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From the history of railway transport
Ex.1. Practice the reading. ► tion, sion ▪ prepara tion, elec tion, protec tion, inspec tion, injec tion, destina tion, computeriza tion, condi tion, reduc tion, demagnetiza tion, contamina tion, introduc tion, contribu tion, atten tion, sta tion ary, accelera tion, dic tion ary, detec tion, applica tion, gravita tion, devia tion, igni tion, competi tion, men tion, mo tion, civiliza tion, conven tion al, construc tion al; ▪ ses sion, conver sion, compres sion, permis sion, confes sion, dimen sion, suspen sion, depres sion, expan sion, transmis sion, exten sion, profes sion al, colli sion, preci sion, deci sion, confu sion, fu sion, corro sion, divi sion, explo sion, adhe sion, abra sion, occa sion al. ► ar, er, or, ur, ir ▪ disc ar d, c ar go, ar tery, comp ar tment, dep ar t, ch ar ter, deb ar k, b ar ge, enl ar ge, ap ar t, ar c, ch ar ge, h ar dly, p ar king, st ar ter, ar ticle, al ar m, p ar cel; ▪ BUT: warm, warn, award, warrant; ▪ int er nal, t er minal, transf er, al er t, b er th, conc er n, s er ve, em er ge, s er vice, p er sonal, comm er cial, conv er t, p er manent, def er, adv er tisement, conv er ge, p er, alt er native, c er tain, ref er, m er cury, res er ve; ▪ perf or m, f or mula, reinf or ce, or dinary, extra or dinary, or e, acc or d, en or mous, ret or t, c or don, abs or b, b or der, c or poration, dis or der, f or ward, inc or porate, rec or d, n or mally, transf or m, supp or t; ▪ BUT: worth, word, worm, world; ▪ ur gent, s ur face, t ur bine, f ur nace, occ ur, dist ur b, s ur name, inter ur ban, sub ur ban, c ur ve, t ur n, ret ur n, f ur ther, p ur pose, s ur vey, f ur bish, b ur st, sp ur, abs ur d, b ur den, c ur sor, c ur b; ▪ f ir m, c ir cuit, b ir th, c ir cular, sw ir l, conf ir m, f ir st, th ir d, b ir ch, sh ir k, sm ir k, aff ir m.