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Glossary. Çréla Gopäla Bhaööa Gosvämé


Ç ré la Gopä la Bhaö ö a Gosvä mé

Printed By

The Bhaktivedanta Academy, Mayapur

International Society for Krishna Consciousness

Founder Ä cä rya:

His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupä da

Limited Edition - 200 copies

Copyright © 1995 Bhaktivedanta Academy, Mayapur

All rights reserved.

Quote from books and letters of Ç ré la Prabhupä da reprinted with kind permission of

The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust


We would like to thank H.H. Bhä nu Svä mé for translating from the original Sanskrit the main body of the Sat Kriyä Sä ra Dé pikä and adding explanatory notes on the yajï a contained in the appendix Yajï a Vidhi. Kå ñ ë a Svarü pa Dä sa for translating Gopä la Bhaö ö a Gosvä mé ’s introduction to the work. Suciù Dä sa for the cover design. We would also like to thank the members of the Ç ré Rü pä nuga Pä ramä rthika Vidyä pé ö ha: Gopavå ndapä la Dä sa for the coordination and research work, Ä nanda Té rtha Dä sa for the editing, Rü pa Ragunä tha Dä sa for typing the manuscript, and Pré ti Vardhana Dä sa for the layout.




Preface by Ç ré la Bhaktisiddhä nta Sarasvaté Ö hakura......

Introduction by Gopä la Bhaö ö a Gosvä mé

Maë galä carana

Adhivä sa

Sä ttvika vå ddhi ç raddha

Vä sudevä rcana....................................................................

Vivä ha (marriage)

Garbhä dhä na (impregnation)

Puà savana (making a male child)

Sé mantonnayanam (parting the hair)

Ç oñ yanté homa (safe delivery)

Jä ta karma (birth)

Niñ krä maë am (first outing)

Nä ma karaë a (giving a name)

Pauñ ö ika karma (nourishment)

Anna prä ç ana (feeding grains)

Cü ò ä karaë am (hair cutting)

Upanayanam (sacred thread)

Samä vartana (graduation).........................................................



Preface by H.H. Bhaktividyä Pü rë a Svä mé

In his “Sat Kriyä Sä ra Dé pikä ” the Gauò iya Vaiñ ë ava Små tä cä rya, Ç ré la Gopä la Bhaö ö a Gosvä mé gives detailed descriptions of the rituals for the performance of fire sacrifices and saà skä ras according to the Vaiñ ë ava små ti.The principles of Yajï a Vidhi as presented in this book are standard for Deity installations, festivals and Saà skä ras. Further explanations of some of the rituals given by Gopä la Bhaö ö a Gosvä mé are contained in Appendix I.

Ç ré mad Bhä gavatam 8.23.16 explains the importance of understanding the rituals of Deity worship as always being subservient to the chanting of the holy name of the Lord -

mantratas tantrataç chidraà

deç a-kä lä rha-vastutaù

sarvaà karoti niç chidram

anusaì ké rtanaà tava

(The following translation and purport are from Ç ré la Prabhupä da's Ç ré mad Bhä gavatam):

“There may be discrepancies in pronouncing the mantras and observing the regulative principles, and, moreover, there may be discrepancies in regard to time, place, person and paraphernalia. But when Your Lordship’s holy name is chanted, everything becomes faultless.

PURPORT:... In Kali Yuga the Vedic ritualistic ceremonies cannot be performed as perfectly as before. Therefore Ç ré la Jé va Gosvä mé has recommended that although one should take care to follow all the principles in every kind of spiritual activity, especially in worship of the Deity, there is still a chance of discrepancies, and one should compensate for this by chanting the holy name of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. In our Kå ñ ë a consciousness movement we therefore give special stress to the chanting of the Hare Kå ñ ë a mantra in all activities.”

We hope that the Vaiñ ë ava community will be pleased with our humble attempt at presenting Ç ré la Gopä la Bhaö ö a Gosvä mé ’s work Sat Kriyä Sä ra Dé pikä, which includes the Gosvä mé ’s introduction and description of the preliminary rituals of fire sacrifice, as well as the purificatory rituals for those in the householder ä ç rama. Gopä la Bhaö ö a Gosvä mé pä da, following the Vedic tradition, does not include the rituals that deal with death (funerals and ç rä ddha rites) within his saà skä ra paddhati. Therefore we have compiled a seperate book entitled “Vaiñ ë ava Funeral and Ç rä ddha Rites” that explains these procedures.

Vaiñ ë ava dä sä nudä sa

Tridaë ò i Bhikñ u

A.V. Bhaktividyä Pü rë a Svä mé

Pü rë imä Tithi,

Snä na Yatra Mahotsava

Vä mana Mä sa,

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