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True or False.

Москва - 2012



Арибжанова Д.З., Бим М.М.,

Горшечникова Е.А., Дворецкая Л. К., Опарина О.И., Плиева С.И., Толкалина Ю.В.


под редакцией Бим М.М. и Саратовской Л.Б.



к.ф.н. Мешкова Е.М., к.ф.н. Потапова Н.М.



English Reader in Computer Science (Practice Book)

Учебно-методическое пособие для первого курса/ Под ред.

Бим М.М. и Саратовской Л.Б. – М. Издательский отдел

факультета ВМК МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова (лицензия

ИД N05899 от 24.09.2001); МАКС Пресс, 2012. – 2-е изд. доп.

и перераб. – 112 с. (на англ. яз)


ISBN 978-5-89407-495-5



Данное пособие является дополнением к 3-ему изданию

учебно-методического пособия “English Reader in Computer

Science” для первого курса (2009 г) и позволяет закрепить

лексический материал каждого урока, как самостоятельно,

так и в аудитории.


Unit 1

1. Learn to use these words:

to consist of - to be made of or formed from smth

The team consists of four Europeans and two Americans. This dish consists mainly of rice and vegetables.

sophisticated - complicated or made with great skill

The advanced technology used in this missile makes it one of the most sophisticated weapons in the world.

design(n., v.) - plan or drawing for smth; the way smth is arranged

A well-designed interactive system would out-perform a natural language interface for most applications. Work in computational vision has shown that parallel analog algorithms in hardware require circuit designs that consume a manageable amount of energy.

add subtract multiply divide Have you anything to add to your earlier statement? Four subtracted from ten equals six. In warm weather these germs multiply rapidly. 2 multiplied by 5 is 10, so 10 divided by 5 is/equals 2. At the end of the lecture, I'd like all the students to divide into small discussion groups.

(un)reliable - smth that is reliable can be trusted because it works well; careful Is your watch reliable?

precise - exact and accurate

The Earth's atmosphere makes the precise observation of faint stars difficult. She organized the conference with great precision.

to process, processing - to perform a series of operations (on information)

Visa applications take a minimum of two months to be processed by Embassy staff.

outstanding - excellent, very much better than usual

an outstanding performance/ writer/ novel/ scientist/ result/ achievement/ contribution

to contain - to have inside, to include

I've lost a file containing a lot of important documents.

to invent, invention - to design, to create smth which has never been made before

Faraday discovered the links between electric current and magnetism, inventing the electric motor and generator. Inventions such as the radio and the dish washer brought communications and automation to the ordinary home.

to obtain - to get smth, esp. by asking for it, buying it, working for it or producing it from smth else

to obtain / data / access to/ food

In the second experiment they obtained a very clear result.

to abandon - to leave forever

She abandoned her husband and children and went off with another man. When the soldiers arrived, the village had already been abandoned. " Abandon hope all ye who enter here".

reason - explanation, ground, argument, cause

The reasons for her action remain unclear. There seems to be no good reason for preferring one order to another.

(binary) notation - a system of written symbols used esp. in mathematics or to represent musical notes

Working separately both mathematicians developed similar notation.

value – a mathematical number or amount that is not known and is represented by a letter

to express - to show (a feeling, opinion or fact) Her eyes expressed deep sadness. Words can't express how happy I am.

to develop - to invent

The company is spending $650 million to develop new technology.

to perform - to do (an action or piece of work)

The experiment must be performed in a controlled environment.

to carry out - to perform or to complete (a job or activity)

Nigel is carrying out research on early Christian art. The hospital is carrying out tests to find out what's wrong with her.

to contribute, to make a contribution - to give (money, support, help or ideas towards a particular aim); help to common result

This invention made a major contribution to road safety.

circuit - a closed system of wires through which electricity can flow.

rapid - quick or sudden

There has been a rapid growth/ rise/ increase in the number of people who have home computers.

fast - moving or happening quickly

They like fast cars and expensive restaurants.

to store - to put or keep things in a special place for use in the future

Squirrels store nuts for winter. The data is stored on a hard disk and backed up on a floppy disk.

to require - to need or make necessary

Please telephone this number if you require any further information. The rules require that you can bring only one guest to dinner.

to improve - to get better

Her health has improved dramatically since she started a new diet.

to mention - to speak about smth briefly or without giving much detail

I have time only to mention some of the week's most important events. Did she mention me in her letter?

pure maths - area of study that is studied for the purpose of developing theories about it, not for the purpose of using those theories in a practical way

She has always been more interested in pure research than in applied science.

complete - pure chance /speculation/ invention/ hate /hell

morally good - pure life/ thoughts

not mixed pure cotton /orange juice/ Arab horse/ heroin/ water

research, researcher - a detailed study of a subject

The research and development (R and D) departments investigated ways of improving engine performance.

True or False.

1. Calculus is " pebble" in Latin.

2. Stepped reckoner is a device which could perform all arithmetic operations.

3. Blaise Pascal designed a punched card.

4. Punched cards began to be used for the first time in Babbage's Difference Engine.

5. The first computer was invented and built in the USA.

6. Speed was the greatest advantage of ENIAC.

7. Instructions used by computers have always been kept inside the computer’s memory.

8. Norbert Wiener introduced a new calculating machine.

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