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IV. Poultry, Poultry-farm Produce and Game

II. Cereals and Groats

1. barley

· pearl barley

· peeled barley

2. buckwheat

3. cereal

(A cereal may also mean a kind of food-stuff prepared of grain such as wheat, oatmeal, or maize, used as a breakfast dish – овсянка, кукурузные хлопья, и т. д. }

4. corn

(In England corn is used of any grain, whilst in the USA and Australia it denotes maize.)

· corn-cob

· corn-flakes

5. grain

(In British usage all kinds of grain are popularly known as corn. In the USA grain хлебный злак usually denotes wheat.)

6. grits

(In England grits is used of coarse oatmeal; in the USA it is usually used of coarse hominy.)

7. groats

8. gruel

· thin gruel

9. hominy

(This is coarsely ground maize boiled in water or milk.)

10. maize (Indian corn)

11. millet

· millet gruel

· millet meal

· millet porridge

12. oats

· oatmeal

· oatmeal porridge

13. porridge

(Porridge is usually made of oatmeal and is thicker than gruel.)

· milk porridge

14. rice

· rice pudding

15. semolina

16. wheat

III. Meat and Meat Dishes

1. back rasher

2. bacon

· bacon and eggs

· fat bacon

· lean bacon

3. bangers and mash

4. beef

· beef fondue

· beefsteak

· beef Stroganoff

· beef-tea

· corned beef

· horse-beef/flesh

· tender beef

· tough beef

5. blood pudding/black pudding

6. brawn

7. broth

8. casserole

9. chop

10. clear soup

11. croquettes

12. cubes (stock cube, bouillon cube)

13. cutlet

14. fillet

15. gammon

16. goulash

17. ham

18. heart

19. joint

(The whole upper back joint is called saddle.)

· dinner from the joint (lit.)

20. kidney

21. lamb

22. liver

23. meat

(The word meat may have a more general meaning, that of food of any kind. This meaning of meat may be found in proverbs, as in one man's meat is another man's poison, and in such compound words as greenmeat, mincemeat, sweetmeat etc.)

· bit (piece) of meat

· boiled meat

· carve meat

· chilled meat

· chop (mince) meat

· fat meat

· force meat

· grilled meat (a grill)

· meat-balls

· meatloaf

· meat soup

· overdone meat (fish, etc.)

· roasted (roast) meat (a roast)

· stewed meat (a stew)

· succulent meat

· underdone meat (fish, etc.)

24. mutton

· mutton chop

25. pâ té

26. pork

· cold pork

· boiled pork

· pork chop

27. quenelle

28. ready-to-cook

29. rissole

30. roast beef

31. rumpsteak

32. salami

33. sausage

(In the USA the word frankfurter is often used in the meaning of сосиска. A hot dog in the USA is a colloquial name for a sausage sandwich — булочка с горячей сосиской. )

· boiled sausage

· small sausage

· smoked sausage

34. shepherd’s pie

35. smoked ribs

36. spareribs

37. steak-and-kidney pie (pudding)

38. stomach

39. thick soup

40. toad in the hole

41. tongue

42. veal

43. venison

44. Yorkshire pudding

IV. Poultry, Poultry-farm Produce and Game

1. bisque

2. chicken

· chicken broth

· roast chicken

3. duck

· wild duck

4. egg

· bad (rotten) egg

· break an egg

· egg in its shell

· egg powder (dried eggs)

· egg shell

· fried eggs

· hard-boiled egg

· new-laid egg

· scrambled eggs

· to shell an egg

· soft-boiled (lightly-boiled) egg

· well-boiled egg

· white of an egg

· to whip (beat) an egg

· yolk of an egg

5. game

· cold game

6. goose (pl. geese)

7. hazel-grouse (hazel-grouse hen)

8. omelet(te)

9. partridge

10. pheasant

11. poultry (fowl)

e. g. This is a poultry (breeding) farm.

12. rabbit

13. turkey

Reading 1.

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