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While reading the chapter, make sure you know the following words and word combinations. Make use of them to cover the relevant topic.

Renting and Furnishing an Office

Chapter 22

· to lease

· to be (non)negotiable (of a rent)

· a secretarial desk

· a file cabinet

· a copier

· typing paper

· a notepad=a small pad (=áëîêíîò) for writing lists, messages etc.

· a collator=óñòðîéñòâî äëÿ ñîðòèðîâêè áóìàãè

· an automatic feed

· a manual

· a rack

· service and maintenance

· a credenza=íèçêèé ãîðèçîíòàëüíûé øêàô

· a deposit=âçíîñ; çàäàòîê; çàëîã

· to cover costs

· a rent

· to pay in advance

· a receipt

· a late charge

· to pay utilities/insurance

· the payment is due (on)

· letter(-size) (of paper)=having a size of 8 ½ x 11 inches (=21.6 x 27.9 cm)

· legal(-size) (of paper)=having a size of 8 x 14 inches (=20.3 x 35.6 cm)

Negotiating a Deal

Chapter 22

· to reject/decline an offer

· a reasonable offer

· a counteroffer

· an option

· a low offer

· to say “No” to (half a million)

· to be (not) out of the ballpark

· to have a (complete) authority on the case

Chapter 24

· good-faith money=a deposit paid by a buyer to a seller to demonstrate intention to complete the purchase; also called earnest money=çàäàòîê This content can be found on the following page: https://www.investorwords.com/2208/good_faith_deposit.html

· an enforceable contract/agreement

· to put smth. in writing

· to agree on smth.

· a package deal

Chapter 25

· to reach an agreement

· a final deal/to finalize a deal

· to dictate the terms of (the transfer)


Chapter 22

· a leather skirt

· silk stockings

· a seam

· a cashmere sweater

· to contrast (nicely) with smth.

· tight (ant.=loose)

· a sweat suit

· a football jersey

Chapter 23

· a conservative attire

· a simple short knit dress

· a plunging neckline

Chapter 24

· insulated socks

· faded jeans

· aviator’s sunshades

Chapter 25

· a garment

· a bikini

· a straw hat

· a gaudy flowered shirt

· teeny bop sunglasses (see Commentary)

· garb (formal)=a particular type of clothing, e.g. clothing that shows your situation or the work you do

Food and Cooking

Chapter 25

· cole slaw

· creamed potatoes

· the basic staple


Chapter 25

· a thunderhead

· a monsoon

· to slacken (of rain)

· drizzle/to drizzle

· dissipated (clouds)

· a thick rain

3. Idioms and Expressions

Match the following idioms with their definitions and provide their Russian equivalents:

Chapter 21

1) a heavyweight b) smb. who has a lot of influence, status or knowledge
2) a mole a) a) a small animal with dark fur that digs underground and cannot see well; b) smb. who joins or works for an organization in order to give secret information about it to other people, especially to the enemies
3) to put a freeze on smth. d) an official decision to prevent any increase in the number, level, rate of smth.
4) to be on the pill e) to take a contraceptive
5) to take the bait c) to accept what is offered

Chapter 22

1) a vantage point p) a good position from which you can see things well
2) to be downhill m) to be easy to do, because you have already done the hard part
3) (to work) odd (hours) h) different from what is normal or expected
4) odds and ends n) small things of various kinds without much value
5) a nut i) smb. who is crazy or behaves strangely
6) to make a U-turn g) a) a turn that you make in a car, on a bicycle etc., so that you go back in the direction you came from; b) a sudden and complete change of policy by a government or smb. in authority
7) to keep one’s trail q) to follow smb.
8) to give smb. a go-ahead c) a permission to take action
9) to pass smth. on a silver platter o) when you are given it, you don’t have to do much in order to get it
10) to be worth one’s salt a) respected by other people because they do their job well
11) to sell smb. short r) to describe smb. or smth. as less impressive than they really are
12) “The odds are in your favor.” k) You are likely to succeed.
13) to play the odds b) to run a risk
14) a cover-up d) an attempt to prevent the public from discovering the truth about smth.
15) a hotshot (hotshot=adj.) j) smb. who is very good and successful at smth., especially smb. young
16) to keep a straight poker face l) when you are not laughing or smiling even though you would love to
17) to pay top dollar f) to pay a lot of money
18) to look fishy e) to seem false; making one doubtful

Chapter 23

1) (the life) on the run b) trying to escape or hide
2) to strike a deal e) to reach a formal agreement
3) (to explain smth. to smb.) in no uncertain terms c) to pay the bill for drinks or a meal
4) to pick up the tab d) very clearly, maybe rudely
5) to breath down one’s neck f) to watch closely what smb. is doing, in a way that annoys them
6) lovebirds (humorous) a) two people who love each other, especially young people who show their love in a very obvious way in public

Chapter 24

1) a lame excuse a) not real
2) to lavish smth. upon smb. b) to disorder, spoil smth.
3) mock (protest) c) to do smth. that involves risks
4) to make a mental note of smth. d) to give smb. or smth. a lot of love, praise, money etc.
5) to mess smth. up e) to make a special effort to remember smth.
6) to be on the roll f) to leave, or to start a journey
7) to hit the road g) to be having a lot of success with what you are trying to do
8) to get one’s hands on smth. h) smth. that is made to look real but cannot be used
9) (a) dummy (file) i) a weak excuse which is difficult to believe
10) to take chances j) to succeed in getting smth.

Chapter 25

1) to clear smb. from some place a) without smth. that you used to have in the past or usually have
2) (as if) on cue b) to give an opinion or order in an unpleasant commanding manner
3) to window-shop for smth. c) to make smb. leave it
4) to comb (the shopping district) d) to search a place thoroughly
5) “The car was minus air.” e) at exactly the right moment, or right when you expect
6) to lay down the law f) to look at things in shop windows without buying them

4. Bring out the economic meaning:

1. “ The rent was negotiable. ” (Chapter 22)

This content can be found on the following page:


2. “Secretarial work. Free-lance secretarial.” (Chapter 22)

3. “Tree hundred a month, and that’s too low. We’re barely covering costs at that.” (Chapter 22)

4. “We require a three-hundred-dollar deposit and the first month’s rent in advance. ” (Chapter 22)

5. “There’s a ten-percent late charge past the fifteenth of the month.” (Chapter 22)

6. “ After taxes, I netthree hundred thousand at best.” (Chapter 22) This content can be found on the following page:


7. “They won’t keep you (in prison) long, as you’re a white-collar type …” (Chapter 22)

8. “He (Frank Mulhollalnd) had been worth eighteen million before his son and a renegade board of directors took control and forced him into retirement.” (Chapter 23)

9. “The plan was to offer the old man a five-million-dollar package of common stock, convertible warrants and a few bonds. ” (Chapter 23)

10. “…I’ve become an expert on hiding money in offshore accounts. ” (Chapter 25)

This content can be found on the following page:


11. “Wayne Tarrance…arranged a quick secret meeting at the Kentucky Fried Chicken franchise on the island of Grand Cayman.” (Chapter 25)

5. Grammar Revision

Translate and comment on (identify) the underlined Grammar Patterns:

1. “There was no sense being greedy.”

2. “If I knew him, I wouldn’t ask who he was.”

3. “Mitch was supposedto be there seconds later to retrieve it (the cassette) without being seen or caught. ”

4. “We would have to getit (the nose) fixed. ”

5. “…all the eyes turned to watch the sun meet the water.”

6. “He sawno one sniffing around and searching for lost people.”

7. “…he had reserved the last seat on the ten-passenger, three-engine Trislander.”

8. “They…said little during the twenty-minute flight.”

9. “The waiter…waited for them to speak. ”

10. “You’ll throw the power and resources of the FBI in assisting my brother in escaping from prison.”

11. “We might stay a couple of nights at Abanks Dive Lodge.”

12. “Someone may be following. ”

13. “They were lucky to find a room, on such late notice.”

14. “ Now that the lawyers were fat and happy, it was time to talk settlement. ”

15. “Abanks leaned forward on his elbows with his head lowered. ”

6. Exercises

a) On the list of Active Vocabulary find the words synonymous with the following:

to carry out one’s tasks or duties carefully and thoroughly  
a)to get rid of smth. or smb.; b)to sell smth. especially part of a business  
insecure; perilous  
possessing inventive talent  
to secretly join an organization to find out information about it and harm it  
a person who is disabled in some way  
the act of formally ending a parliament, business or marriage  
new and not yet used  
a)to change one’s appearance so that people do not recognize it; b)to hide a fact or feelings so that people cannot notice it  
to be completely absorbed in smth.  

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