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Vocabulary exercises. Word-building:usualadj. + ly = usually adv.
Word-building: usual adj. + ly = usually adv.
I. Complete and translate: chief, close, gentle, brief, normal, real, virtual, violent, respective, absolute, bitter, direct, especial.
II. Find in the above text and copy out phrases containing adverbs with the suffix -ly, translate them.
III. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the words and word combinations in italics: 1. Audiences are not the only groups with problems accessing alternative information. 2. Stuart Hall (1980), a leading member of the Birmingham School, proposed that the media create ‘ preferred readings ’ which suggest how reality should be seen. 3. The management of news by public relations is often called ‘spin’ but is not confined to the political arena. 4. PR people provide a ready supply of material to fill the ever-increasing hours of airtime and acres of newsprint. 5. When a person fears their views are not shared by others they are less likely to express their opinions. 6. Information has become readily available through websites, and easily accessible through search engines.7.The increased deadlines and reduced resources of media organisations, which often produce material round the clock or in many more editions, can make journalists highly dependent on public relations departments.
Unit II Mass Media
IV. Translate the following sentences into English: 1. Средства массовой информации - система органов публичной передачи информации с помощью технических средств. 2. Эффективность деятельности СМИ неразрывно связана с учётом потребностей людей, их возросших социальных, духовных и политических запросов. 3. СМИ представляют собой учреждения, созданные для открытой, публичной передачи с помощью специального технического инструментария различных сведений любым лицам. 4. Развивающееся общество требует интенсификации всех информационных процессов при широком использовании средств массовой информации. 5. Медиа все глубже стали проникать в жизнь людей и оказывать динамичное и целенаправленное воздействие на массовое сознание. 6. Совершенствование технических возможностей СМИ значительно расширило масштабы манипуляции массовым сознанием. 7. Имидж можно эффективно использовать как средство пропаганды, а также как инструмент управления сознанием.
SPEAKING: I. Express your opinion on the following points of view. 1) The launch of a children’s movie might involve: billboard posters; images on packets of crisps, sweets and lunchboxes; the organisation of a premiere in the famous theater; guest appearances by stars on children’s TV shows; and articles about the use of special effects in film or general media. Which of these are public relations? What are the others? 2) Are the media a powerful influence on society or just another source of information? Is the influence direct or indirect?
II. What is your opinion on the following topic? It is certainly true that different issues dominate media debates over the longer term, so that coverage of topics like education or health will fluctuate considerably over a decade.