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The simulation game


Института сравнительных исследований модернизации обществ

Центр Европейского Союза VOICES

Симуляционная игра

«The negotiation between the European Union and the Russian Federation on the topic of energy and climate change»

Создатель и модератор игры: Эдвард Стоддард, Университет Портсмута, Великобритания, имеет степень кандидата наук в области международных отношений (https://www.port.ac.uk/school-of-social-historical-and-literary-studies/staff/dr-ed-stoddard.html)


Организатор мероприятия: Центр Европейского Союза VOICES КФУ https://kpfu.ru/modern-society/centr-es-voices, https://vk.com/voiceskfu


Контактное лицо: администратор Центра Анастасия Лобова lap708@mail.ru +7 843 233-70-21


Дата, время и место проведения: 15 ноября 10: 10-15: 30, ауд. 409 химического корпуса КФУ


Рабочий язык: английский

The simulation game

The simulation will take the form of a new negotiation between the European Union and the Russian Federation on the topic of energy and climate change. The 20 students will be divided into four groups of 5 people.

The four groups will represent:

1. The Russian Government

2. The European External Action Service/European Commission

3. A transnational coalition of environmental civil society actors

4. A transnational coalition of European energy companies with investments in both the EU and Russia.

The students representing the EU and Russia will be required to agree and sign a Memorandum of Understanding on Climate Change and Energy (E.Stoddard would provide the exact details of what they are to negotiate and their core interests at the simulation).

The students representing the environmental civil society actors and those representing the energy industry will be tasked with formulating a lobbying strategy in an effort to seek to shape the EU-Russia negotiation.

Students will be required to meet with the other groups to negotiate. Before each meeting they will need to decide on their core interests from each meeting and what their negotiating strategy will be. They will have only limited information about their negotiating partners’ positions before each meeting (although from their preparation they may have some insights as to their interests).

Approximate schedule:

Time Activity
10: 30 - 11: 30 Groups use the time to develop their overall position, elect a chief negotiator and devise their respective strategy  
11: 30 – 12: 30 bilateral meetings as follows:   Russian Government – Energy Industry EU – Environment Coalition  
12: 30 - 13: 30 Break, free time
13: 30 – 14: 30 bilateral meetings as follows:   Russian Government – Environment Coalition EU – Energy Industry  
14: 30 – 15: 30 bilateral meetings as follows:   Russian Government – EU – Negotiation of MOU Environment Coalition - Energy Industry (During this session these last two groups will seek to formulate anticipatory press releases based on their expectations from the meetings).


! Students will have access to external counsel (expert support):

Edward Stoddard, University of Portsmouth, Great Britain (https://www.port.ac.uk/school-of-social-historical-and-literary-studies/staff/dr-ed-stoddard.html)

Andrey Shadurskiy, University of Saint-Petersburg, Centre for Studies of Europe and Germany (https://www.sir.spbu.ru/profs/? id=176). Both experts are specialist in field of international relations, politics, energy and climate change issues.

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