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Ex.14. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English.

1) В 1994 году Париж стал для лондонцев ближе, чем Глазго [Glasgow], потому что железнодорожный тоннель под Ла-Маншем [the Channel Tunnel] был открыт для движения. 2) Щебёнка [broken stone] – самый подходящий материал для балласта. 3) КПД [efficiency] электровозов в четыре раза выше, чем КПД паровозов. 4) В настоящее время некоторые самолёты летают быстрее звука. 5) Где находится ближайшее почтовое отделение? 6) Благодаря компьютерам мы обрабатываем [to process] информацию в миллион раз быстрее. 7) Билет в плацкартный вагон стоит дешевле, чем в спальный, потому что спальные вагоны более удобные. 8) Самый длинный автомобильный [road] тоннель в мире соединяет Францию и Италию. Он построен под [beneath] самой высокой горой Европы Монблан [Mont Blanc]. 9) Бетонные шпалы более надёжные, чем деревянные, и они служат [to last] дольше. 10) Железная дорога Москва-Санкт Петербург – самая старая и самая знаменитая магистраль в нашей стране.

Ex.15. Past Indefinite or Present Perfect? Put the verb into the correct tense form.

1) I [to lose] my passport last month, and nobody [to find] it yet. 2) Two years [to pass] since he left. 3) They [to move] to Washington several years ago. 4) The engineer [to show] his foreign friends the bridge in the building of which he [to take part] in 1980. 5) He [not/ to decide] yet what to do. 6) We [to know] each other since childhood. 7) The journalists [to ask] me many questions at the yesterday’s interview. 8) When … you [to arrive] in Prague? – I [to arrive] here last September. So I [to live] in this city for three months. 9) Are you still studying or … you already [to find] a job? 10) I [to rush] to the platform and [to get] on the train. 11) The coffee I [to buy] last week is very good but very expensive. 12) We [to learn] a lot of words and grammatical rules lately. 13) All my money [to steal] on the way to the airport yesterday and I couldn’t fly anywhere. 14) Mail just [to deliver] by the helicopter 15) …you ever [to visit] other countries? – Yes, I [to be] to France and Spain. 16) Today I [to invite] to give a talk on the radio. 17) Don’t worry! The equipment already [to pack]. 18) We first [to come] to this town more than 20 years ago. Everything [to change] in the town since that time. 19) The nearest way to the station [to show] to them an hour ago, but they [not/ to arrive] yet. 20) She [to ask] the clerk if all the trains arrive on time here.

Ex16. Past Indefinite, Past Continuous or Past Perfect? Put the verb into the correct tense form.

1) I didn’t convince the inspector that I [to lose] my ticket only some moments before. 2) They spoke so quickly that I didn’t understand what they [to talk] about. 3) While we [to wait] for the train, it [to start] to rain. 4) We knew that the 2 o’clock train [to leave] already and decided to go by bus. 5) Before I came to the office the manager already [to sign] the documents. 6) I [to see] you from the bus yesterday. Where … you [to hurry] at that time? 7) Where … you [to be] at about three yesterday afternoon? – Oh, I [to repair] my car at that time. 8) The journey from Paris to London [to take] much longer before the Channel Tunnel was built. 9) The police officer [to ask] me what I [to do] at the time when the accident took place. 10) The station master [to say] that no trains [to arrive] at the station during the night because of the heavy snowstorm in the mountains. 11) They [to work out] a detailed plan before starting off on an expedition. 12) Mary [to clean] the windscreen when she noticed a crack in the glass. 13) Some people [to sleep] on the benches waiting for their trains. 14) Yesterday he [to pass] his driving test at the first attempt.



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