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English for speaking
Упражнение 1 Найдите соответствия английских и русских слов.
Упражнение 2 Подберите нужные по смыслу слова из рамки для перевода русских слов и словосочетаний.
1. -Excuse me. What is your (место назначения)? 2. - London. 3. -You ever (были когда-нибудь) there before? 4. -It is (мой первый визит) to the UK. 5. -Was it (беспосадочный перелёт)? 6. -Yes, it was. It was a (регулярный рейс). 7. -Was it expensive? –No, it wasn’t. The price was (приемлемая). We(летели экономклассом). 8. -Was it a (полёт в условиях болтанки)? 9. -No, it wasn’t. There wasn’t any turbulence. Thanks to God, the flight was (без происшествий). 10. -Where are you going (остановиться) in London? 11. -We (заказали номер) at the Grand Hotel. 12. -Oh, I see. Good luck! Have a good journey!
Упражнение 3 Закончите диалог. -I am afraid our coach is behind schedule. - -I am a bit tired because of a bumpy-air flight. I’d like to have a snack anywhere. - -Do you know the way there? - -Let’s ask a native. - -Thank you very much.
Упражнение 4 Используя слова в рамке, расскажите о последовательности ваших действий по прибытию в аэропорт.
First…. Usually…. Then …. Here… Before…
Упражнение 5 Вставьте необходимые по смыслу слова и расположите предложения в логической последовательности действий по прибытию в место назначения.
1. You then pass through Customs. 2. Then you have to walk through the terminal building and proceed to the baggage reclaim. 3. When the plane lands, you have to wait for it to stop. 4. When the doors are open, you get off the plane. 5. There you collect your luggageaccording to your luggage stickers. 6. You can hire a car at most airports as well. 7. If you have nothing to declare-follow the green channel. 8. The blue corridor- is for European Union citizens only. 9. As a rule most airports are too far from the center of town, that’s why you‘d bettertake a shuttle bus, suburb train or a taxi. 10. If you have goods to declare- go through the red one.
Упражнение 6 Найдите соответствия английских и русских слов.
Упражнение 7 Заполните пропуски словами из нижеприведенной рамки.
A - Have you seen our time-table? B - Not yet. Anything interesting? A - Imagine, we are having only 8 ______ _____ a week.It looks like _____ _____! B - If I were you, I wouldn’t be so enthusiastic! It means a lot of _____: reading and analyzing about 80 pages on a topic of a forthcoming lecture a day. A - So what? It is as easy as ABC. B - Don’t forget that it’s not everyday English; it’s a professional one. A - Then, it is another pair of shoes. B - Besides, have you heard that they use the so called ______ _____ of _____ _____? A - Never. What is it? Can you explain it to me? B - The lectures are delivered in a form of a discussion. You should always be ready to react quickly and adequately to professor’s questions. Your answer should be argumentative. And better rely on yourself. _____ is a violation of _____ _____. A - How many _____ _____ _____? B - Three _____ and two _____ courses, including _____ _____. A - Well then, what is the most difficult thing for _____ _____ on writing a course-paper? B - I guess - to follow the _____ _____ _____. A - What do you mean? B - Firstly – bright ideas on the topic, secondly- strict logical pattern of the content andthirdly – _____ _____, which as you know, is widely spread at our _____ _____. Things like that…Well, and moreover if you take into consideration the other _____ _____ and system of _____, you will see that it’s not easy to study abroad. A - Well, I see. But we are abroad, when in Rome do as Romans do.
Упражнение 8 Используйте информацию из вышеприведенного диалога и найдите общие и отличительные черты обучения за рубежом и в нашей стране. Слова из рамки и нижеприведенные речевые модели помогут вам выполнить это упражнение.
1. Universities have much/little in common 2.……….are different/alike 3.……..much the same….. 4. The more……….. the better 5. Both…… have…… 6. They have both …….and……. 7. Neither University has…….. 8.…… don’t have……….either 9.………..priority is given to….. 10. Foreign Universities have more ………than Russian Universities do.
Упражнение 9 Найдите соответствия английских и русских слов.
Упражнение 10 Заполните пропуски словами из нижеприведенной рамки, одно слово и то же слов, может быть использовано несколько раз.
1. This palace is _____ for tourists. 2. Arbat is _____ shopping street in Moscow, it is too crowded. 3. The guide showed us the _____ bridges of New England. 4. We climbed the hill and enjoyed _____ mountain scenery. 5. The scene was one of _____ beauty. 6. The _____ is the main tourist attraction in the town. 7. We were warned not _____ _____ in the art gallery. 8. Sally's gone on a school _____. 9. The museum is _____ with tourists. 10. Our two-week trip combines spectacular _____ and superb hospitality.
Упражнение 11 Поставьте фразы диалога в логическом порядке. A)-I fully agree with you. The weather is wonderful and we can have a lovely time on the sea coast or a river bank. I suggest going to English Riviera.
B)-Maybe some of our new friends will agree to be a guide for overseas students and show us a place which is a must and not so far from here.
C)-Oh, no! There is a big mix of people there. All these places are packed with tourists. I'd better be close to nature. I've always wanted to admire the breathtaking scenery of Scotland with its mountains, cliffs, lakes. Do you happen to know that I used to go hiking and camping at school?
D)-I'd rather not. There are so many other places of tourist attractions! We can go on a sightseeing tour and enjoy the views of famous castles, palaces, cathedrals, visit a museum and go to a theater!
E)-Right you are. So many temptations! But two days is not enough. We'll be able only to take a glimpse on all these picturesque places.
F)-Yes, we need more time for this trip and remember about all expenses. But I dream of taking these pictures and showing them at home.
G)-Yes, I do. You may be right. The views must be spectacular and the Highlands is worth visiting. Scottish kilts and bagpipes are known all over the world.
H)-OK. It's reasonable. Let's ask.
I)-We are free! The whole weekend! Why not going somewhere far away from this place?
Упражнение 12 Вы находитесь в Англии. Обсудите с друзьями ваши планы на выходные дни по следующей схеме: - место, куда вы планируете поехать (пойти, посмотреть, посетить) и почему - что вы собираетесь посмотреть и почему - каким видом транспорта вам придется воспользоваться - где будете останавливаться - с кем вы хотите встретиться и почему
Прочитайте предложения и выберите из списка слова, подходящие по смыслу к каждому предложению.
1. _____ _____ are the two oldest and most respected universities in the UK. They are considered to give a very high standard of education and are known to be difficult places for students to be accepted to study in. 2. _____ _____ isone of the main streets of central London, famous for its shops and for being very busy. 3. Oxford English- is the type of pronunciation which is sometimes called ‘BBC English”, but its correct name is “_____” (“received pronunciation”). 4. Some people like to lie on the beach, but I am _____ as I prefer to go sightseeing. 5. _____ _____ is a British writer known for her many popular novels about murders and the detectives who tryto find out who did them. 6. _____ is one of the most popular sports in the US, and the professional baseball season lastsfrom April to September. 7. Football (called “_____” in American English) is the most popular sport in the UK. 8. _____ _____ _____ also Bonfire Night is the night of the 5th November when people in Britain light fire works and burn a Guy on a Bonfire. 9. _____ _____ is the street in London, south of Trafalgar Square, where most of the British government offices are situated. 10. _____ _____ is the official home of the President of the United States of America, on Pennsylvania Avenue, in Washington, D.C. 11. In the UK people do not have official _____ _____ (an Identity Card), and many people think that it is wrong for the police and the government to force people to carry ID with them all the time. 12. The name _____ _____ is often used to mean the Prime Minister and his/her officials, or the government of the UK. 13. Traditionally _____ _____ is not signed by the person who sends it, so the person who receives it has to guess who it is from. 14. According to US tradition, this is the first day of the year that the _____ (сурок) comes out of its hole. If it sees its shadow, there will be six more weeks of winter; if it does not, good weather will come early. 15. Most students work part-time while they are studying, to pay for their _____ _____. 16. Many take out _____ (borrow money from a bank) which they begin to pay back after they graduate (successfully complete their course) and that can take many years to pay back. 17. In _____ _____ university courses usually last for three years, and students typically study either one subject, or two subjects that are related. 18. Some students from poor families receive _____ from the government to help pay for their living costs.