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Not all aerodromes have this service. Only some major international airports have it, for example, Amsterdam, Frankfurt, Gatwick.

a Listen to this ATIS message from London Heathrow, and then answer the questions.


1) What letter of the phonetic alphabet did you hear?

2) What time was the ATIS message broadcast?

3) Is that a.m. or p.m.?

4) What was the temperature of the air?

5) What was the speed and direction of the wind?

6) What was the QNH?

7) What was the number of the runway?


b This ATIS message for departing flights is from Kastrup Airport, Copenhagen in Denmark. Listen to the tape then choose the correct answer for these questions:

1. Was the information called

a) X?

b) S?

c) C?

d) G?

2. Was the message broadcast at

a) 19 00?

b) 09 30?

c) 15 30?

d) 19 30?


3. Was the direction of the wind

a) 204°?

b) 040°?

c) 140°?

d) 240°?


4. Was the QNH

a) 1015 hPa?

b) 1025 hPa?

c) 1019 hPa?

d) 1035 hPa?


5. The number of the runway was

a) 32 left?

b) 22 right?

c) 22 left?

d) 23 left?


c Fill in the missing words from the ATIS broadcast you have just heard:


Hong Kong ___________ Airport information ___________. Runway-in-use___________.

Expect IGS___________. ___________wind 090 ___________120° at ___________ knots, visibility kilometres, present weather ___________.Cloud ___________ at ___________ feet. Temperature, QNH ___________millibars. Acknowledge ___________on ___________ frequenciesfor, and ___________ for ___________.




Read the words in the box, check unfamiliar ones. Remember to use correctly these phrases.

What is the weather like? The weather is fine (bad). It’s a beautiful day. The weather is beautiful (dull). The weather is changeable. The weather is settled. It’s very oppressive. Is it going to thunder? Do you think the weather will stay fine? I listened to the weather forecast today. They said it would be sunny and warm. It is cold. It is warm. It is hot. It is clear. It is (was, will be) raining. It is (was, will be) snowing. The wind is cold. There’s a gale. It is freezing. The wind has dropped. There will be sunshine.

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