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Our Academy
The Volgograd State Academy of Physical Education is situated on the bank of great Russian river Volga. The Academy started its history in 1960. During 50 years it played an important role in the physical education and sports in Russia and in the Word Olympic Movement. Nowadays 2000 students study at the physical education department, at the physical training and sports department, at the correspondence department of the Academy. They take undergraduate and graduate programs. The department of physical education offers under-graduate programs leading to the bachelor's degree in the field of physical education teaching and coaching. The advanced students can take the first step into graduate education and work two years more for the master's degree. The department of physical training and spots educates professionals in various fields such as: adaptive physical training, management of organization, pedagogy and psychology. That requires 5 years of study. After successful final examinations a graduate receives the diploma of a specialist. Both masters and specialists have the opportunity to continue the higher education at the postgraduate courses and defend a dissertation within a thee-year period of study. On condition of successful defense a student obtains a degree of the candidate of science. In addition to its traditional education programs, our academy offers continuing education for PE teachers and coaches, and professional development courses for the teachers of the academy. There is a preparatory department for foreign citizens. There are 18 chairs at the Academy with highly qualified specialists. Academicians and lecturers with higher scientific degree, honored Masters of Sports and honored coaches teach anatomy, physiology, sport medicine, hygiene, theory and methods of physical education and sports and other subjects. The Academic year is divided into two terms. At the end of each term students receive credits and take examinations. Most of the students receive state scholarships. The Academy has got modern education and sports facilities. There are various courts and a stadium with synthetic covering, an indoor soccer and track- and-field stadium, gyms, sports games halls, indoor and outdoor swimming-pools, studying laboratories, lecture halls. Students use the library of the Academy, work in the reading-room with the Internet facilities.
New words
1. Academy [ə 'kæ də mɪ ]- академия 2. bachelor's ['bæ ʧ (ə)lə ] degree – степень бакалавра 3. continue [kə n'tɪ nju: ] - продолжать 4. correspondence [, kɔ rɪ 'spɔ ndə n(t)s] department – заочное отделение 5. court [kɔ: t] – игровая площадка, корт 6. degree [dɪ 'gri: ] – звание, ученая степень 7. department [dɪ 'pɑ: tmə nt] – отделение, факультет 8. facility [fə 'sɪ litɪ ], мн. число facilities – 1)сооружения, оборудования, 2) возможности. 9. graduate ['græ djuit] – программа последипломного образования 10. gym [ʤ ɪ m] – гимнастический зал 11. honored ['ɔ nə d] - заслуженный 12. hygiene ['haɪ ʤ i: n] - гигиена 13. indoor ['ɪ n'dɔ: ] – находящийся в помещении 14. indoor swimming pool – закрытый плавательный бассейн 15. master's degree ['mɑ: stə ] [dɪ 'gri: ] – степень магистра 16. obtain [ə b'teɪ n] – получать, приобретать 17. opportunity [, ɔ pə 'tju: nitɪ ] - возможность 18. outdoor ['aut'dɔ: ] – находящийся на открытом воздухе 19. pedagogy ['pedə gɔ ʤ ɪ ] - педагогика 20. postgraduate course ['pə ust'græ juit] [kɔ: s] - аспирантура 21. psychology [saɪ 'kɔ lə ʤ ɪ ] – психология 22. receive [rɪ 'si: v] - получать, принимать 23. require [rɪ 'kwaɪ ə ] –требовать 24. scholarship ['skɔ lə ʃ ɪ p] - стипендия 25. undergraduate [, ʌ ndə 'græ djuit] – программа бакалавриата