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Give adequate Russian equivalents of the italicized words.

IMPLY, IMPLICATION, IMPLICIT - общий элемент смысла: невысказанное словами, но логически вытекающее из чего-то. Частотные русские эквиваленты: to imply - подразумевать, означать, иметь в виду; implication - скрытый смысл, значение; implicit - подразумеваемый, не выраженный прямо.

1. A tree is a structure implying a hierarchy. 2. The book doesn't claim to give more than the name implies. 3. People are always talking about fundamental research, implying the existence of a nameless opposite. 4. It could be argued that the artificial distinction between sociology and anthropology, which is implicitly made in this book, is unfortunate. 5. Recent observations of various astronomical objects together with their theoretical implications were discussed at the conference. 6. Dirac's theory implied that there should be the same number of anti-particles as particles in the universe. 7. Economists calculate both implicit and explicit costs of production. 8. What are the implications of this statement?

TO ADJUST, ADJUSTMENT - общий элемент смысла:

изменяясь, приобретать свойства, необходимые для существования в определенных условиях; направляемый волей или разумом процесс приспособления к новым условиям. Частотные русские эквиваленты: to adjust -приводить в порядок; улаживать (спор); приспосабливать, пригонять, прилаживать; регулировать, устанавливать, выверять; adjustment - регулирование, приспособление; установка, сборка, регулировка, пригонка

1. If the chair is too high, you can adjust it to suit you. 2. The body adjusts itself to changes in temperature. 3. The most common problems are conflicts with other software users' systems, which generally are fixed by minor configuration adjustments. 4. For the first time, researchers have controlled the chaotic behaviour of a physical system simply by making small adjustments to one of the parameters.

TO IMPLEMENT, IMPLEMENTATION Частотные русские эквиваленты: to implement - выполнять, осуществлять; implementation - осуществление, выполнение, проведение в жизнь

1. Dynamic data structures generally require pointers for their implementation. 2. In economics an issue is analyzed in five steps: state the problem, apply the relevant economic model, identify solutions, evaluate solutions, and choose and implement solutions. 3. Such knowledge provides the bases for the development and implementation of educational planning. 4. The effective implementation of the policy will depend heavily on the police force.

7. Complete the sentences using the following words: remove, regard, adjust, arrange, according to, item, character, queue

1. The restaurant has a long menu of about 50.... 2. Local people... this idea of a motorway through their village with horror. 3. Another way of classifying materials is into metallic, semiconducting and insulating materials,... their electric behaviour.4. As a teacher you have to... your methods to suit the needs of slower children. 5. This washing powder will... all stains from your clothes. 6. The envelope was written in Chinese/ Cyrillic.... 7. The meeting has been... for Wednesday. 8. There are three... on the agenda.... one: a report on the car park project. 9. If you want tickets you'll have to join the... at the ticket office. 10. Multimedia,... its dictionary definition, is information presented in a combination of texts, graphics, video, animation and sound.11. The earthquake was the most important news... this week.12.The computer screen is 66... wide.13. The man came to... the rubbish.14. Mac. file names can be 31... long, compared to the eight-plus-three format of DOS machines. 15. There was a long... of traffic stretching down the road.16. Relations which satisfy this condition are sometimes... as functions. 17. Here are several other examples of group of two items... in pairs.

8. Make up sentences of your own with the given phrases:

a) artificial code /distinction /division / language / model / object /system / fiber/ limb;

b) extremely/ highly complex, a complex approach/ concept/ method /subject / system; to complicate a matter/ problem /description, a more complicated version;

c) to implement a task/ plan/ proposal/ solution;

d) scientific/ historical/linguistic research, a research student/assistant, a research laboratory, to do/ carry out/ conduct research into/ on

9. Learn the difference in meaning: to connect, to join, to link

1. Соединить материальные объекты друг с другом, связать, сцепить, присоединить, слить. Синонимы отличаются друг от друга по следующим смысловым признакам: 1) степень обособленности соединяемых объектов, 2) их число, характер или тип соединения, 3) характер или тип соединения (механическое, физическое, химическое), 4) наличие - отсутствие связующего звена между ними, 5) прочность связи.

connect, join, link обозначают как правило механическое соединение (путем связывания, спайки, склейки) двух объектов, каждый из которых сохраняет известную обособленность.

Join не имеет никаких дополнительных семантических особенностей: to join two pieces of metal by welding соединить два куска металла с помощью сварки; to join one length of rope to another связать один кусок веревки с другим, to join an island to the mainland by a bridge соединить остров и материк мостом.

Connect и link отличаются от join тем, что всегда предполагают не только обособленность связываемых объектов, но и наличие и выделимость связующего звена между ними; при этом link в большей мере, чем connect подчеркивает прочность присоединения, тесноту связи между объектами: to connect two banks of a river by a bridge; the two towns are connected by the railway line; the three plants are linked by a railway; a submarine cable linked the two continents.

2. Стать участником совместной деятельности или членом определенной группы лиц, примкнуть, присоединиться,

связать, вступить, войти. Connect, в отличие от join предполагает менее прочное сотрудничество, часто в роли служащего, а не равного партнера: his aim was to connect himself with a banking firm у него была цель устроиться на работу в какой-либо банковской фирме.

Link близко по значению к connect, но предполагает более прочное или длительное присоединение: to link up with somebody примкнуть к кому-л.; this firm is going to link up with a more powerful company эта фирма намерена присоединиться к более могущественной компании. Join имеет значение «вступить, быть принятым в члены» to join a club стать членом клуба, to join a labour party вступить в партию, to join the army пойти в армию. (Англо-русский синонимический словарь под ред. Ю.Д. Апресяна)

Fill in the correct word.

1. Russia is …ed to Eastern Europe by all sorts of economic ties. 2. Where does the cooker … to the electricity? 3. The European Monetary system was designed to … together the currencies in the European Community. 4. He was …ed in some way with that fraud scandal a couple of years back. 5. If you … up the dots on the paper, you’ll get a picture. 6. The flight will be arriving in Malaga at ten o’ clock where it …s with a bus service to your hotel. 7. The missing … is a world of social facts intervening between his objective and subjective worlds. 8. A long suspension bridge …s the two islands. 9. I don’t have time for a drink now, but I’ll … you later. 10. If you have come to buy tickets for tonight’s performance, please … the queue. 11. The explosions are not thought to be …ed in any way. 12. I’ve got no money till the end of this week.” 13. “… the club! ” 14. She’s an actress I … with the theatre rather than films. 15. Can I … my printer to your computer? 16. The organization’s aim is to … up people from all over the country who are suffering from the disease. 17. There’s no point in buying a computer that can’t be …ed to the other machines in the office. 18. He was …ed in some way with that fraud scandal a couple of years back.19. The chemistry of all the elements is intimately …ed with their electronic structure.

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