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Exercise 3. Answer the questions. 1) What is meant by a well-balanced diet?

1) What is meant by a well-balanced diet? What are its main features?

2) What happens if a diet lacks any needed food elements? Give examples.

3) What food elements does any person need to stay healthy?

4) What kinds of diets have you learned and what do they aim towards?

5) How many calories do people need and what does the amount depend on?

6) Why is it advisable to use a food diary and to diet with a buddy?

7) How can you substitute eating?

8) Are you getting enough vitamins?

9) How often should you eat fruit and vegetables?

- at least once a day;

- three times and week;

- once a week.

10) Don’t you think that if you eat plenty of fruits, vegetables and yoghurt as a child you will continue to enjoy these foods as you grow older?



Use the texts above as a model and write a set of guidelines either for your friend who is slimming or for a child who is on a nourishing diet after being ill. Some examples of useful language are shown below.

You should / You ought to…

It is a good idea to…

Don’t forget to…

Remember to…

Make sure you…

Don’t be afraid to…

Try to avoid…

Don’t … … or you will…

You shouldn’t…

Be careful not to…



Exercise 1. Work in pairs / groups and discuss the following.

1. People know that if they stick to a low-fat, high fibre intake they will be able to eat without putting on weight.

2. Research is indicating that we are what we eat.

3. It is not necessary to add salt to foods since there is plenty of natural salt already there.

4. Yoghurt is a nutritious, natural product that is high in protein and relatively low in calories.

5. Fruit and vegetables are the best source of fibre.

6. It is sometimes hard to resist hot chips with salt or chocolate eclairs.


Exercise 2. Give Russian equivalents to the following proverbs and sayings. Make up short stories to illustrate them.

1. Too many cooks spoil the broth.

2. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

3. Square meals often make round people.

4. Live not to eat, but eat to live.

5. Eat at pleasure, drink with measure.

6. The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.

7. To lengthen thy (= your) life, lessen thy (=your) meals.

8. Diet cures more than lancet.

9. One man’s meat is another man’s poison.

10. After dinner sit a while, after supper walk a mile.


Exercise 3. Plan a full day’s healthful diet that contains the recommended number of calories (2 300 – 2 600). Be sure that the meals you create are ones you would actually eat. Be ready (a) to make a presentation; (b) to discuss it with your friend.

  Food Items How Much (in grams) Number of Calories


Exercise 4. Your friend has gained some weight and is going to sit on a diet. Advise him the one you have tried or consider the most efficient.


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