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Unit 1. Professions

Professions. meals


Навчальний посібник

для студентiв II курсу факультету «Референт-перекладач»


Видавництво НУА


УДК 811.111’38(075.8)

ББК 81.432.1-923.7




Затверджено на засiданнi

кафедри германської та романської філології.

Протокол № 9 вiд 01.03.10

Рецензент проф. філол. наук І. В. Змійова



Купріна, Вероніка Анатоліївна.

Professions. Meals: навч. посіб. для студ. 2 курсу та 3 курсу (заоч.-дистан. навчання) ф-ту «Референт-
перекладач» / В. А. Купріна, К. М. Заплішна; Нар. укр. акад., [каф. герм. та роман. філол.]. – Х.: Вид-во НУА, 2010. – 72 с.


Навчальний посібник з усної практики містить вправи, спрямовані на закріплення активного лексичного матеріалу, та тексти для обговорення, що містять фактичний матеріал, метою роботи з якими є коректне вживання активних лексичних одиниць в підготовленому та спонтанному усному мовленні.


УДК 811.111’38(075.8)

ББК 81.432.1-923.7



© Народна українська академія, 2010


Unit 1. Professions ……………………………………………………………2

Texts for discussion 1 ……………………………………………………….25

Unit 2. Meals ………………………………………………………………..37

Texts for discussion 2……………………………………………………….61




1. Who would you contact or call on in the situation below? Find the appropriate person for each situation. Be careful! They are not in the right order.

1) a filling has come out of one of your back teeth 2) you think your eyes need testing 3) you find you have an ingrowing toe-nail 4) your back hurts and your doctor can't help (find four people) 5) your fringe is getting a bit too long 6) you want a portrait photograph of yourself 7) you have decided to sue somebody (who might refer you to another lawyer) 8) you fancy a holiday in the sun you want advice on investment or insurance 9) your grand piano isn't sounding quite right 10) you are planning a church wedding 11) you want to find a 400-year-old grandfather clock 12) your car won't start 13) you want to place a bet on a race at Ascot 14) someone in the family has just died 15) you want to learn to drive 16) you want to buy a pedigree sheepdog 17) you have decided to sell your house 18) you want plans drawn up for a new house 19) you want to go ahead and have the new house built 20) you are moving house and have a furniture problem 21) you have lots of old iron you want to get rid of 22) you want new windows put into the house 23) your new fridge is leaking 24) you like the idea of new wallpaper throughout 25) water is gushing from your kitchen taps even when turned off 26) all the lights in your house have fused 27) you think your neighbours just might be neglecting their little child 28) your house is on fire you think 29) you are going crazy a chiropodist a broker a dentist (dental surgeon) a vicar (priest) a hair stylist a bookmaker an architect an osteopath a driving instructor a solicitor a barrister a piano tuner a chiropractor a (dog) breeder a garage mechanic a photographer an optician a masseur (masseuse) a building contractor (builder) an antique dealer a travel agent. a scrap metal dealer a physiotherapist an undertaker (funeral director) an electrician an estate agent a maintenance engineer a glazier (and a carpenter) the fire brigade (firemen) a psychiatrist a social worker a removal firm a plumber an interior decorator



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