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Personal experience.
I. Significance of cooperation between East and West with regard to higher education is generally recognized. Close collaboration promotes exchanges of ideas, cross-cultural learning, expands educational opportunities, and enriches experience of all participants. II. Russia in large extent still remains beyond an integrated European system of higher education. That is why the Tempus “Students’ Mobility” project has been a highlight in true cooperation between Russia and the European Union. The Project has been working well giving an opportunity for Russian students to be acquainted with European standards of higher education and bringing a new exciting experience in studying process. Therefore some comments on participants’ experience gained from the program could promote cooperation between universities and help to anticipate possible obstacles in future integration between Russia and the EU. III. This essay presents an individual view of a student who spent one semester in Oerebro University, Sweden within the Tempus framework. It focuses on an educational system and studies in Russia and Sweden. The author would like to underline the main differences in both systems and to point out probable reef stones in further undertakings. IV The very first notion has to be made with regard to the differences in educational process as such. Russian higher education standard is based on a confirmed curriculum with a list of compulsory courses often without any elective courses. Students study between 10 and 15 required courses at a time. Attendance of all these courses is mandatory in Russian universities. Educational process encompasses lectures and seminars. Distribution of workload is made towards class work, 20 classes (40 hours) per week. V Swedish educational system is distinguished by a certain freedom for students to choose some of the courses they want to enroll. A student studies one subject at a time although it is possible to take two part-time courses concurrently. Attendance is not always mandatory but rather expected. The principle pillar of Swedish higher education which opposes it with the Russian one is the concept of individual studies. A great deal of time in Sweden is devoted to student’s studies outside the classroom. There are usually 6-7 classes per week. It implies that lectures are presented more likely as an introduction to different areas giving general notions and key-aspects whereas more profound examination is left to individual studies and depends on a student’s commitment to studying. On the one hand an advantage of the Swedish system is that it gives students an opportunity to concentrate attention on one subject, thus more likely to get thorough knowledge in the field of study. On the other hand it is rather difficult for a student to argue purely legal issues without having obtained theoretical concepts during lectures. A prevailing emphasis on the individual studies does not always work for a student’s benefit. I am of the opinion that this system fails to guarantee a profound well-structured theoretical knowledge and a correct understanding of the subject by every student. It obviously depends on a certain individual student, his or her abilities and commitment to studying. That is why the true balance in the distribution of class and out of class workload is necessary and extremely important. Group-work as well as seminars in the format of debates has been a true delight during my studying in Sweden. It trains students to work in group and listen to different opinions, improves intellectual flexibility and self-confidence. I do hope that this way of instruction will become more popular in Russia. Besides, I would like to suggest a possibility of Moot Court instruction as a part of some courses both in Oerebro University and Udmurt State University, i.e. for courses on Public International Law, Human Rights. Moot Court Competition brings a new motivation and excitement into the learning process. It helps to enrich legal knowledge of students, prepares and trains for proper and successful acting in court, improves the use of rhetoric, gestures, speaking in public without notes and what not. It has already proved its helpfulness and apparently is becoming a more and more popular teaching method all over the world. VI. One of the aspects worth mentioning is the existence of different levels of courses. In Sweden in contrast with Russia all courses are divided into different levels, for instance basic, intermediate, advanced and higher advanced. It gives an opportunity for students whose major is other than law to enroll in the course if they meet necessary prerequisites. In Russia with regard to jurisprudence only students of the law department are allowed to take courses in the field of law. All the courses are distributed according to the year of studying. It means that there are neither levels of the courses nor any prerequisites for the enrollment. Students just follow their curriculum. From my point of view under these circumstances students who lack legal background have difficulties in mastering legal concepts and arguing on the legal basis rather than on political one. VII. The system of assessment is very different in both countries. Russia is famous for its tradition of oral examinations. According to the Russian system students are provided with a list of questions, usually from 80 to 150, for preparation before an exam. Any of these questions can be asked during the exam. Exams in Sweden are usually in written form, although it can also be in the form of presentation of a paper or an essay. Students are not given any questions for preparation before the exams. Amazing point for Russians is that students are allowed to use course literature during some exams in Sweden. I will comment. Examination assignment often presents a hypothetical case or a controversial question which is to be solved by a student. Applying her or his analytical skills a student is to recognize and define a possible answer, to find arguments supporting his or her position, and to draw necessary conclusions. Even if a student is allowed to use any course literature, there is no certain answer in a book though. In order to pass an exam administered in this way it is not enough to reproduce the information learnt by heart, a student has to acquire analytical abilities to cope with the assignment. The administration of exams in oral form has been greatly criticized as being not impartial. I believe that written form of examinations can indeed guarantee an objective assessment. Moreover it shows how a student is able to apply obtained theoretical knowledge and true understanding of the subject. My hope is that European system of assessment will become a pattern for the Russian standard of higher education. VIII. As a virtue of the Russian higher education system with comparison to the Swedish one I would like to point out a tradition to organize conferences for students, postgraduates and young scholars. Participation in such conferences allows students interested in research to make reports on various topics and enriches their knowledge on different issues. I believe that it could work well for students’ benefit in Sweden as well. IX. Overall the systems of higher education in Sweden and Russia are different but the main purpose of both is to provide students with profound knowledge. That is why it is extremely important to consider a variety of teaching methods used in both countries and adopt those which appeared to be successful. As for a long term perspectives my hope is that distant courses carried out between partner universities could develop a new level of cooperation and be useful for all participants. With regard to the Tempus project itself I would like to advise the universities to provide law students whose native language is other than English with a course of Legal English. It helps the students to focus on English for legal communication and develops both language and communicative skills. In my view a Legal English course is indeed necessary for successful completion of any legal courses. X. Finally, I would like to thank the partner universities for a wonderful opportunity to participate in the program. It has helped me to integrate easily in a professional community and be highly appreciated by American and English law professors. I express a great hope for future long term cooperation. by Polina Permyakova.
Задание 3 Проанализируйте данные предложения и выделите в них главную и второстепенную информацию.
a) The principle pillar of Swedish higher education which opposes it with the Russian one is the concept of individual studies.
b) On the other hand it is rather difficult for a student to argue purely legal issues without having obtained theoretical concepts during lectures.
c) As for a long term perspectives my hope is that distant courses carried out between partner universities could develop a new level of cooperation and be useful for all participants. d) I am of the opinion that this system fails to guarantee a profound well-structured theoretical knowledge and a correct understanding of the subject by every student. e) Therefore some comments on participants’ experience gained from the program could promote cooperation between universities and help to anticipate possible obstacles in future integration between Russia and the EU. f) To my mind an advantage of the Swedish system is that it gives students an opportunity to concentrate attention on one subject, thus more likely to get thorough knowledge in the field of study.
Задание 4 Прочитайте текст и проверьте ваше понимание текста, выбрав правильное окончание предложения. 1. Significance of cooperation between East and West with regard to higher education is… a) generally recognized b) partially recognized c) nothing is said in the text
2. What promotes exchanges of ideas, cross-cultural learning, expands educational opportunities, and enriches experience of all participants? a) cooperation between partner universities b) individual experience с) nothing is said in the text
3. Overall the systems of higher education in Sweden and Russia are … a) absolutely different b) quite different c) alike
4. A tradition to organize conferences for students, postgraduates and young scholars is a virtue of….. a) Swedish universities b) Russian universities c) Swedish and Russian
5. Amazing point for Russians is … a) students are allowed to use course literature during some exams b) students are allowed to use their notes c) students are allowed to use nothing
6. The existence of different levels of courses provides opportunity for taking them by students… a) majoring in the same field of study b) majoring in different fields of study c) nothing is said in the text
7. The exams are administered in all European universities in …. a) written form b) orally c) nothing is said in the text
8. A new level of cooperation between partner universities could be developed ….. a) through distant courses b) through academic mobility c) nothing is said in the text
9. The system of assessment in Swedish universities is…. a) more unbiased than in Russia b) less unbiased….. c) nothing is said in the text.
10. An advantage of the Swedish system is that… a) it gives students an opportunity to concentrate attention on one subject b) it gives a thorough theoretical basis in the field of study c) nothing is said in the text
11. A group work at the seminars was….. a) highly evaluated by the author b) criticized….. c) nothing is said in the text
Задание 5*** Познакомьтесь с личным опытом студентки Удмуртского госуниверситета Ирины Славиной, которая продолжила обучение в Чикагской школе права. Прочитайте это эссе и найдите аргументы, подтверждающие слова автора «The systems of higher legal education in the US and Russia could not be more different». March 23, 2010