh an apologetic look. “The games we’re playing first aren’t meant for your age, but you can come back in later to see me drive.”

“Why can’t I see you play everything? ” Kayleigh was obviously disappointed.

“We don’t allow anyone to see games unsuitable for their age. But I promise you, you won’t miss out.” She turned her attention to Juliet. “Would you like to see where I’m taking her? ”

Juliet stood, leaving her denim jacket on the chair. Monica stood too. “This is Monica Hughes, ” Juliet said. Trent reached over to shake Monica’s gloved hand.

“A pleasure.”

“Monica is Juliet’s roommate, ” Kayleigh said.

Juliet caught the polite smile on Trent’s face slip a little and her eyes clouded. Was she imagining the look of disappointment on Trent’s face?

“We just share an apartment, ” Juliet said and was surprised by the visible relief that sparked through Trent’s eyes before she hid it swiftly.

Monica looked down at Trent from her higher position on the steps. “I have a question for you, Trent.”

Juliet held her breath for whatever Monica was about to utter.

“Mr. Tall, Dark, and Ghoulish on your team, the ever-so-gorgeous Grim Reaper, is he taken? ”

Trent looked over her shoulder to where Elton was towering over a console watching the action unfold. “No, he’s surprisingly unattached.”

“Excellent. You must introduce me when you’ve all finished playing whatever it is you people play, ” she said. “Now, where are you taking the child? ”

Trent held out her hand to help Kayleigh down the steps. “Let me introduce you to some games you are going to love.”


The back of the hall was separated from the main area by a series of room dividers. The sound of children’s high and excited voices came from behind the screens. Trent led her group inside. She waved over a young man who was supervising the children with a parental eye.

“Conrad, we have another convert to add to your fold.” Trent introduced Kayleigh to him and then Juliet and Monica. She bit back a grin at his obvious double take of Monica’s stylish appearance. Trent guided Kayleigh along with Conrad to get her settled in. “I have two sets this morning that I have to compete in, but I’ll be sure to come back here to see how you’re doing, okay? ” She pointed to all the consoles lined up. “This is where you get to test your skill at sports. Trust me, the bowling is brilliant.” She drew Kayleigh’s attention to another area. “Here’s where the DSs take the lead, and you can go head-to-head with people here in the room, or we have Wi-fi set up and you can challenge people online anywhere.” She cast Juliet a look. “All safe, all monitored. And the people here are great. They’ll keep Kayleigh occupied.”

“Do we stay with her? ”

“You could or you can trust Conrad and his merry band to keep an eye on her should you decide you want to watch the main matches on today.”

“Is the Grim Reaper playing? ” Monica’s question was innocent enough, but the accompanying look in her eyes was not.

“Yes, ma’am, he is. He and I have a match against another team in about fifteen minutes should you care to watch.”

“What are you playing? ”

“We’re in combat teams against zombie hordes for our first game of the morning.” Trent looked over at Juliet and rubbed her hands together gleefully. “There’s nothing like an early start on killing the undead.”

Juliet addressed Monica. “You go take your seat in the main hall and I’ll come join you once I know Kayleigh’s settled in.” She turned to look for Kayleigh. “I guess that answers that, then.” Kayleigh was already standing in line with some other children, strapping on her Wii remote, ready to play baseball.

Trent noticed that Wade, who had been with the boys terrorizing Kayleigh just the day before, had snuck in line behind her. Kayleigh acknowledged him and Trent was pleased to see him flush a brilliant magenta as he was obviously apologizing to her.

“Does Kayleigh know him? ” Juliet asked.

“He’s a good boy. He was just with the wrong crowd yesterday.” Wade’s shoulders relaxed as he started chatting more freely to Kayleigh, who obviously didn’t hold a grudge. “I think she’s just made a friend.”

“Thank you for letting her come here.”

“No, thank you for bringing her. Every kid needs someplace to go to explore who they are and what they like.”

Juliet looked around her, taking in the sounds of many games all going at once and the children’s delighted chatter. “As long as she’s happy, I’m happy.”

Trent drew Juliet’s attention to Kayleigh taking her stance before the screen. With a look of intense concentration she swung her remote, and on the screen the ball flew out of the stadium to cheers and a “Home Run! ” announcement. Kayleigh’s team all cheered and high-fived her as she stood aside for the next player to take his turn. Kayleigh’s face glowed as she caught Trent’s eye and struck a winner’s pose.

“I’d say she’s happy.” Trent discreetly winked at Kayleigh and turned to leave the children’s area. Juliet’s hand on her arm stopped her.

“I’m looking forward to seeing your match.”

“I’ll be sure to do my best to impress you.”

“You think I need to be impressed? ”

Trent straightened her shoulders. “Your sister has just scored a home run on her first go; I’m not having a little girl outplay me. How would it look if I got myself killed in the first minute of my game? How could I possibly hold my head up high before you? I have a reputation to uphold after all.” Trent’s tone was serious but she failed to hold her smile in check.

“You take this all very seriously, don’t you? ”

“Gaming is serious, even though it’s just a bunch of people getting together to press a series of buttons to move pixilated characters around a screen.”

“It sounds silly when you put it like that.”

“But then would we still dance if it was described as just sticking your bodies together and moving your feet across the floor in time to a beat? ” Trent was almost pushed into Juliet as a young child barreled past in their haste to reach a new game. “It takes the romance out of what can be a very intimate act.” Trent could see the pulse in Juliet’s neck beat out its rhythm. She was mesmerized by it.

“Do you dance, Trent? ” Juliet’s voice was low.

“I haven’t for a long time, but I think I could still follow the beat.” She was all too aware that the tone of the conversation had switched track just a little. She cringed as the siren went off to announce the next tournament but was thankful for it. “I have to go play.”

“Good luck.”

“Will you cheer for me? ” Trent hoped she didn’t sound as desperate as the words appeared.

“If I can be heard over Monica screaming for your partner the Grim Reaper, then yes, I will.”

Trent laced her fingers together and cracked her knuckles. “Then let the contest commence.” She gestured for Juliet to go before her. “But first, let me walk you back to your seat.”

“What is it with you escorting the Sullivan sisters wherever they need to go? ”

Trent kept her gaze fixed on Juliet. “Seems like the best thing I can do.”

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