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At the Chemist’s Shop

There are two departments in the chemist’s shop. At one chemist’s department you can have the medicine right away but at the prescription department the necessary drugs have to be ordered.

At the chemists’ all drugs are kept in drug cabinets. Every small bottle or box has a label with the name of the medicine and its indication stuck on it. There are drugs for internal, external uses and for injections. The dose to be taken is usually indicated on the signature or a label.

As a rule the directions for the administration of a drug are written on the signature. It is necessary for chemists, nurses, doctors as well as patients themselves, so that they won’t confuse different remedies because some of them are poisonous and their overdosage may cause bad reactions and sometimes even death.

When you come for medicine you had ordered the chemist may give you some recommendations, and say you the dose to be taken.

In the drug cabinets one can see small parcels of different powders, ampoules of drugs, used for intravenous and intramuscular injection. There are tubes of healing ointments, different pills, sedative and laxative drugs, tablets for headache, bottles of iodine and others. At the chemist’s shop one can buy hot water bottles, medicine droppers and many other things which are quite necessary for medical care.

An over-the counter (OTC) medication is any drug that you can buy without a doctor’s prescription. However, don’t assume that all OTC drugs are safe for you. They can interact with other medications and create serious health problems. Some common OTCs include antacids, antidiarrheals, cold and allergy remedies, laxatives, pain relievers. They can be very helpful, but can also create serious problems if used incorrectly.

There are thousands of different prescription medications, used to treat hundreds of different medical conditions. Two common types are antibiotics and minor tranquilizers/sleeping pills.



Side effects. Predictable, but unpleasant reactions to a drug. They are not usually serious, but can be inconvenient.

Allergies. Some people have severe, sometimes life-threatening reactions (called anaphylaxis) to certain medications.

Drug-drug interactions. When two or more drugs mix in the body they may cause an adverse reaction.

Drug-food interactions. Some drugs work best when taken with food, but others should be taken on an empty stomach.

Over-medication. Sometimes the full adult dose of a medication is too much for small people and those over age 60.

Addiction. Long-term use of some medications can lead to dependence of them and severe reactions if they are withdrawn suddenly. Narcotics, tranquilizers, and barbiturates should all be used with care to avoid addiction.



· Use medications only if non-drug approaches are not working.

· Know the benefits and side effects of a drug before taking it.

· Limit the medication to the minimum effective dose.

· Never take a drug prescribed for someone else.

· Follow the prescription instructions exactly or let your doctor know why you didn’t.

· Keep medications in their original containers with the caps on tightly and stored according to directions.

· Do not take medications in front of small children. They are great mimics. Don’t oversell the “candy” taste of children’s medicines or leave vitamins accessible to small children.

Transcribe the words:

Tablet   Таблетка
Pill   Пігулка
Drops   Краплі
Ampoule, ampule   Ампула
Powder   Порошок
Mixture   Мікстура
Infusion   Настій
Tincture   Настоянка
Solution   Розчин
Decoction   Відвар
Suppository   Свічка, супозиторій
Granule   Гранула
Capsule   Капсула
Dragee   Драже
Gel   Гель


· Learn the proverbs:


A sound mind in a sound body. В здоровому тілі – здоровий дух.
Health is better than wealth. Здоров’я дорожче за гроші.
Temperance is the best physic. Помірність – найкращі ліки.
Gluttony kills more than sword. Їж менше – проживеш довше.
A creaking gate hangs long on its hinges. Скрипучі ворота довго висять на петлях. Битий посуд два віки живе.
Dry feet, warm head bring safe to bed. Тримай голову у холоді, а ноги у теплі.
A green wound is soon healed. У молодих рани швидко заживають. До весілля заживе.
Early to bed and early to rise makes people healthy and wealthy and wise. Хто рано лягає і рано встає, здоров’я, багатство і розум наживе.
The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. Шлях до серця чоловіка лежить через шлунок.
The belly carries legs. Шлунок ноги носить. Людина з їжі живе.
Live not to eat, but eat to live. Живи не для того, щоб їсти, а їж для того, щоб жити.
An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Хто яблуко в день з’їдає, в того лікар не буває.
Better pay the butcher than the doctor. Гарний кухар вартий лікаря.
After dinner sleep a while, after supper walk a mile. Після обіду поспи, після вечері милю пройди.
One man’s meat is another man’s poison. Від чого одному користь, те іншому – отрута.
Little wit in the head makes much work for the feet. Дурна голова ногам спокою не дає.
Keen eyes are small gain in the head without brain. Голові без розуму і гострий зір не допоможе.
A big head and little wit. Голова велика, а розуму мало.
Beauty lies in lover’s eyes. Не красива гарна, а кохана.
Beauty is but skin deep. З лиця воду не пити.
A fair face, but a foul heart. Обличчя гарне, а душа підла.
Blood will tell. Кров не обманути.
You have a tongue that would clip cloth. Злі язики – гострий меч.
A merry heart is a good medicine. Радість – найкращі ліки.
Faint heart never won a fair lady. Боягузу ніколи не завоювати прекрасну даму.
Fear has long legs. У страху довгі ноги.
His foot is too large for his shoe. Не в свої сани не сідай.
The face is the index of the mind. Очі – дзеркало душі.
Keep your eyes wide open before marriage, half shut afterwards.   Дивись уважно до одруження.
Every family has a skeleton in the cupboard. У кожної сім’ї свій скелет у шафі.
Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth. Дарованому коню в зуби не дивляться.
Love make all hearts gentle. Любов пом’якшує всі серця.
Every heart knows its ache. Кожне серце знає, що таке любов.
Four eyes see more than two. Одна голова – добре, а дві – краще.
Little bodies may have great souls. У маленької людини може бути велика душа.
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. Краще синиця в руках, ніж журавель в небі.
Among the blind, the one-eyed is a king. На безриб’ї і рак – риба.
Keep your mouth shut and your eyes open. Тримай язик за зубами, а більше помічай.
A fool’s tongue runs before his wit. Язик – мій ворог.
One hand washes another. Рука руку миє.
Time cures all things. Час – найкращий лікар.
Near is my shirt, but nearer is my skin. Своя сорочка ближча до тіла.
Scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours. Ти мені, я - тобі.

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