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Discussing Music and Musical Events


Topical Words and Phrases (to be learnt)

to make one’s debut – дебютировать

to perform at a concert – выступать на концерте

to present / to give a recital – давать сольный концерт

to captivate the audience – очаровывать слушателей

to win admiration – вызывать восхищение

to play (to sing) an encore – играть (петь) на бис

to applaud – аплодировать

to demand or clamour for encores – требовать исполнения на бис

to give an encore – бисировать

to get encores – получать вызовы исполнения на бис

· What items got encores? – Что было исполнено на бис?

to get an ovation – заслужить овацию

to be on the programme – быть в программе

the best item (number -Amer.) on the programme – лучший номер программы

technique – техника

musicianship – музыкальное мастерство, музыкальность

to communicate (the) music...to the hearers through a masterly technique – передавать музыку...слушателям с помощью совершенной техники

to give living shape and vitality to every phrase – вдохнуть жизнь в каждую фразу

clarity of style – чистота, строгость стиля

to interpret, to render – исполнять, интерпретировать

wonderful experience (for...) – изумительное впечатление

to make a tour (of) – гастролировать

master of ceremonies – конферансье

to have a season ticket – иметь абонемент


Read and translate Text I:

1) G. – George; B. – Becky.

G.- Would you like to attend a violin recital or a performance of Bach’s music?

B.- I would rather hear Bach.

G.- Very well.

B.- Who is the soloist?

G.- Zara Dolukhanova, it seems to me.

B.- Her lovely voice’s a gem.

G.- And her interpretation of Bach!

B.- Absolutely marvellous!

G.- Braudo gives her a poetic accompaniment on the organ. He feels music deeply.


2) Br. – Brian; G. – Gilbert; B. – Benjamin.

Br.- Which of you wants a ticket for a dance? I don’t mind going to the Philharmonic or to the theatre, but I’m the world’s worst dancer.

G. – I don’t think you could be worse than I am.

Br.- Oh, yes, I am. Once a girl asked me if I danced. I never spoke to her again.

G. – Why not? It’s a polite question.

Br.- Of course, but I was dancing with her when she asked me. Can you beat that?

G. – I think so. I don’t like dancing to jazz music.

Br.- Well, Ben. What about you?

G. – Don’t you know he is fond of jazz and of dancing to its accompaniment?

B. – Every man has his taste.

Br.- Too much noise and dissonance for my liking.

G. – I’m fond of dance music but I can’t stand jazzmen playing hot jazz either.

B. – Have you ever danced a rumba and rock-n-roll?

G. – Never. To my mind it’s disgusting, particularly rock-n-roll.

B. – I think it’s wonderful!

G. – Ah, you’re a real Teddy Boy.*

Br.- Could you go to the dance instead of me? It ought to be quite good.

B. – Thanks, I’d go if you’re quite sure you don’t want the tickets yourself.

Br.- Want them! If you can go there for me you are my best friend.

B. – O.K.

Note: * – Teddy Boy; Teddy Girl – стиляга.


Read and translate Text II using a dictionary.


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