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At the Jail
Later that day, Don Diego Vega was riding towards the presidio. He was going to talk to the governor. He was not hurrying. Sometimes, he stopped and looked at the beautiful flowers by the side of the road. When he arrived at the presidio, he found the governor in Captain Ramon's office. " Welcome to Los Angeles, Your Excellency, " said Don Diego. " Thank you, " said the governor. " Some very had things are happening here. Today I had to send the Pulido family to jail." " To jail?! " said Don Diego. " Why? Did they do something terrible? " " They helped the thief, Zorro, " replied the governor. " They are enemies of this country and I am going to punish them." " Oh, " said Don Diego. " But I've asked Señ orita Lolita to marry me." " You must think again about that, " said the governor. " Don't marry her, señ or! And don't talk to anyone from the Pulido family! " " I will think about your words, " said Don Diego. " Thank you, Your Excellency." Don Diego left the presidio and he went home. " I'm not feeling well, " he told his servant. And soon, he went to bed. All that day, the ten young caballeros were waiting to hear from Zorro. " Señ or Zorro will send us a message soon, " they thought. " The Pulidos are in jail. We must rescue the family! " And that evening, when it was dark, Zorro did send a message to the caballeros. He asked them to meet him. All the caballeros came to the meeting and they brought their friends too. There were now twenty-six young men ready to fight with Zorro. But Don Diego was not at the meeting. " I went to his house, " said one caballero, " but Don Diego's servant came to the door. Don Diego is in bed. He is ill." Zorro told the caballeros about his plan to save the Pulidos. Then all the young men put black masks over their faces. They rode quickly to the town. The caballeros sat on their horses outside the jail. Zorro and four others rode up to the jail door and got off their horses. There were no lights burning inside the building and everything was quiet. Zorro knocked loudly on the door with the handle of his pistol. At last, the ugly jailer came to the door. " What do you want? " he asked. Then he saw Zorro's pistol. It was pointing at him. The jailer was very afraid! " Open this door wide, " said Zorro. " If you don't, I'll shoot you! " The jailer opened the door of the jail wide, and the five men went inside. Zorro took the jailer's keys. He tied the man's feet and hands with strong rope. Then he found the door of the room where the Pulidos were prisoners. He unlocked it quickly. One of the caballeros held up a candle. By its light, Zorro saw Lolita and her parents. When he saw the dirty room, he felt very sad and angry. Lolita looked up and she saw Zorro. She shouted happily and ran towards him. " You are free! " said Zorro. Don Carlos was very surprised. But before he could say anything, the caballeros took him out of the room. Lolita and Doñ a Catalina followed them. When they were all safely outside, Zorro spoke to the other men. " Take Don Carlos and his wife to the hacienda of Don Alejandro Vega. The governor's soldiers will not look for them there. I'll take care of Señ orita Lolita." Suddenly he saw Sergeant Gonzales and his soldiers riding towards the jail. Gonzales had returned to Los Angeles that afternoon. He had been drinking wine at the inn when he heard the noise from the jail. Now he was here with his soldiers, ready for a fight. Gonzales's men had pistols. They saw Zorro and the caballeros, and they began to shoot. Quickly, the caballeros rode away with Don Carlos and Dona Catalina. Zorro pulled Lolita up onto his horse and followed them. Sergeant Gonzales saw Lolita with Zorro. He told his soldiers to chase them. Zorro was riding very fast. He wanted to take Lolita to a safe place. But where could he go? He made a decision. He rode to the farm of Fray Felipe. He got down off his horse and knocked loudly on the door. After a minute, Fray Felipe opened it. " I need your help, Brother, " said Zorro. " This young lady is the daughter of Don Carlos Pulido. Please, will you hide her in your house? The governor's soldiers are following us. If they capture her, they'll take her to the jail." " Of course I'll help you, Señ or Zorro, " said Fray Felipe. Lolita got off the horse and Zorro kissed her gently on the lips. The he jumped onto the horse and rode away. Fray Felipe took Lolita into his house and he closed the door. Sergeant Gonzales had seen Zorro riding up to the brothers' farm. There had been two people on Zorro's horse—Zorro and the young woman. But when Gonzales saw Zorro riding away, the masked man was alone on the horse. " So, Zorro has left Lolita Pulido with Fray Felipe, " thought Gonzales. The sergeant rode up to the house and he knocked on the door loudly with the handle of his sword. After a minute, Fray Felipe opened the door. " Why are you making all this noise? " the old brother asked. " What do you want? We're trying to sleep." " You are hiding the Pulido girl here! " said Gonzales rudely. He called his soldiers. " Search the house! " he told them. The soldiers jumped down from their horses and rushed into the house. They began to search all the rooms. Gonzales pushed Fray Felipe out of his way and he went into the living room. In the corner of the room there was a pile of animal hides. Gonzales saw something moving behind the pile. He began to walk towards it. But before he could reach it, a young woman stood up. It was Lolita. She was holding a long sharp knife in her hand. Gonzales stopped and he stared at her in surprise. What was she going to do? " If you come closer, I'll kill myself! " Lolita said. " That is the truth! I'm not afraid to die! " Gonzales did not move. He did not want Lolita to kill herself. " If that happens, the governor will be very angry, " he thought. Lolita moved quickly towards the door and she ran out of the house. The soldiers' horses were outside. Lolita was an excellent rider. She jumped onto one of the horses and rode quickly away from the farm. A moment later, Gonzales ran out of the house, shouting for his men. They got onto their horses and they began to chase Lolita. But the moon was hidden by the clouds. They could not see Lolita in the darkness.