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D) Translate the following sentences into English. Make use of the word “deal”, as well as the idioms involving it. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2
1. “Войлс дышит мне в спину. Он хочет знать, с нами ты или нет. Если твой ответ – да, тогда пора заключать сделку”, - сказал Тэрренс Митчу. 2. “По рукам", сказал Тэрренс, выслушав предложение Митча. 3. Пакет предложений Митча включал, во-первых, банковский перевод на его счет, а, во-вторых, освобождение брата Митча. 4. “Ничего страшного”, успокоил агент по недвижимости Тамми, когда она спросила его, не будет ли он возражать против ее ненормированного графика работы. 5. Только, когда Тэрренс пообещал, что Рэй будет освобожден из тюрьмы, Митч решил, что обсуждение условий сделки закончено. 6. Ссылаясь на слова Войлса, Тэрренс объяснил Митчу, что миллион долларов наличными – это лучшие условия, которые ФБР когда-либо предлагало. 7. Questions for Discussion Chapter 22 1. Tammy has found an office to rent. What matters to her? Why does the view from the window matter? 2. Mitch meets Tarrance. Who arranged to meet on the bus? 3. Tarrance made it plain that without an insider’s assistance the mighty FBI wouldn’t even be able to do as much as to come with a search warrant. Why? 4. How did Mitch check the truthfulness of the partners? 5. What tactics did Mitch use to negotiate the deal (intimidation, reasoning, blackmailing, turning down offers, counter offering)? 6. Mitch and Tarrance failed to find any “common ground” during “the bus stage of the talks”. But was this phase useless? Chapter 23 1. Tammy starts working. Swapping briefcases: how was it arranged? The safety signals, the timing. 2. Tarrance continues working: swapping information. How did Mitch learn about the FBI’s stand on the deal? 3. In the recorded instruction Mitch was offered an access to FBI protection anytime as a part of his remuneration for handing the FBI the firm and the Moroltas. What did the protection scheme involve? 4. Mitch concocts his own plan and shares it with Abby. Why doesn’t he want Tarrance to be aware of his plans? Was humor appropriate in so serious a talk? Does Abby see the situation eye to eye with Mitch? 5.What is each of the negotiators driven by in their pursuit to bust the Morolto clan? How different are their motives? Comment on Mitch’s thoughts: “…he (Mitch) became even more hopeful that perhaps the last episode in the Korean shoe store had scared Tarrance or maybe gotten him fired. Maybe Voyles would forget about the entire operation, and Mitch could continue along his happy way of getting rich and making partner and buying everything in sight.” 6.Mitch first got bad, yet vague, vibes about the dirty side of the firm when examining the late lawyers’ portraits. Would he have launched an investigation, if the FBI hadn’t approached him? Chapter 24 1. The lunch with the partners was crucially important to Mitch as he was fully aware of the righteousness of his cause, as well as of what his effort was worth. Do you agree or disagree? 2. Another channel to supply Tammy with work. Speak about a second route of delivering the files to Tammy’s office and back. 3. Mitch and Tarrance meet at an all-night truck-stop. Mitch as a negotiator (seasoned, hardened, tough-as-nails). What new conditions were discussed? Does the fact that Mitch kept changing his conditions show his weakness, hesitation, lack of confidence, greed or, rather, prove that he was “a seasoned, hardened and tough-as-nails negotiator”? Why did Mitch think it fair to demand more than the FBI had ever paid? The condition made by Mitch that was not negotiable, but critical. Chapter 25 1. Mitch and Abby’s first real holiday. What were their plans? 2. Meeting with Tarrance and finalizing the deal. Speak about its terms. Why did Voyles find it extremely hard to have Ray released? 3. DeVasher believed that it was the photographs and Tarrance believed that it was clean files handed to the FBI that could guarantee Mitch’s loyalty. Did the two judge Mitch accurately? 4. What kind of place was Shipwreck Bar? Abanks – the first person (except Abby) Mitch confides in. Was fishing and snorkeling with Abanks a cover-up? What help of Abanks’, do you think, Mitch needed? 5. The McDeeres see their pursuers. Why did they identify DeVasher’s people as such? Seeing the blonde’s back Abby understood that she was eavesdropping on their talk. Can it be truthful? 6. “They kill lawyers, not stupid FBI agents.” What prompted this statement during Mitch’s meeting with Tarrance in the Fried Chicken Place? Sum up what marked this stage of the talks. How did the final terms differ from those discussed at the earlier stages? 8. Role-play 1. Act as Mitch and Tarrance speaking on the bus (make clear Mitch’s concerns about his safety), including the negotiation of the would-be deal. Act as Tarrance speaking about Mitch’s future unless he agreed to cooperate with the FBI. Elaborate on the two options: · Mitch continues just practicing law · Mitch “vanishes into the air” 3. Speak as Oliver Lambert praising Mitch for his incredibly good performance and giving him tips for the coming holiday in the Caymans. 4. Speak as Mitch outlaying his demands. Sum up his arguments to make them sound reasonable and convincing. 9. Follow-up written assignments Write a Summary of Part 5. Make use of linking words, the Active Vocabulary, Idioms and Grammar Patterns of Part 5. Write from 200-250 words. Use the Summary of Chapter 1 as a model. 10. Commentary Chapter 21 1. To circle the wagons= to stop communicating with people not in your group to avoid their ideas or beliefs. Etymology: based on the custom of bringing wagons (vehicles pulled by horses) into a circle when they are being attacked. Chapter 22 1. Nashville= is the capital of the U.S. state of Tennessee. It is the second most populous city in the state after Memphis. It is located on the Cumberland River in the north-central part of the state. Nashville is a major hub for the health care, music (especially, country music), publishing, banking and transportation industries. Its nickname is Music City. 2. Greyhound (Bus) (trademark)=a type of bus service, connecting cities in the USA, operated by Greyhound Lines Inc. Greyhound buses are a popular way of traveling in the US, because they are cheaper than renting a car or going by plane. However, they often make stops in small towns along the way, so traveling can take a long time. 3. Dude (mainly AmE, very informal)=a man (used for talking in a friendly or threatening way to smb. you do not know 4. Paperback= a book with a cover made of thick paper (ant.=hardback) 5. Pen (AmE) (slang)=a prison (short for penitentiary=исправительное учреждение) 6. Louis L’Amour (March 22, 1908 – June 10, 1988) was an American author. L'Amour's books, primarily Western fiction, remain popular, and most have gone through multiple printings. At the time of his death all 105of his works were in print (89 novels, 14 short-story collections, and two full-length works of nonfiction) and he was considered " one of the world's most popular writers". Western fiction is a genre of literature set in the American Old West frontier (usually anywhere west of the Mississippi River) during the late 19th century. Well-known writers of Western fiction include Zane Greyfrom the early 1900s and Louis L'Amour from the mid 20th century. The genre peaked around the early 1960s, largely due to the popularity of televised Westerns such as Bonanza. Chapter 23 1. Merrill Lynch = Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. is a global financial services firm owned by Bank of America, now known as Bank of America Merrill Lynch. The firm was acquired by Bank of America under distressed circumstances during the 2008 Financial Crisis. Merrill Lynch provides capital markets services, investment banking and advisory services, wealth management, asset management, insurance, banking and related financial services worldwide. Merrill Lynch is headquartered in New York City and occupies the entire 34 stories of the Four World Financial Center building in Manhattan. On September 14, 2008 Bank of America announced its intention to acquire Merrill Lynch for Bank of America common stock. Under the terms of the agreement Merrill Lynch shareholders receive 0.8595 shares of Bank of America stock. Shareholders of both companies approved the acquisition on December 5, 2008 which took effect January 1, 2009. 2. Warrant= варрант = a certificate allowing an investor to buy a company's stock at a fixed price during a specific period of time, often 10 or 15 years, though sometimes there is no expiration date. Warrants are generally issued as an incentive or “a sweetener” for investors to purchase bonds or preferred stocks (=привилегированные акции) that will be paying a lower rate of interest. When a warrant is issued, the exercise price (=цена исполнения) is above the current market price of a stock or a bond. For example, a warrant on a stock currently trading at $15 a share might guarantee you the right to buy the stock at $30 a share within the next 10 years. If the price goes above $30, you can exercise, or use, your warrant to purchase the stock, and either hold it in your portfolio or resell at a profit. If the price of the stock falls over the life of the warrant, however, the warrant becomes worthless. 3. Do-it-yourself (store) (abbr.=DIY)=the practice of doing repairs, painting the house etс. oneself, instead of paying workmen This content can be found on the following page: https://www.investorwords.com/5285/warrant.html 4. the VA=the Veterans Affairs= a US government organization which deals with things concerning former members of the armed forces, such as health care, education, and pensions Chapter 24 1. Merle Haggard (born April 6, 1937) = an American country music singer, guitarist, instrumentalist, and songwriter. Along with Buck Owens, Haggard and his band " The Strangers" helped create the Bakersfield Sound, which is characterized by the unique twang of Fender Telecaster guitars, vocal harmonies, and a rough edge not heard on the more polished Nashville Sound recordings of the same era. His songs display unflinching personal honesty about such universal themes as love, loss, patriotism, regret and redemption 2. Antebellum (home)=довоенный=до гражданской войны 1861г Chapter 25 1. Duplex =a two-storey hotel suite 2. Bartender (AmE)=a barman 3. Teeny bopper (becoming old fashioned)=a young person between the ages of about 9 and 14, especially a girl, who is very interested in popular music and the bands who play it, the latest fashion etc. Active Vocabulary, Idioms and Grammar Patterns: 5. “Сейчас, когда мы “избавились” от пяти партнеров, боссы из Чикаго приняли решение временно “заморозить” прием на работу новых юристов”, - сказал ДеВашер Ламберту Локку. 6. Будучи хорошим психологом, Тамми сразу поняла, что агент завышает арендную плату. На самом деле, это заброшенное помещение не пользовалось спросом и оставалось практически пустым. 7. Прослушав кассету с инструкциями Тэрренса, Митч и Эбби ехали молча (не говоря ни слова). 8. Митчу и Эбби повезло, что в лице Эбанкса они нашли верного и полезного сообщника. 5. Не доверяя обещаниям ФБР обеспечить безопасность его и Эбби после разоблачения фирмы, Митч принял решение действовать в одиночку, не ставя в известность (информируя) Тэрренса о своих планах. 6. Предполагалось, что ФБР переведет последний транш после того, как Митч даст свидетельские показания против фирмы в суде. 7. Митч знал себе цену, поэтому он сразу отклонил первое предложение Таррэнса, сказав, что пятьсот тысяч – это очень низкая цена. 8. Митч и Эбби подождали, пока закончит моросить дождь, и оправились к Эбанксу.