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Decide which of these sentences describes the text better.


The VPRS-03 roadbed leveling, tamping and alignment machine is designed to be operated in deserts of Middle Asia.


The VPRS-03 is no longer produced as the plant has closed down.


The machine is used for the construction, repair and routine maintenance of railroad tracks and it performs these operations both on main and switching lines, and at switch assemblies.

The VPRS-02 machines will no longer be used on railroad tracks built to the gauges of 1435 mm and 1520 mm.

The VPRS-02 is a multi-purpose machine which performs alignment, lining and tamping of track simultaneously or one at a time either in semi-automatic or manual-control mode.



You are going to read the text which consists of eight sentences. First read their openings.

a) Guess how the sentences will continue.

b) Match the openings to the sentences. Example: 6-a)

c) What do you think the text is about?


1. The machine is used for…

2. The machine has two-tie tamping units for…

3. Leveling systems of the machine are controlled by a microprocessor system…

4. Due to the high transportation speed the VPRS-03 can be…

5. The machine is equipped with an additional removable device for…

6. The machine's transmission is on the basis of a hydrodynamic drive…

7. The machine is most effectively used in routine maintenance of tracks…

8. The machine operates within the ambient temperature range…


a)… hoisting a third rail for working on heavy switch assemblies with bars of reinforced concrete.

b)… the construction, repair and routine maintenance of railroad tracks

c) … the drive turns on only in the transportation mode for changing the tractive force in relation to road conditions

d) … tamping one tie from 2 sides and two neighboring ties from the internal side.

e) … after a repair

f)… there is an on-board computer

g)… of -10°C through +40°C

h) … promptly delivered to a work site



8. With a partner discuss the questions.

1) How are construction machines and ordinary automobiles different?

2) What kinds of modern roadbed leveling, tamping and alignment machines do you know?

3) What operations do roadbed machines perform?



Optional tasks

Use a dictionary to complete the chart below and mark the stressed syllable in each word of more than one syllable.

Digging digger to dig
  construction to construct



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