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Match the definitions with the right words from the right-hand column. There are more words than you need. Give one derivative to these words if possible.

  to disappear suddenly and/or in a way that you cannot explain a. apparently b. attorney c. buzz d. chaos e. consent f. frantically g. frustration h. savings i. solicitor j. to appoint k. to strive l. to stuff m. to vanish n. will
  The feeling of being annoyed and impatient because you cannot do or achieve what you want
  (formal) to try very hard to achieve smth
  (BrE) a lawyer who prepares legal documents, for example for the sale of land or buildings, advises people on legal matters, and can speak for them in some courts of law
  to fill a space or container tightly with smth:
  an amount of smth such as time or money that you do not need to use or spend
  (also testament) [C] a legal document that says what is to happen to smb’s money and property after they die
  a state of complete confusion and lack of order
  quickly and with a lot of activity, but in a way that is not very well organized
  according to what you have heard or read; according to the way smth appears
  permission to do smth, especially given by smb in authority

Give synonyms to the following words

To struggle, to disappear, to investigate, a lawyer, testament, evidently, mess, despair, permission, noise.

3. Give the Russian equivalents to the following phrases from the text. Remember when they were used:

Mind you.

More or less.

We are off.

The school was over.

They [clothes] had all gone.

Get going!

For fun.

I love it here.

He is in it deep.

…and the rest of it.

That would be heaven.

There’s no more room in the boot.

It’s fine with me



Discuss in pairs: what is the message of the book?

What problems does it raise?

What conclusions have you made?

Give three words to describe the book.


Write an advertisement for the book to be printed on its back-cover.



r. Complete the sentences with the right preposition. Think of the meanings that it may have:

i.. Matilda was moved _____ into the top form.

j. Miss Honey was brought ______ in the Red House.

k. I didn’t even fell the hotness building ____ behind my eyeballs.

l. There was tremendous energy bottled ____ in there.

m. All Matilda’s energy is used _____ at class.

n. Mr Wormwood answered without looking _____.

o. She flew _____ the drive aand saw Miss Honey.

p. When Miss Honey heard Matilda racing over the gravel, she straightened ____ and stepped out of the rose-bed as the child came running _____.

s. Match the words from the columns to make collocations and reproduce the situations where they have been used. Give the Russian equivalents to the collocations:

17. fainting 18. local 19. rightful 20. lifetime 21. welcome 22. enormous 23. lousy 24. brief 25. utter 1. brain 2. chaos 3. country 4. fit 5. owner 6. savings 7. silence 8. solicitor 9. visitor



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