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Chapter Five. Trent tried not to be obvious about the fact that every four seconds she was checking out the customers entering the store

Trent tried not to be obvious about the fact that every four seconds she was checking out the customers entering the store. She busied herself by neatly arranging the empty game boxes on their shelves. She made a concerted effort to keep her hands busy and her focus away from the front of the shop. Elton finally caught her.

“Are you waiting for someone in particular or just looking to make your escape from the hordes of Sunday shoppers? ”

Trent leaned her hip against the counter and straightened her tie, unconsciously fidgeting to make herself presentable. Elton stilled her hand as she fiddled with her name tag.

“Okay, now you’re making me nervous. Have we got a visit from the head office that I haven’t been warned about? ”

Trent ignored him as a flash of blond hair distracted her at the door. One of the guys behind her made a comment about the new arrival. It was sexist and derogatory and Trent was grateful he was just a temp because she wanted to kick his ass out the shop that very second. Any thoughts she had about hiding in the storeroom until Juliet had left were shattered; there was no way she was leaving her to the mercies of a Neanderthal.

“Back off, Greg. This one is all mine, ” she said.

Elton peered over to where Juliet was making her way through the shop.

“God, no wonder you’ve been antsy all morning.” He leaned his chin on Trent’s shoulder as they both stared in her direction. “She really is a pretty lady.”

“Yes, she is.” Trent stepped forward to make her presence noticed. Her heart raced at the smile she received when Juliet caught sight of her. She couldn’t stop her answering one.

“Good morning, how may I help you? ” Trent fell into her customer service training deliberately, trying not to be distracted by the simple lilac sun dress Juliet wore that showed off her creamy skin to perfection. She purposely kept her eyes way above the cleavage that Juliet was modestly displaying. She hoped by being professional she wouldn’t have time to wonder what scent Juliet wore that was teasing her nostrils and making her slightly giddy.

“You can cut the salesperson’s spiel and show me what it is my sister wants.”

Trent led the way to the middle of the shop and set about explaining what Kayleigh had mentioned.

Juliet nodded as Trent pointed out everything that would be a part of the bundle she recommended. “And how about the games themselves? ”

Trent recommended which games she thought Kayleigh would get the most enjoyment from. “Of course, the machine comes with a free game in it. It has the bowling that you proved to be very talented at yesterday.”

“I never came close to Kayleigh’s score.”

“True, but it was your first time and practice makes perfect. Which is why I am recommending that you get an extra set of controllers.” Trent took a step back, aware that she had been leaning ever closer to Juliet, so close she could smell the faint perfume of her hair. Trent forced herself to take a deep breath and try to be impartial, but she couldn’t seem to help but be drawn to Juliet. She’s so beautiful and I really should know better. This woman isn’t a one-time only kind of lover; she’s an all or nothing. I cannot afford to get involved with that kind of woman. She tried desperately to focus on the job at hand.

“So if I buy all this, what is the damage to myself and my parents who have promised to go halves with me.”

Trent reeled off the total and was pleased Juliet didn’t balk at the cost.

“Sold. I’ll also take the two games you said would be perfect too.”

“You don’t have to get them all today. You could always come back.” Trent hoped like crazy that none of her fellow assistants had overheard her say that. Making the sale was the ultimate goal in retail.

Juliet just shook her head. “I think it’s a safe bet I’ll be in here more often than not with Kayleigh in tow wanting to spend her birthday money, her allowance money, and any other money she can wrangle out of the folks.” She made a wry face. “She is way more savvy than I ever was at her age.” Juliet’s attention shifted as she looked over Trent’s shoulder. “Hi, Elton.”

“Juliet, it’s good to see you again. Did Trent here convert you into becoming a believer? ”

Juliet stared at him for a moment, then laughed. “No, this is for the convert already at home. Apparently, this is what Kayleigh wants for her birthday and she told Trent all about it.” She turned back to Trent. “I’m glad she did; otherwise we’d have been none the wiser. For a chatty kid she can keep quiet at the strangest of times. She’s not your usual little girl.”

Elton grunted. “Trent would know all about that.” His attention was distracted by another customer. “She wasn’t a normal little girl either.” He walked away to deal with someone else.

Trent stared at his retreating back. “Elton and I go way back. We grew up as kids together.”

“No wonder you are so close.”

“He’s my big brother and best friend all rolled into one.”

“You’re lucky to have that.”

“Yes, I am.” Desperate to change the conversation, Trent quickly rubbed her hands together. “So how about I go get your console and extras and we go run it through the till? ” She disappeared to the storeroom to find everything that Juliet had picked out. She picked up a new console box and gathered the extras and the games. Then she stopped, aware that her breathing was patchy and her palms were damp. She leaned back against one of the shelving units and took a moment to just think.

“I can do this. She will buy this stuff, and I probably won’t ever see her again. I really like her, but she is not what I can afford to start dealing with in my life right now. My life is settled and I like it that way.” Trent knew she was deluding herself, but she’d used the excuses so many times that she was starting to believe them herself. “Besides, she’s probably just flirting because I’m the first new lesbian she’s seen for a while. She’s beautiful and she’s smart and she’s out of my league.” Trent gathered all the items up into her arms. She hastened back toward the shop floor and halted again in the process of opening the door. But God, she’s so damn gorgeous. She groaned out loud and resisted the urge to bang her head off the door. Trent straightened her posture and prepared to re-enter the shop. “Just make the sale.”

Juliet was waiting when Trent came out with all her goods. She reached into her handbag to get out her wallet as Trent guided her to the counter to pay.

Trent busied herself in the routine of scanning all the objects and packing them up. “You’re going to need a lot of wrapping paper, ” she said.

Juliet agreed. “Are you due a break soon? ”

Trent nodded. “I could be. I could walk you to your car with this. It’s not heavy, but it’s bulky.”

“I’d like to ask you something out of the din of the shop.”

Trent finished up the sale and caught Elton’s eye. “Can I have fifteen minutes, please? ”

Elton nodded and shooed Zoe in to take Trent’s place at the counter. Trent gathered up the bag and escorted Juliet out. “I feel like I’m absconding with half the shop, ” she said, waiting for Juliet to lead the way.

“Thank you for doing this.” Juliet reached out to touch Trent’s arm. “I wanted to invite you to Kayleigh’s birthday party.”

“Birthday party? ” Trent repeated dumbly.

“You’ve got to come. You’re Kayleigh’s newest and bestest friend.”

Trent’s chest tightened at the thought of having to be social with strangers. She looked into Juliet’s face, argued with herself, and then caved in. So much for keeping your distance, Trent. “Will there be cake? ”

“Cake, ice cream, sandwiches, and it’s just a few of us. Mainly my parents and me, although Monica has said she will pop in, but she doesn’t ‘do’ my parents. They’re a little distracted by her look.”

“Then I should totally make their day, ” Trent said dryly. She’d seen how people looked at her, intimidated by both her size and looks.

Juliet pulled her to a halt. “Why? You’re smart, witty, can hold a conversation with anyone and everyone. You have the most amazing sense of fair play that I have ever witnessed. Add to that you are amazingly handsome, what’s not to like? ”

Trent willed her mouth to close. No one had ever complimented her so nicely. “You think I’m all that, eh? ”

“And probably more.”

“You hardly know me.”

“Maybe we can remedy that over cake and ice cream.”

Trent warred within herself for a moment then capitulated. “Okay, but I warn you I’m a frosting fiend.”

“You and Kayleigh alike.”

The parking lot was busy, and Trent dutifully followed as Juliet directed her to where her car was parked. Carefully, Trent placed the bag in the trunk and lowered the lid.

“You know, I don’t think I’ve seen anyone treat a box so reverently.” Juliet accepted back her keys from Trent’s hand and their fingers touched. Trent shoved her hands in her pants pockets nervously.

“I love my games and treat them accordingly, whether they are mine or for someone else.”

“Kayleigh is going to love this. Thank you for helping me.”

“It was my pleasure.” Trent was at a loss as to what to do next. She needed to get back to work but was loath to leave Juliet’s side. The feeling both unnerved and excited her.

“I’ll come pick you up on Saturday, unless you’d rather drive yourself? ”

“I don’t drive.”

“You don’t have a car? ”

“I have no need for one. I live close enough to work that I can walk, or if I’m not in the mood for a trek I can catch a bus here. I have my own house that I’m paying for. The money I’d use on a vehicle I pay into that instead. I don’t need wheels as much as I need a roof over my head, ” Trent said.

“How wonderful. I want my own place desperately. When I moved back to Baydale, I was still in touch with Monica, who just happened to have lost her last roommate to the joys of matrimony. I took the spare room and have been living with her for the last two months. When Mom and Dad moved here for Dad’s job, they did ask if I wanted to move back home. I’d been so long out of the family nest that I didn’t like the idea of going back under their roof.”

“Well, I know exactly where they live, so I could save you a journey and just walk there.”

“No, you won’t. I’ll come get you. You aren’t traveling all that way by foot this time.” She reached into her bag and pulled out a business card. She gave it to Trent after writing something on the reverse. “This is my cell number in case you need to call me.” She reached back in her bag and pulled out a small notepad. “Now, what’s your address? ”

Trent reeled it off and Juliet wrote it all down.

“Okay, we’re set. Next Saturday, four p.m. okay for you? ”

Trent nodded. “I’m not on the schedule next weekend so it’s perfect.”

Juliet put everything away and flashed a satisfied look. Trent was startled when Juliet leaned up and kissed her softly on the cheek.

“Thank you for everything.”

Trent resisted the urge to touch the spot on her face tingling from Juliet’s kiss. “No problem, ” she said around the sudden tightness in her throat as desire rose to suffuse her whole being.

“I’d better let you get back to work before Elton comes looking for you.” Juliet suddenly seemed shy, her face turning pink. She touched the name tag Trent wore. “Assistant manager or not.”

Screw Elton, Trent thought as she stared at Juliet’s lips, but she eventually nodded, knowing Juliet was right. “Next Saturday, then? ”

“I’ll be sure to save you some frosting.”

“You know the way to my heart, ” Trent said without thought. She wasn’t sure, but she thought she heard a we’ll see, but the parking lot noise drowned out whatever words Juliet had uttered.

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