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Право вето


Члени РБ повинні застосовувати спеціальні норми для голосування, які містяться в Хартії ООН.


Критерії затвердження

Критерії у справі затвердження резолюції є такими:

- форма;

- мовні чинники;

- логічний зв’язок.


Отже, МООН водночас є цікавою, але складною “грою”, лише обраним, розумним та найталановитішим надана можливість осягнути всю її сутність та пройнятися духом “дорослого” життя справжніх дипломатів.



- Символ Ауровіля. Центр являє собою Єдність; вміст кола - творіння, думка; лепестки - сила вираження, реалізації.

- Коло. Символ єдності, минулих, теперішніх та майбутніх досягнень людства. Нескінченність та абсолют.


- Оливкова гілка. Символ миру, процвітання, кохання та здоров’я.

- Символ Меркурія. Союз Сонця та Місяця. (На зображенні: розум, єдність та гармонія).

- Символ миру, зверху якого розташовується петля з зміїними головами, як позначення протидіючих, однак, за образом таких, що складають єдність, сил. (Аналог Інь и Янь).


- Крыла (Голуб). Символ Миру.


  What is Model United Nations?   Model United Nations (MUN) is an authentic simulation of specific UN organs, committees or conferences such as the General Assembly or Commission on Sustainable Development. In MUN, students step into the shoes of ambassadors of UN Member states to debate current issues on the organization's vast agenda.   What is a Model United Nations conference?   Today, MUN exist in over 40 countries. The MUN simulations are adaptable to any scale and MUNs have been held at the classroom, school, regional, national and international level. Larger events are called conferences, because they bring participants from all over a country or the world.   Who participates in Model United Nations?   The popularity of Model UN continues to grow and more than 400, 000 middle school, high school and college/university students worldwide participate every year.   Many of today's leaders in law, government, business and the arts participated in Model UN during their academic careers (US Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer, Chelsea Clinton, UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-Moon, Actor Samuel L. Jackson etc.).   More recently, Model UN has been receiving attention in the mainstream media and has been featured in television programs including The Simpson's, Like Family, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Will and Grace, The OC, and Gossip Girl. Model UN was the theme of the Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen movie Winning London and mentioned in The Sure Thing and Along Came Polly. And at least one Jeopardy question was correctly answered with " What is Model UN? "   What types of topics are discussed in Model UN conferences?   The agenda items discussed in committee vary at each conference. Most conferences tend to focus on current affairs issues that are being discussed in the United Nations. These issues can highlight political, financial and/or social concerns. However, the task of some committees might be to address hypothetical concerns or issues from the past or future. For example, many conferences have " crisis" committees, in which delegates must react to a hypothetical or actual crisis situation. Other conferences host historical or future Security Council simulations.   Who is a Model UN delegate?   A Model UN delegate is a student who assumes the role of an ambassador to the United Nations in a Model UN simulation. Prior to a conference or event, a Model UN delegate does not need extensive experience in international relations. Anyone can participate in Model UN, so long as they have the ambition to learn something new and to work with people to try and make a difference in the world. Model UN students tend to go on to become great leaders in politics, law, business, education and medicine, such as the people mentioned above.   What are some of the educational benefits of Model UN?   For almost 60 years, teachers and students have benefited from and enjoyed this interactive learning experience. It not only involves young people in the study and discussion of global issues, but also encourages the development of skills useful throughout their lives, such as research, writing, public speaking, problem solving, consensus building, conflict resolution and compromise and cooperation.

True to the mission of the United Nations as declared in its 1945 charter, KIMUN serves as a forum in which students from colleges and universities around the world can meet to discuss the greatest challenges facing the world today, in fields ranging from international peace and security to economic and social progress and human rights. In this spirit, the goal of KIMUN is to begin a process whereby constructive debate today can lead to solutions tomorrow.

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