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Word list

Mysterious- загадочная

the 'Russian soul'- русская душа

a mystery- тайна

common traits-общие черты

to inhabit- населять

to vary greatly- сильно различаться

spacious soul' or 'big nature' -широкая натура

to become a commonplace- стать общим местом

to define- определить

generosity- великодушие

hospitality- гостеприимство

to regret smth- сожалеть о чем-л.

Spontaneity- спонтанность

Love for extremes- любовь к крайностям

longing for- жажда

predictability- непредсказуемость

lack of order- недостаток порядка

certainty- определенность

to be guided by intuition- руководствоваться интуицией

mere reason- чистый разум, логика

to take quite another turn- принять совсем другой оборе

to have optimistic outlook- иметь оптимистический взгляд на вещи

adventurous- авантюристический

a fatalist- фаталист

passive- пассивный

the opposites- противоположности

to be apt to- быть склонным к

to adapt to- приспосабливаться к

circumstances- обстоятельства

to oppose smth. -противостоять чему-л.

a feature- черта

to take smth. into account- учитывать

an upheaval- бунт

a cataclysm- катаклизм

the Tatar yoke -татарское иго

a civil war- гражданская война

notorious- печально известный

carelessness- беспечность

to be deceived- быть обманутым

to make use of - использовать

to be regulated by- регулироваться чём-л.

Justice- справедливость

to be prior to law- стоять выше закона

red tape - бюрократия

indignation- негодование

to criticize officials - критиковать чиновников

patience- терпение

endless- бесконечный

to endure privations- выносить лишения

an incredible ability- невероятная способность

to survive- выжить

to suspect- подозревать

to bear a cross- нести крест

pride for- гордость за

spiritual experience- духовный опыт

a suffering- страдания

an invaluable work of art- бесценное произведение искусства

a habit for hardships - привычка к трудностям

a peaceful nature- миролюбивая натура

a conformist- конформист

to prefer compromising.- предпочитать компромиссы

to put up with- мириться с

a pressure - затруднительные обстоятельства, тяжелое положение

injustice- несправедливость

to rebel - восставать, противиться

watch out! - берегись

laziness - лень

dreamy- мечтательный

meditative- созерцательный, задумчивый

haste - суета

resourcefulness - находчивость

A lot has been said and written about the mysterious 'Russian soul' — yet, it still keeps its mystery. The common traits of the people inhabiting this country vary greatly depending on an age group, region, education, profession, belief, etc. But these common features do exist.

'Spacious soul 'or 'big nature' — that will be the first thing to hear from a Russian if asked about the Russian national character. The phrase has become a commonplace, while its meaning is not so easy to define. One life would not be enough to visit all the places of this land; its spaces are hard to take control over and its riches seem impossible to waste. Hence, the Russian generosity and spontaneity, our love for extremes and longing for the unknown, as well as our unpredictability and lack of order and certainty.

A Russian person is guided by intuition rather than by mere reason. Yet when planning something one should be prepared that with the Russians some plans might change and events take quite another turn all of a sudden.

On the one hand, Russians have optimistic and adventurous outlook, on the other hand, they are fatalists and passive — the opposites coming together in Russian people •— we are apt to adapt to ever-changing circumstances rather than to oppose them. That feature is quite understand-able if you take into account our history of upheavals and cataclysms, from the Tatar yoke to the 20th century with world and civil wars, revolutions, repressions and shocking reforms.

Our most common hope is that 'it will work out somehow by itself. Perhaps it is for that notorious Russian carelessness that we are easily deceived and made use of by various leaders.

Relations between individuals are regulated by the idea of justice (as a moral feeling), which is prior to law in Russia. If you are facing the notorious red tape, do not hesitate to discuss it with your Russian friends. Your indignation will be shared with great pleasure: we use every chance to criticize officials, militia and government. Perhaps you will also get some expert advice concerning ways out.

Russian patience seems as endless as a Russian open country. This people have revealed its ability to endure any privations — an incredible ability to survive in inhuman living conditions. Moreover, one can suspect a sort of liking to bearing this cross, a certain pride for it. The spiritual experience of the Russian people resulting from its sufferings has given the world invaluable works of art and literature.

The habit for hardships and peaceful nature make the Russians conformists: we dislike open conflicts and prefer compromising. We can long put up with pressure and injustice (though at heart we might rebel) — but once we explode — there is no stop to it, watch out.

Russian laziness is almost as notorious as Russian 'spacious soul'. Russian laziness is dreamy and meditative. In a philosophic sense, it is opposed to the worldly haste. Most of our great ideas are not realized for that very laziness. We'll think ten times if something is worth our efforts, before we move a finger. A Russian person needs time to 'pull oneself together', that is to focus on a definite goal. But when ready and interested and emotionally involved, one can beat records in efficiency. We enjoy challenges and can work overtime for that — isn't that a good compensation for our tendency to be late at work?

The vastness of this land implies our generosity. Fond of making handsome gestures, we enjoy surprising our friends and guests with gifts. Even if the hosts are having hard times, they will do their best to entertain their guests well. Naturally, the same hospitality and generosity is expected from you — and it should be sincere, you should never show you regret it Greediness is considered a real sin here. Counting expenses on friends meetings or checking the bill in a restaurant will seem petty. It is natural that everyone contributes to the common good as much as one can. Not long ago it was ok to lend money to a friend in need and forget about it. Nowadays, the commercialization of this country makes the Russia more and more thrifty. But that is not natural for us. It is in our blood to I share what we have and hope on somebody's help.

Russian collectivism is more than just a result of the Soviet times It takes its roots in the communal living of the Old Rus and the Orthodox moral values. Our love to work jointly for the common good, share what we have and rely on somebody's help is based on the feeling of kindred with other people. Personal relations play here a more important role than one's social status or bank account. The dark side of it is that a person's I success often depends on profitable connections rather than on one's tal­ents and hard work. Yet, it is still habitual among students and co-workers to help each other rather than compete, which is more customary for the Westerners.

Smooth and scheduled living and working void of variation and I collision, that makes a European feel comfortable will depress a Russian. Yet, there is no such a risk — we'll always find some problems to use our century-old cultivated resourcefulness.

Comment on the following:

Many foreigners are fascinated by Russian hospitality. However, there are some who think it is a way of showing-off.

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