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Vocabulary exercises. Exercise 1. Find English equivalents to the following:
Exercise 1. Find English equivalents to the following: 1. оладьи; 2. зефир; 3. молоть кофе; 4. сочное мясо; 5. семга; 6. уксус; 7. лавровый лист; 8. земляной орех, арахис; 9. манная крупа, манная каша; 10. сливочник; 11. лапша; 12.кабачок; 13. густая похлебка из моллюсков; 14. крупный рак, омар; 15. маринованные грибы; 16. кусок пиленого сахара; 17. айва; 18. бокал; 19. взбивать яйцо; 20. натереть на терке; 21.фритюрница; 22. закуска; 23. солонка; 24. круглый, мелкий лимон; 25. укроп; 26. сгущенное молоко; 27. металлический поднос; 28. сделать фарш; 29. перловый суп с овощами; 30. тмин.
Exercise 2. Group the word below under the following headings: 1) Cereals; 2) Dairy products; 3) Fish; 4) Fruit; 5) Herbs; 6) Meat; 7) Vegetables aubergine barley dill herring mustard pear rice sausage veal bacon basil flour lamb mutton peas rye sole wheat blackberry chicken gooseberry maize onions plaice sage thyme yoghurt beans cream grape mint parsley rabbit salmon trout millet
Exercise 4. Which are the odd men out? 1. Herbs: artichoke marjoram rosemary bay leaf marrow sage chicory mint thyme garlic oregano turnip
2. Spices: vinegar vanilla cayenne pepper chilli pimento white pepper cinnamon nutmeg ginger horseradish
3. Pasta: lasagne macaroons macaroni ravioli noodles spaghetti pies 4. Poultry: boar chicken duck goose hen turkey
5. Shellfish: cockerel lobster prunes cockles mussels shrimp crab oysters kipper prawns
6. Game: barley pheasant grouse pigeon partridge venison maize
7. Fish: cod herring sole deer mackerel trout eel plaice haddock salmon
8. Meals: banquet feast barbecue lunch sandwich breakfast picnic snack refreshments
9. Wines: Chianti port bourbon Tokay burgundy claret sherry shandy vermouth champagne liqueur
Exercise 3. Name the tableware and cutlery numbered in the picture.
Exercise 4. What do we call: 1. small pieces of raw potatoes fried crisp; 2. the sweet nectar of flowers collected by bees; 3. small balls of dough cooked in boiling oil; 4. substances we add to food to make it tastier; 5. the process of preparing dinner (breakfast, supper, etc); 6. the meat which has no fat; 7. extra money that we give to a waiter in a restaurant; 8. a large spoon we use to pour soup into a plate; 9. a fresh or dried food that is usually made from flour, eggs, and water formed into a variety of shapes; 10. the salted roe of a large fish, particularly the sturgeon, eaten as a delicacy; 11. milk fermented by bacteria to give a tangy or slightly sour flavor and a lightly set or thick and creamy consistency. It is sometimes sweetened and flavored, usually with fruit; 12. the round edible fruit of vines belonging to the gourd family, with a tough rind and sweet juicy flesh ranging in color from pale yellow to deep orange; 13. a spread made from fruit boiled with sugar; 14. a decorative bottle with a stopper, used for holding and serving drinks, especially wine; 15. a small portion of food served cold or hot before a meal to stimulate the appetite; 16. somebody employed to bring food and drink to people, usually in a restaurant; 17. a device with many sharp-edged holes against which something such as cheese can be rubbed to reduce it to shreds or fine particles; 18. to cook something, especially meat or vegetables, by dry heat, usually in an oven or over an open fire, basting it with fat, or be cooked in this way.
Exercise 5. Find the opposite of the following words and word combinations: 1. white bread; 2. tasty food; 3. lean meat; 4. hard-boiled egg; 5. sweet; 6. castor sugar; 7. green fruit; 8. fresh egg; 9. strong tea; 10. gruel; 11. overdone meat; 12. substantial meal; 13. fresh bread; 14. to boil slowly. Exercise 6. Match the words which have something in common: bun; peanut; mutton; caviar; roll; cauliflower; cereal; currant; saucer; crawfish; bottle; partridge; gooseberry; pork; quince; marrow; soup plate; duck; millet; rusk; almond; lamb; napkin; dills; cheesecake; pitcher; grits; blood pudding; ladle; hazel-grouse; walnut; pickles; plum; pie; sturgeon; quenelle; mushroom; herring; cup; salted cucumbers; goulash; pasta; roach; semolina; turkey; puff; pistachios.
Exercise 7. Fulfill the tasks below and answer the questions. 1. Use the taste and flavour words in the box below to describe the following: a) Indian curry b) pizza c) sea water d) an unripe apple e) a cup of tea with 5 spoons of sugar f) strong black coffee with no sugar g) factory-made white bread