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Economy of Russia
Word list to go through a transitional period-находиться в переходном периоде centrally planned socialist economy- социалистическая экономика c центральным планированием a globally-integrated economy- экономика, включенная в мировую экономическую систему to privatize industry- приватизировать промышленность the defense sector- оборонная промышленность a state-owned firm - государственное предприятие 'loans-for-shares' scheme- ваучерная программа to turn over to- перейти к depreciation of the rouble- обесценивание рубля sharp deterioration in- резкое ухудшение living standards- уровень жизни faced recession- столкнуться с кризисом to start recovering- начать возрождаться high export prices on- высокие экспортные цены to be hit by crisis- быть пораженным кризисом to decrease rapidly- быстро снизиться to rely on- быть основанным на to be dominated by- доминировать timber- лес to account for- быть причиной competitive- конкурентный, высокой конкуренции, heavy industry- тяжелая промышленность military manufacture- военная продукция dependency on- зависимость от vulnerable to- уязвимый для, подверженный чему-л. to reduce dependency- сократить зависимость an energy superpower- энергетическая сверхдержава a hydropower plant- ГЭС to feature- иметь свойство, черту, характеризовать a civilian nuclear reactor- гражданский ядерный реактор resource-rich country- страна с богатыми ресурсам to have a competitive advantage- иметь конкурентное преимущество research and development- исследования и развитие to issue a patent- выдавать патент brain-drain-утечка мозгов to be slightly revived-слегка оживиться, возродиться а grain importer-импортер зерна livestock production-выращивание домашнего скота to decline dramatically-сильно уменьшиться на начальной стадии Nowadays the economy of Russia is going through a transitional period from the isolated, centrally planned socialist economy to a market globally-integrated economy. Economic reforms in the 1990s privatized most industry, except for the energy and defense sectors. The majority of state-owned firms were privatized using 'loans-for-shares' scheme. As a result, they were turned over to oligarchs. After the crisis of 1997 and the depreciation of the rouble followed by sharp deterioration in living standards for most of the population, Russia's economy faced recession. The economy started recovering in 1999, partially because of high export prices on oil and gas which Russia is rich in. The Russian economy, however, was hit by the 2008-09 global economic crisis because oil prices increased rapidly, and the foreign credits that Russian banks and firms stopped. Exports are still dominated by natural resources. Oil, natural gas, metals, and timber account for more than 80% of Russian exports abroad. The country has the world's largest natural gas reserves, the 8th largest oil reserves, and the second largest coal reserves. Russia is the world's leading natural gas exporter and leading natural gas. producer, and also the second largest oil exporter and largest oil producer. Russia is the third largest exporter of steel and aluminum — and other less competitive heavy industries. Chemicals and military manufactures are also important exports. The dependency on commodity exports makes Russia vulnerable to boom and bust cycles. The government since 2007 has-tried to introduce a program to reduce this dependency and build up the country's high technology sectors, but with few results so far. Imports include machinery and equipment, consumer goods, medicines, meat, sugar, and metal products. The main trading partners are Germany, Ukraine, China, and Italy. Russia is known as an energy superpower. Russia is the 4th largest I electricity generator in the world. Large cascades of hydropower plants are built in European Russia along big rivers like Volga. The Asian part of Russia also features a number of major hydropower stations. Russia was the first country to develop civilian nuclear reactor and to introduce the first nuclear power plant. Currently, Russia is the 4th largest nuclear energy producer. Russia has a long tradition of education, science, and industry I and is considered well ahead of most other resource-rich countries in its economic development. Unfortunately, Russia doesn't have a competitive advantage to develop a high technology economy. It spends little of its GDP on research and development. According to the number of patents issued by the United States Patents Office to residents of foreign countries, Russia registered 904 over the past five years; Belgium with one-fourteenth the population of Russia, registered four times as many. Many Russian scientists and engineers have emigrated overseas, leaving Russia suffering still from a brain -drain. Russian agriculture in recent years was slightly revived due to development of private farms, and Russia shifted from a grain importer to a grain exporter. However, a great amount of food products is still imported. Livestock production declined dramatically. Farmers reduced their holdings of animals as the price of grains and other inputs increased. To conclude, Russia is still heavily dependent on export of ой, gas and timber, while its industrial and farming sectors are still weak as compared to those of the developed countries. However, the rate of economic growth of the country is high. If the rate is the same within a period of several years, and if the government of Russia introduces some efficient economic reforms, Russia could be the second largest European economy after Germany. Comment on the following: Many people believe it is better to live in a society with all levels of income and wealth, regulated by the free market. Others feel that the free market results in great economic and social differences which cannot make an individual happy.