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Complete the sentences with the information taken from the text.

1) A status as a position in a social structure (such as job seeker or inter­viewer) that determines...

2) Participants in social interactions are constantly defining and redefining the situation as...

3) The acquisition of achieved statuses is shaped by one's opportunity structure -that is, by...

4) Social interaction always occurs in some setting, but the meaning of that...

5) The degree and the kind of role improvisation - how much variability is al­lowed to...

6) The idea of improvisation suggests the compatibility of...

7) The status of college professor includes, among others, the following social roles: teaching...

8) This cluster of different roles associated with a single...

9) A master status is one that...

10) Thus an isolated interaction between job seeker and interviewer is linked though...

Give English and Russian definitions to the following sociological terms.

Achieved status, ascribed status, master status, role strain, salient status, so­cial interaction.

Read the text again and answer the following questions.

1) What is the difference between status and role?

2) What is the relationship between interaction and social structure?

3) How is social interaction shaped by social expectation and cues?

4) What can you say about processes of defining the situation? Give several ex­amples.

5) What is the improvisation of social roles?

6) What is the relationship between role set and role strain?

7. Decide which of the following statements are right or wrong. Give the correct variants.

1) Role conflict is the clash between two competing roles.

2) Master status is the status of a person that largely determines his or her so­cial identify.

3) The political system is an example of the microsocial level of analysis.

4) The structural perspective on social interaction illustrates best a study of how people define the situation.

5) " Female" is an example of a single role.

6) Race is the best example of an ascribed status.

7) A teacher's obligation to lecture students on interesting and useful topics is an example of master status.

8. Make up your own sentences using the words and word combination given below.

To interact with smb., to accomplish a goal, to fill a vacancy, to judge appli­cant's capabilities, to drown one's sorrows, to evaluate.

9. Select a variety of photographs from different magazines. For each one, make a list of the social statuses occupied by the person in the picture. What kinds of social statuses are typically impossible to tell only from a photo­graph?

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