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Give attributes to the following nouns. calculator, mechanical devices, precision, exception, loom, engine, notation, technology, current, data

calculator, mechanical devices, precision, exception, loom, engine, notation, technology, current, data, card/paper tape, contribution, program, mathematics, intelligence

12. Translate into English the following word combinations using a) raw, b) pure:

a) необработанные данные, сырье, сырая шерсть, промозглое утро, некипяченое молоко;

b) чистая математика, цельное молоко, натуральный шелк, правильный английский язык, чистая случайность

Give English equivalents of the following phrases.

сложный, тонкий (о приборе, машине); ненадежное устройство, обрабатывать информацию, изобрести/ спроектировать/ разработать устройство, выполнять действия/ операции, получить грант, отказаться/ отбросить проект по ряду причин, выражать в двоичной системе, прокладывать путь, требовать научных исследований, хранить/ запоминать значение/ величину, необходимо заметить/ упомянуть, вносить выдающийся вклад, искусственный интеллект, большой приверженец (сторонник), назвать в честь изобретателя, решать задачу, поднять (улучшить) уровень жизни

Translate into English.

1. Он изобрел машину, которая могла делить и умножать.2. Процессор манипулировал данными. Память хранила информацию на перфокартах, а устройство вывода печатало результаты. 3. Эта машина была очень сложной и требовала много запчастей (parts).4. Двоичная система счисления оказалась очень полезной.5. Паскаль разработал машину, которая могла складывать и вычитать.6. Машина обрабатывала данные на перфокартах.7. Он внес большой вклад в развитие математики.8.Трудно выполнить точно (с точностью) то, что вы требуете. 9. Реальная ценность этого изобретения еще не понята.10. Это сырой материал, его еще нужно обработать.

11. Это требует тщательного рассмотрения. 12. Босс требует объяснить причину опоздания. 13. В результате эксперимента исследователь получил требуемое значение (величину).14. Я не могу выразить словами свои чувства. 15. Прислушайтесь к голосу разума.16. Наша цель - усовершенствовать методы разработки лекарств. 17. Лаборатория оставила (отказалась от) проектов в области чистой науки и занялась прикладными исследованиями. 18. Вы должны принять во внимание, что компьютеры уменьшились в размерах, что оказалось важно также для исследователей.


Unit 2

1. Learn to use these words:

to consume - to use up (esp. in large amounts)

The first generation computers consumed a lot of power.

Present-day users are eager to consume as many resources as their PCs can offer.

amount - a collection or mass

the necessity of certain amount of control; a significant amount of cooperation. There has been a certain amount of confusion in the terminology.

to represent - to be present officially for another person/ to show or describe. Our company is represented in New York by Mr. Taylor. The report represents the current situation in our schools.

available - able to be obtained, used, or reached

When an item is first read into the buffer it becomes available for triggering a shift. Our autumn catalogue is available from our usual shops. Paul is not available at present. Should I ask him to call you back?

to replace - take the place of smth.

The factory replaced most of its workers with robots.

failure - fault or weakness, lack of success;

a catastrophic failure; to lead to failure

to fail - to become weaker or stop working completely, not to do smth. which you should do.

The brakes failed and the car crashed into a tree. He promised to help, but failed to arrive on time.

to provide - to give, to supply

The government will not be able to provide social services for poorer families. Computer networks clearly provide an easy way to expand the science-by-mail programs. Economics provides an understanding of how society functions.

to introduce, introduction - to present (someone) by name (to another person) or (two or more people to each other)/ to bring in; to establish

We were introduced to each other during our first class in the laboratory. Let me introduce you to Professor Smith, the head of our department. George Boole introduced a theory of logic now known as Boolean algebra. New methods of data management were introduced by the members of our team.

to retrieve - to find and bring back

We taught our dog to retrieve a ball.

to reduce - to make or become smaller in size, number, extent, degree, intensity, etc./ to bring into a certain state, condition, etc.

Due to the development of science and technology great computational machines reduced to desktops, laptops, and even tablets. Because of the terrible fire our laboratory was reduced to ashes. After my project was declined by the commission I was reduced into despair.

to increase - to make or become greater in size, degree, frequency, etc.; grow or expand

The number of iPhone consumers is increasing each day. The demand for portable computers made the leading companies to increase their laptop production.

feature - a typical quality or important part

Central planning was the most basic feature of Soviet-style economy.

simultaneously - at the same time

Two children answered the teacher’s question simultaneously. There was a simultaneous broadcast of the concert on the radio and the television.

(in)compatible - (not) able to exist or work with

Any new video system that is incompatible with existing ones has little chance of success. The computer program isn’t compatible with this operating system.

to intend - to propose or plan (something or to do something); have in mind; mean

Linus Torvalds intended to develop a new open system free for all users. The hackers who robbed several banks say that they intended to transfer money to the poor.

intention - a purpose or goal; aim

Jobs’ and Wozniak’s intention was to create the first personal computer. The intention of mathematical analysis studies is to develop logical thinking.

to cope with - to deal (successfully) with a difficult situation or bad luck

It must be difficult to cope with three small children and a job. Table 1 shows how various dictionaries cope with these problems.

to evolve - to develop gradually

to evolve a theory/ method. Language is an open and evolving system.

to include - to have as contents or part of the contents; be made up of or contain

Microsoft Office kit includes several programmes such as Word, Excel, Powerpoint, etc. Alfred included the results of our development into his report.

contemporary - belonging to the same age; living or occurring in the same period of time/existing or occurring at the present time

Charles Babbage found out a lot of mistakes in contemporary tables and maps. The contemporaries of Lady Lovelace could not imagine that she would be called the world’s first programmer.

Contemporary technologies are developing faster and faster.

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