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At the Hacienda of Don Alejandro
When Don Diego arrived at his father's hacienda, Don Aiejandro was in his dining room. He was finishing his evening meal. " Ah, Diego! " he said. " It's good to see you, my son. Sit down and have some wine. Tell me, what's the news from Los Angeles? " " The news is terrible! " replied Don Diego. " There has been violence in the town. Fray Felipe was whipped today. And that man, Zorro, has been in Los Angeles. Nobody can catch him." " Yes, I've heard many things about Zorro, " said Don Aiejandro. " There's something else, " began Don Diego. " 1 went to the Pulido hacienda. I asked Señ orita Lolita Pulido to marry me. Her father agreed. But the señ orita doesn't want to marry me." " What?! " shouted Don Aiejandro. " She doesn't want to marry a young man from the great Vega family? " " That's right, " said Don Diego. " The problem is this— she wants me to say sweet words to her. She wants me to play a guitar under her window. But these things are very boring for me, Father. I can't do them." " Listen to me, my son, " said Don Aiejandro. " Señ orita Lolita is the best young woman in the country. You can't buy her like a horse! You're my only son. You're nearly twenty-five. You must have awife and you must have children. Then our family name will not die. Go back to the señ orita and win her love. If you don't, you won't get my money when I die. I'll leave all my money to the Franciscan brothers." " But, Father—" Don Diego began. Suddenly, the two men heard the sound of horses outside the house. A few minutes later, ten young caballeros came into the room. They were carrying swords and pistols. " What do you want? " asked Don Alejandro in surprise. " We're chasing Señ or Zorro, " replied one of the caballeros. " Did you see him on the road, Don Diego? " " No, " replied Don Diego. " But please sit down and drink some wine." Don Alejandro's servants brought wine and cake. The caballeros took off their swords and they sat down. They began to eat and drink. Soon they forgot about Zorro. Don Alejandro told his servants to put the swords in a comer of the room. Don Diego talked with the caballeros for a long time. At last, he stood up. " Please excuse me, everybody, " he said. " I've ridden a long way today and I'm very tired. Good night." He left the dining room. Don Alejandro sat with the caballeros. They continued to eat and drink. Soon, they were all very drunk. They began singing. " Where is Zorro? " one of them shouted. " Why isn't he here? " A strong voice from the doorway answered them. " Señ ores, he is here! " The caballeros stopped laughing and talking. Zorro walked slowly into the room. He was wearing his long cloak and his black mask, and he had a pistol in his hand. The swords of the caballeros were in the corner of the room. They could not reach them. " Listen to me, caballeros! " said Zorro. " What kind of men are you? You sit here, drinking wine and singing. But look around you! Terrible things are happening every day in this country. The governor and his friends are only interested in money. They take money from poor people! " " You are men from the best families in the country, " he went on. " Together you are very strong. Work together against the governor and stop these bad things! Do something useful with your lives! " Zorro talked for a long time and the caballeros listened to him. He was right, they knew that. The governor and his friends did many bad things. So the caballeros decided to work with Zorro and to fight against the governor. " Excellent! " said Zorro. Then Don Alejandro spoke. " I agree with you, señ or, " he said. " I will help you too." When the caballeros heard this, they were very happy. " Good, " said Zorro. " Now listen! This meeting must be a secret. Tomorrow morning, you must all go back to Los Angeles. I'll send for you when I need you. So be ready at all times! Now, good night. Don't try to follow me." Zorro left the room. The caballeros were very excited. They began to talk about their plans for the future. A few minutes later, Don Diego came back into the dining room. " What is all this noise? " he said in a tired voice. " I can't sleep." " Listen, my son, " said Don Alejandro. " Señ or Zorro was here. He talked to the caballeros. They are going to fight together against the governor. Now you can be a brave caballero too. You must join these men. Ride to the town with them tomorrow! " " But Father, I don't like—" began Don Diego. " Don't argue with me, " said Don Alejandro angrily. " Do what I tell you! "