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Exercises. I. Составьте словосочетания из слов левой и правой колонок ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2
I. Составьте словосочетания из слов левой и правой колонок. Переведите получившиеся словосочетания.
1. postgraduate a. facilities 2. sports b. department 3. bachelors c. swimming-pool 4. correspondence d. degree 5. outdoor e. course 6. state f. coach 7. honored g. scholarship II. В каждой группе слов найдите лишнее слово или словосочетание. Объясните свой выбор. 1. Swimming-pool, lecture hall, gym, stadium. 2. Academician, lecturer, court, coach. 3. Pedagogy, hygiene, physiology, scholarship. 4. Bachelor’s degree, candidate of, master’s degree, degree of comparison. 5. Department store, correspondence department, physical education department, preparatory department.
III. Употребите в пропусках подходящие по смыслу слова из списка новых слов. 1. People who work full-time study at the … department. 2. …. degree is the first degree in the system of higher education. 3. In our Academy there are two swimming-pools: … and ….. 4. There are many sports and studying …. in our Academy. 5. Advanced students … their education at the graduate level. 6. Master’s degree…. two years of work. 7. There are volleyball and basketball…. to the left of the Academy building.
IV. Используйте слово или словосочетание вместо определений. 1. Money for good studying. 2. A special sports ground where you can play tennis. 3. The degree which advanced students receive after finishing graduate program. 4. A swimming-pool in the building. 5. The first university degree. 6. The course for advanced students which helps them defend the dissertation. 7. The department where future managers study. Questions 1. Where is Academy situated? 2. How old is the Academy? 3. How many students study at the Academy? 4. What departments do the students study at? 5. What is the first academic program at the physical education department? 6. What degree does the first academic program lead to? 7. How long does the course for master's degree last? 8. What specialists does the Academy provide at the department of physical training and sports? 9. What do the students of physical training and sports department receive after final examinations? 10. Who has the opportunity to study at the postgraduate courses? 11. What does the Academy offer to PE teachers and coaches? 12. Who works at the academic chairs? 13. What subjects do students learn at the Academy? 14. How often do students receive credits and take examinations? 15. What sports facilities has the Academy got? 16. What studying facilities do students use?
Additional reading Universities in Great Britain Text A There are 45 universities in Great Britain. Oxford (founded in the twelfth century) and Cambridge (founded in the thirteenth century) are known as the oldest unique universities. They developed from a great number of independent colleges and still remain unique in the strength of their collegiate traditions. Cambridge is a federation of 20 colleges, while Oxford consists of 48 colleges. 29 of Oxford colleges admit only men, 5 of them admit only women, all the rest are coeducational. The colleges of Oxford are residential institutions and they mainly use a tutorial method of teaching. That brings the tutor into close and personal contact with the student. Each tutor has 10-12 students. Text B Besides Oxbridge there are six more collegiate universities in Great Britain. The collegiate system can be described as follows: a collegiate university is a federation of colleges where each college is largely independent. Each college has its own separate legal foundation (building and staff of teachers) and its own sources of income. Colleges admit students, organize programs and students’ studies as well as residence, laboratories, libraries and term examinations, while the university is an examining and degree-granting body only. The university is responsible for organizing final examinations for all the body of college students and confers degrees to them on successful passing these examinations. For example the University of London is a federation of forty-four schools, institutes, which together register over 40.000 full-time students. The schools, universities and colleges of the University of London are essentially teaching institutions providing instructions chiefly by means of lectures, which are attended mainly by full-time students. The schools of the University of London vary greatly in size and character. It may be a series of specialized postgraduate institutes and a number of medical and dental schools to several large institutions such as University College and King’s College which in themselves are autonomous universities in most respect. Text C The Open University is the most recently established university in Great Britain. It was set up in 1969 for those people who missed the chance of going to an ordinary university. The students of the Open University work in full-time jobs and can study in their free time by means of distance teaching materials, through correspondence and the Internet. Students may be of all ages. Some of them want to improve their qualification, others come to the university to do something they always wanted but had no time or chance to do it before. As the University is really “open” neither formal entrance examinations nor qualification are required at undergraduate level. Students are admitted on a “first come, first served” basis. Each student gets the help of his own tutor who he meets regularly. The bachelor’s degree is built up on a credit system. A student has to get six credits to obtain it. At the usual speed it takes him or her six years to get the bachelor’s degree.