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The Robot Brains ⇐ ÏðåäûäóùàÿÑòð 5 èç 5
- 1 - " This is an interesting story. Doctor, " said the police inspector politely. " Interesting? " Doctor Fox jumped from his chair and waved his finger under the inspector nose. " Let me remind you that they are murdering people! " Fox was very excited. He was walking up and down the room. He was a short man with a plump face and wore spectacles. He had a reputation of having his own opinion on everything under the sun. " What is your theory, Doctor? " said the inspector. " This organization which you talk about - what motive can they have? If you can tell me something about the weapon with which they kill, I'll be grateful." Fox shook his head. " I only know what I've read in the papers. Some kind of energy discharge, that is clear." The inspector looked at the clock on the wall and knew that tea was waiting. He sighed. Fox suddenly sat down. " You don't have to accept my theory, " he said, " but you have to accept the facts. I checked carefully. Each time one of these murders took place, the Burkholder Fair was nearby. Every time - that can't be coincidence." The inspector nodded. " Doctor Fox, the first victim - Professor Leach - was a friend of yours, I believe. Don't you think that fact played on your nerves a little? " Fox jumped to his feet again. He could not remain still for a moment. " So you think I'm talking nonsense, Inspector! Well, let me tell you -» The Inspector pressed a button on his desk, and a sergeant in a uniform opened the door. " Show Doctor Fox out, " said the Inspector. The doctor left the police station. He walked, talking to himself. " What the devil can I do? If only Christian were here…" He stopped in the street. " Why not? " he thought. Why not, indeed! He would send for Christian at once. He hurried to the post-office to send a telegram. Meanwhile the inspector was drinking his tea and thinking over what he had just heard. It was absurd, of course. Yet, Fox was a scientist… The inspector saw no connection between the victims, except the manner in which they had died. The whole thing seemed to have no motive. The inspector was puzzled. - 2 - A neon sign was flashing: FAIR FAIR FAIR There was a lot of noise and movement. The crowds moved between tents and swings; coloured lights blinked on and off, sounds of music mixed with the shrieks of girls On a wooden platform before a large tent a tall man spoke into a microphone: " Come, ladies and gentlemen, for the greatest show of all! Burkholder is my name and I personally guarantee that you've never seen or heard anything like this before. Come and see the Brains! They'll answer any question you give them, any question on any subject! I am so sure of it that I offer five pounds to anyone who beats them. Come, ladies and gentlemen. The price is one shilling. One shilling to learn the mysteries of the universe! " Burkholder took out of his pocket a five-pound note and showed it to everybody. " Here it is, ladies and gentlemen! Five pounds to the man who asks a question which the Brains cannot answer. Pay your shillings and take your seats." More and more people entered the tent. Inside there was a raised platform now curtained off. When all the benches were occupied, Burkholder entered the tent and went up to the platform. " Ladies and gentlemen, " he said, " I hope you have prepared your questions. Ask anything you like. Now I give you… the Brains! " The curtain went up, and the people saw three men who were sitting on the stage. The Brains looked very much alike. Each was a dwarf, dressed in a suit of grey colour. What attracted everybody's attention at once was their heads. They were very big, quite out of proportion to their little bodies. The Brains looked down at the people, without smiling. Burkholder said: " Ask your questions, please. You have only half an hour" There was a pause. A lady at the back of the tent whispered to her neighbour: " I don't like the look of them at all! " Indeed, there was something evil in the Brains; it seemed they were devoid of all humanity. At last a schoolboy asked: " Is space really empty? " " No, " answered the Brain in the centre. " The space is only relatively empty. There is a lot of dust and gas between the stars. Also many types of radiation." After that more questions were asked: " Is a sea-horse a fish? " " What is the capital of Pakistan? " " Who wrote 'The Count of Monte Cristo'? " " Are there such things as ghosts? " The Brains answered the questions in turn. The half-hour passed quickly, and the curtain fell. - 3 - Miller was a big man with short hair and a soft voice. He never hurried. When he reached his office, he was called to the Old Man. He walked along the corridor, knocked at the door and entered. " Sit down, Miller, " said the Old Man. Miller sat down. " I want you to make an investigation, " said the Old Man. " I have a report from the police. The report concerns these murders. Have you read about them? " " I've read the newspapers, " said Miller. " All the victims have been beheaded. No heads have been found; the neck of each beheaded body was cauterized. It is supposed that the heads were totally destroyed. Of course, we are interested to know what sort of weapon was used." Miller nodded. " The murders, " went on the Old Man, " look like the work of one man or one organization…" He paused. " Now they have a report from a certain Doctor Fox. He thinks that the murderer is connected with the Burkholder Fair. It is now at Reading. I want you to go to Reading and see what you can find." " Who is this Fox? " asked Miller. " An unusual person. He is a scientist who has an opinion of his own on everything. He writes a lot for the newspapers on such subjects as flying saucers and teleportation." " Is that all? " asked Miller. " I think so, " said the Old Man. Miller stood up. " I'll send a report as soon as I have something." " All right, " said the Old Man. " And, Miller, - don't lose your head." - 4 - The motor yacht Sea Mist lay in a quiet and peaceful part of the Thames. She was a good ship, her paint was spotless and her metal parts well polished. Everything about her pointed to the fact that her owner was a good sailor and proud of his ship. In the long cabin Captain Christian sat reading the day's newspapers and smoking a thin black cigar. He was a tall man, well-dressed; he had a blond beard and sea-blue eyes. As he turned the pages of the newspaper, the light of the lantern shone on the headline: GIRL SCIENTIST NEW VICTIM OF STRANGE MURDERER Lovely Margaret Greenways, research biologist, is a new victim of the killer. Her body was found early this morning, beheaded, as all the victims of this madman. Miss Greenways has been working on a secret method to improve the quality of potatoes. As usual, the head was not found - the fifth murder of this kind. When will the police make an arrest? The public have a right to… Christian remembered the newspaper articles about the other murders of this kind: A headless body… the neck cauterized. He put the newspaper aside, stood up, put on a cap and went upstairs. He felt he needed fresh air. When he was on deñk, he heard the sound of a motorcycle. Soon he saw a telegraph boy riding towards him. The young man stopped his motorcycle and called: " Captain Christian? " " That's me." Christian took the telegram and read it quickly. " No reply, " he said. The young man rode away, and Christian started the diesel of his yacht and headed it up the Thames. Standing at the wheel, he re-read the telegram from his old friend: Need your help at once stop Life and death Stop Meet me Bull Hotel Reading stop Fox. - 5 - As soon as Christian entered the Bull Hotel in Reading, Fox came running to meet him. Christian smiled, pressed his friend's hand and said: " Well, what is it this time? A fall of frogs? Lights in the sky? Or some servant girl who set fire to a house by simply thinking of it? " " Murder, " Fox replied quietly and led Christian into the bar. They took two glasses of beer and sat down at a table. " I think, " said Christian, " you have some theory which explains the murders." He lit his cigar and prepared to listen. " That's right, Chris, " said Fox " I've been to the police, but - it was no good, of course. They did not take me seriously." The captain smiled a little; many times in the past, he had laughed at his friend's theories, but in the end it usually turned out that the doctor was right. " Well, what have you discovered? " " I think I know something, " said Fox " Each time one of these murders takes place, the Burkholder Fair is nearby. Every time - I checked carefully. The Fair is here now." " So that's why we meet in Reading, " said Christian. Fox nodded. " I went to the Fair and saw a show called the Brains… three dwarfs with huge heads who answer questions. There is something strange about them, besides their appearance They know a lot." He paused. " You know me, Chris. It's not easy to fool me. Well, I shot questions at the Brains - questions on physics, history, literature, mathematics, anything that came into my head that I could answer myself. They knew all the answers." " So? " said Christian. " I want you to see them for yourself. I didn't like them - and neither did the public. They are evil. I feel it. I want to know who they are, where they came from and how they got their great knowledge." " It won't be hard to find out, " said Christian. " Maybe harder than you think, " said Fox. " Professor Leach was a friend of mine. He was number one. He did research work in hydroponics. " I was interested in other victims. Gruller, the second victim, was an astronomer. He had just made some new discovery about the stars and was ready to publish - the secret died with him. " The third was Robert James, a chemist. He studied the effect of radiation on insect life. The fourth man was Bond, a psychologist. He worked out a new theory of brain structure. The latest, of course, is Margaret Greenways." " Potatoes, " said Christian. Fox leaned forward. " Don't you see, Christian? All the murdered people were scientists… and all were working on something new! " Christian looked at Fox. " Have you any ideas about the weapon? " " Only that it is something new - some great discharge of energy with much heat: that's why the necks are cauterized." " The murderers must be very sure of themselves, " said Fox. " You will see it when you meet the Brains. I think they are the murderers." But why a fair? At the fair so many people see and know them." " What can be a better way of travelling about the country? " said Fox. " Remember, they are physically different from the rest of us, and it is easy to notice them. The Fair makes a sort of cover for them." " But why must they kill scientists? " said Christian. " Maybe they are a group of people who are against any form of progress." Fox shook his head. " It's a big thing, Chris - we're only at the beginning. There'll be more murders. Where did they get their weapon? Modern science does not know such an energy gun…" " So, " smiled the captain, " they landed in a flying saucer! You and your theories." Fox thought. " I imagine an interplanetary organization. They know what is happening on the earth. They see the success of our science and they don't want us to get into space. They want to stop us." He became more excited " Think of our progress. In twenty years we'll be ready to cross space - and who knows what we may find out there? Maybe they don't want us to leave the earth" " So they kill a young woman who grows potatoes, " said Christian. " You don't understand. Margaret Greenways discovered something new. Something new - that's what they are trying to stop. Stop all progress - and you keep man on this planet forever! " Christian looked at his friend with open admiration. It was not everyone who could create such a theory from so few facts. " Well, Christian, " said Fox looking at the captain, " you are the man of action. What shall we do about it? " " Investigate the Burkholder Fair, " said Christian. " In the morning I'll go to the Fair and see if I can get a job there." - 6 - Gilbert Thurston worked late in his house on the outskirts of Reading. He was sitting at his desk. On the desk there were pages of manuscript and many notebooks. He was alone, except for his cat. His housekeeper had gone to stay with her relatives and would not be back until morning. Thurston was pleased with his progress. The work of years was nearly over. He felt tired, but not sleepy. He looked again at the title of his work: A SOCIAL REVOLUTION He was sure that the publication of his theories would bring great changes. It was an idea of which he was proud. A sound was heard. The cat raised her head, looking at the window. " It's nothing, " said Thurston. " Go back to sleep." He crossed the room to the little table and took a sandwich. When his paper was published, it would cause a sensation. He was certain of that. The sound came again, this time from the back of the house. Thurston decided to pay no attention. He drank his milk and looked at the manuscript again. The cat rose, arched her back and hissed. She was looking at the door. Thurston took a poker from the fireplace and opened the door. " Stay where you are, " he said loudly. " I can see you." The figure was in shadow, but Thurston noticed the gleam of metal. He raised the poker and said: " Throw it down! " The figure moved forward. The strange weapon pointed at him… There was a brilliant flash of light in his face, one terrible moment of great heat, then nothing… The murderer stepped past the headless body of Gilbert Thurston and went to the study. There he destroyed the manuscript. - 7 - Next morning Christian came to the Burkholder Fair with a bag over his shoulder. He was wearing a pair of trousers and a dark blue jersey. He looked like an ordinary sailor looking for work. He was walking about the place, looking around with interest. He saw men feeding animals, workers cleaning the territory, some children playing and a man shaving in the open. Someone shouted at him: " You there! Are you looking for a job? " A tall man with a long moustache, well-dressed, came up to him. Christian understood that he was Burkholder. " Yes, sir, " he said. " I have missed my ship. I could work for a few weeks." Burkholder looked at the captain attentively and saw a strong man with a blond beard and clear blue eyes " All right, " he said. " You will do everything that is needed." " Yes, sir." " Have you had breakfast? " " Not yet." " Miller! " shouted Burkholder. A very big man came up to them. " What is your name? " Burkholder asked the captain. " Christian, sir." Burkholder turned to Miller. " Christian will live in your trailer. Show him where it is and take him to the kitchen. Then go back to work." Burkholder went away. The big man led the captain to a small trailer. Inside there were two beds. " Leave your bag, " said Miller, " and I'll show where to eat." " Have you been working long here? " asked Christian. " I started yesterday." So the big man could not tell him much, Christian thought. Well, at least he was here: now he must see what he could discover. He did not see the Brains until evening. In the evening they came from a large trailer. They were all dressed in grey. They moved without paying attention to the people around. They had small bodies and very big heads. They were short: not more than four feet in height. They looked very unpleasant. Looking at the Brains, he decided: " Fox must be right, after all." - 8 - At around 10 o'clock the show was over, and the public left the Fair. Christian went to the kitchen, took his supper and sat on one of the benches. Soon two small girls came in. One of them sat down beside Christian and began to talk. " You are new, aren't you? " " Started today, miss." Only now Christian realized that she was not a child, but a very small grown-up woman. " I'm Jo, " she said, laughing. " You need not feel awkward. We are different only outside; inside we are just like anybody else" She had soft dark hair and wore a pink dress. " You are a sailor, aren't you? Tell us about the sea - I'm sure you've had lots of adventures." " You won't believe me, " replied Christian. " Once I was shipwrecked on a rock in the middle of the ocean, and every night mermaids brought me food and sang me to sleep. Another time I was swallowed by a whale, but I had my knife with me, so I cut a hole in the side of the whale and escaped." Jo laughed. " Don't tell me about the sharks, " she said. " I shan't believe that if you don't show me your wooden leg! " Christian looked round. " I don't see the Brains, " he said. " I suppose they eat something." " Not with us, " said Jo with contempt. " they are too high to mix with the rest of us. They are not true dwarfs, not like Mabel and me." " If the Brains are not dwarfs, " said Christian, " what are they? " " I don't know. None of us like them very much. They never leave their trailer, except for their act. But they are clever… and cruel! " She shuddered. " I wonder if they went out last night, " said Christian. " I don't think so, " said Jo. " It seems that they are afraid of the dark - at least they keep the door of their trailer locked all night, and the lamps burning." Soon Christian said good-night to Jo and walked to the trailer where he and Miller slept. When he came, Miller was preparing to go out " I'll come late, " Miller said. " But don't worry, I shan't make noise." Christian was glad to hear it, because he wanted to go out himself to watch the Brains; so he would not have to explain anything to Miller. - 9 - Christian spent almost all night watching the Brains' trailer, but in vain: they did not leave it. In the evening of the next day, when the show was over, Christian was standing at the back of the large tent and waiting for the Brains. It was cold and it was raining. When they came out, he said: " Typical English weather, this." The Brains did not answer. Christian tried again. " I suppose, " he said, " the climate is warm in the place you come from." When they were standing close to him, he could see individual differences in them. One had a more pointed chin than the others; the second had his ears flat against the skull; the third had a scar on his nose. " It is true that we are used to an even temperature, " said the Brain with the scar. He spoke with a strange accent. " What country it is? " asked the captain. He received no answer. All three Brains were silent. Looking down at them, Christian saw that each had a belt at his waist; and in each belt there was a large black crystal with some strange engraving on it. He stretched out his hand to touch the nearest crystal and exclaimed: " I've never seen anything like these before! " Their reaction was immediate. All three Brains jerked away from him, as from something dangerous. " Keep your hands off, " one of them said angrily. " You must not touch! " " Sorry, " said Christian. He was intrigued. They looked at him a moment, then quickly walked to their trailer. The captain remained standing there, wondering: what the devil was that all about? - 10 - Kurt Lawrence looked at the clock again. It was now past midnight, and Grace was not yet home. He thought: " She's seeing too much of Stacey…" He tried to concentrate on his work. He was a tall man with brown hair, younger than he looked. His work was nearly finished. He had worked out a new method of launching rockets. It was a big step forward. He looked at the clock again. Twenty minutes past midnight. Where was Grace now? He decided that in future he would devote more time to his wife. He returned to his table to work out final details. When at last he finished, it was one o'clock. He heard someone at the door of the house. He opened the door of his room and went along the corridor, calling: " Grace? Is that you, Grace? " Kurt Lawrence did not know it then, but his worries were almost over… - 11 - Three cars stopped at the entrance to the Burkholder Fair. Four men in plain clothes got out of each car. They found Burkholder and explained what they wanted. The owner of the Fair did not like the idea, but he had no choice. In ten minutes, everyone who worked at the Fair, was inside the large tent. The men in plain clothes were questioning them. Meanwhile, other men were searching the tents and trailers. Christian was questioned, too. Miller, to his surprise, was with the people who asked the questions. Afterwards, Miller took Christian aside and said " I must now introduce myself." He showed Christian his card; very simply it said that he was an operative of Military Intelligence. " So you see, " said Miller, " that we haven't ignored the theories of your friend Fox. Now we have something important to discuss. I know that you have been watching the Brains. Well, did you see them yesterday between midnight and two a.m.? Did they leave their trailer? " " Another murder? " asked Christian. " Yes, the seventh - a man named Kurt Lawrence. He worked with rockets. He was murdered, and some important papers disappeared at the same time." " I can't help you, " Christian said slowly. " I watched their trailer again, but I didn't see the Brains at all. A lamp was burning in the trailer - I think they were inside." " H-m." Miller sat down on a chair and waved a large hand. " Make yourself comfortable - nobody will disturb us." The captain sat down and put a cigar between his lips. " The trouble is, " said Miller, " that now I have declared my position. So I can't remain here." He looked thoughtfully at Christian. " Will you stay on here? They don't suspect you - and I shall be glad if you help." " I'll do anything I can, " said the captain. " I'd like to see the murder weapon, " said Miller. " Do you know the strangest thing about the Brains? They have no past! " " What do you mean? " " I mean that the Brains appeared suddenly, out of nowhere. Before that, no one had seen or heard of them. They have no past. Maybe they just dropped from the sky…" Christian thought of Fox's theory. - 12 - It was a few days later, in the evening, when the show was over and the public had gone. It was late, the stars were shining brightly in a frosty sky. Christian was alone. He was doing some work on the territory, when he heard a loud scream from the direction of the Brains' trailer. He ran. He came to where the Brains' trailer stood, and in the light of the moon saw the Brains and Jo. They had the dwarf-woman between them. The Brain with the flat ears held her by her dark long hair; the second Brain held a piece of cloth to her mouth; and the third cruelly twisted her arms. Still running, Christian shouted: " Stop that, you devils - leave her alone! " The Brains were too busy to hear him. He seized one of them - the one with the scar on the nose - and threw him aside. The other two Brains turned to him, releasing Jo, who fell to the ground. The Brain with the scar stood up and ran up to Christian. He was shaking with rage. " I'll teach you to interfere! " he shouted. He was ready to attack Christian, when Victor, the Brain with the flat ears, who seemed to be their leader, said quietly: " Waldo! " This one word sounded as a command. The Brain with the scar stopped at once. All three looked coldly at the captain, then turned and marched into their trailer. Christian bent over Jo and said: " It's all right, Jo, they've gone." She opened her eyes. " Hello, Sailor! It's good that you came. Thank you! " Christian helped her to get up. Her face was pale. She laughed. " That's what I get for not minding my own business, " she said. " Seeing that they know all the answers, I decided to ask them who did the murders. They did not answer me; just stood there and looked at me as if I were some insect. I did not like their look. Then one of them seized me by the hair. 'Little girls must not ask questions, ' he said, 'we'll have to teach you a lesson.' Waldo started twisting my arm, and I screamed. Then you came up." She smiled a little. " Thanks again." Christian walked with her to her trailer. At the door he stopped and said: " Jo, you must not go near the Brains. They are dangerous. And don't ask any more questions." She looked up at him. " And you? They won't forgive you for stopping them. You must be careful. They'll do something horrible." " I can take care of myself, " said the captain. " Do you feel all right now? " Jo nodded. " I'm fine… Good night, Sailor." Christian went to his own trailer. He was sure that the Brains would not forget him.. When he was in the trailer, he took his automatic gun out of his bag and checked its mechanism. He thought a little, then he decided that he would not need it that night. He put the gun under his pillow and went out. He went to the Cross Keys, a fine of old pub where he and Miller had agreed to meet. - 13 - When the captain came up to the old pub, he saw Miller's car standing at the entrance. It was late, and the door was locked. He went round the house to the back door which had been left open for him, and entered the house. It was dark and still inside. A light burned somewhere above. He began climbing the stairs. Then, suddenly, breaking the silence of the house, came a gunshot. Christian jumped forward, to the top of the stairs. He found himself in a short corridor with a door at the end. The door was a little open, and light was coming from inside. He ran to the door and went in. Miller lay on the carpet. On his shirt there was blood. An automatic gun lay beside him, and there was no one else in the room. Christian bent over Miller. The man was dead. He looked at the gun… it was very much like his own. He took it to read the number - and did not believe his eyes: it was his own gun. Christian stared at the gun and then at Miller. He could not understand it. He knew that he had left his gun - The door behind him closed softly and a key turned on the outside. Christian jumped to the door and pulled it, but in vain. He was locked in. By now the old pub was coming to life. He heard movement and voices and steps in the corridor. Someone knocked on the door and shouted: " Mister Miller, are you all right? " Christian answered: " Open this door - Miller is dead, and his murderer is running away! " There was a pause; then the key turned and the door opened. The red-faced owner of the pub stood there with a heavy stick in his hand. He was looking at Christian who was still holding the gun, and at Miller's body " Let me go out, " said Christian " Not so fast - you will have to explain something" " Listen, I was working with Miller. He was waiting for me. Someone shot him and-" " Maybe, " said the red-faced man. He stepped back, quickly closed the door and locked it again. " You will stay here till I bring the police, " he said. For the first time Christian realized his own position. He had been found, alone, in a looked room, with a dead man, holding the gun - his own gun. It would be difficult to convince the police that he was not the murderer. And how had his gun got here from the trailer? But now, Christian understood, there was no time for thinking about that. He opened the window. Looking down, he saw Miller's car. He jumped out of the window, ran to the car and got in. The red-faced owner of the pub came out, shouting and waving his stick. Christian started the car and drove away at full speed. - 14 - He drove back to the Fair. He was determined to find the Brains and speak to them. Instinct told him they were responsible; they knew, that Miller had been watching them, and so they killed him. And they killed Miller with Christian's gun because they wanted to take revenge on him: they had not forgotten that he had interfered when they were speaking with Jo. When he came to the Fair, he parked the car and got out of it. It was dark. Only one light was seen in the distance - it came from the Brains' trailer. Christian walked towards it. The door was locked. The captain took a piece of wire out of his pocket, worked with it a little, and the door opened. The captain stepped in, holding his gun ready. He stopped, disappointed. The trailer was empty. Christian looked angrily around. Where were the Brains now? He could not wait for them. He was sure that the owner of the Cross Keys had raised an alarm and the police were looking for him. And the first place where they would come would be the Fair. He had to get away before the police came. It was absolutely necessary for him to remain in freedom until he could prove his innocence. There was nothing else to do, Christian decided: he must disappear. He went quickly and silently to his own trailer and packed his bag. He looked under the pillow where he had left his gun: as he expected, there was nothing there. There was no doubt that the Brains had framed him for Miller's murder. He was thinking where to go. He could not go to his yacht: he was sure that the police would visit it. He could not go to Fox - the police knew that they were friends, so, of course, they would come to Fox's place, too. He had friends who would be ready to hide him, but he wanted to remain near the Fair - that was his only chance to get at the Brains. And the Fair was leaving for Cambridge in the morning - Burkholder had decided to find a new place for it after the visit of Military Intelligence. So Christian decided to go to Cambridge and hide there, waiting for his chance. He took his bag and left his trailer. He went to the kitchen. There he took an empty bag and put into it some foodstuffs which he could find. Putting the bag on his shoulder, he left the kitchen. The police knew the number of Miller's car, so he could not use it. He walked quickly along the path. In the bright light of the moon he saw a workman's bicycle near the fence. Without hesitation he got on it and, leaving the Fair, rode off in the direction of Cambridge. He travelled the whole night, and with the first light of day he decided to stop and find a place to hide. He stopped at a deserted crossroads and looked around. Through the trees growing along the road he saw a field and a river in the distance. Near the river he noticed the ruins of a descrted boat-house. He lifted his stolen bicycle on his shoulder and crossed the field to the river. He approached the ruins of the boathouse. Tall grass growing around the door showed that nobody was using the house. He opened the door and frightened away a rat, which quickly ran into the darkness. He saw a flight of stairs which led to a loft, and he climbed up carrying the bicycle with him. He found himself in a small room with a little window, which gave him a clear view of the approaches to the house. So if some people were coming to the house, he would see them. Christian was satisfied. He sat down on the floor and ate some cold bacon and bread and cheese. The whole morning he was looking out of the window, but saw nobody. In the afternoon he slept a few hours. When night fell, he set off again, and in the morning he was near Cambridge. On the wall of a newspaper stall there was a newspaper. Christian stopped his bicycle and looked through the front page. There was a photograph of him and a text under it: The police are looking for Captain Arthur Christian to interview him in connection with the shooting at Reading. Christian is tall, blond, blue-eyed, with a short beard. He is armed. The police think he may be near Cambridge. Christian was alarmed. He decided that he must find a hiding-place at once. He could not remain in the streets during the day. He rode on again. Soon he saw a large poster: BURKHOLDER'S FAIR There was a picture of the Brains and a text in red letters: Five pounds will be given to anyone who asks a question which the Brains cannot answer. Below the poster gave the address of the place where the Fair was located. Christian looked around. There was a long, partly broken fence along one side of the street. Behind the fence he saw a garden and an old shed. The garden was grown with weeds, and it was clear that it was not used. Christian looked around again to make sure that nobody saw him, then took his bicycle and got into the garden through a crack in the fence. There was a lock on the door of the shed, but Christian easily broke it and got inside. He sat down on the floor and ate some food which still remained in his bag. During the day he slept. In the evening, when it was dark, he left the shed and rode to the place where the Burkholder Fair was located. - 15 - Jo came out of the kitchen after a late supper and walked towards her trailer. There was no moon, and the stars were covered with clouds. There was nobody around. Then she heard a soft voice: " Jo." She recognized Christian's voice and stopped. " It is not safe for you here, " she said in a whisper. " The whole area is watched by plain-clothes men." Christian smiled. " I know." He looked down at the dwarf-woman. " Jo, I didn't kill Miller." " Of course, you didn't, " she said quickly. " I never believed that for a moment. Tell me how I can help. Doctor Fox was here this morning I know where he is now. But the police are watching him." Christian pointed to a light which was coming from one of the trailers " Are the Brains at home? " " I think they are, " she answered. " What are you going to do? " " I am going to speak to them, " he said. " I am sure that they murdered Miller" " Be careful, Sailor! " Christian pressed her hand. " Don't go near the Brains, " he said. He turned and walked to the Brains' trailer He noiselessly approached the door of the trailer, put his piece of wire into the lock and opened the door. And again - he saw nobody! Christian stepped inside and locked the door after himself. He sat down, looking at the door and holding his automatic gun ready. This time he was going to wait till the Brains returned. Minutes passed. Christian thought about Fox and Jo: they both believed in him and were ready to help. It was good indeed to have such good friends. Then he thought about the Brains. Maybe now, just at this moment, they were murdering another man, and soon they would return with their murder weapon.. He didn't notice how his eyes closed. He heard some movement and opened his eyes. The Brains were standing before him - but he was sure that the door had not opened. For a long moment the Brains and Christian looked at each other. Christian pointed his gun at them. " You know why I am here, " he said. " Speak - and remember that I can shoot you." Suddenly Victor, the leader of the Brains, raised his hand. He was holding his murder weapon in it.. Christian jumped to his feet, quick as lightning, caught Victor by his hand and pressed it hard. The weapon fell to the floor, and Christian kicked it under the bed. He pointed his automatic at the Brains again. " All right-speak! " The Brains were standing and looking at him. Then Victor said quietly: " We must leave." " You are not going to leave…" Christian did not finish. Each Brain touched the black crystal at his waist - and disappeared. The captain was alone in the trailer, not believing his eyes. It was impossible… Fox was right. They could not be human. He put his hand under the bed and took out the weapon of the Brains. It was made of some hard metal It was very important to send the weapon to Miller's chief as quickly as possible. Military Intelligence must understand who their enemies were: beings who could disappear into nothing. But he did not know if the people in Military Intelligence would believe him… Christian walked up and down the trailer, thinking. Then he sat down at the table and wrote an account of what had happened at the Cross Keys, how he had got the Brains' weapon, and how the three Brains had disappeared before his eyes. He smoked one of his black cigars while he was reading what he had written. Then he put his account and the weapon into a cardboard box and left the trailer. In the darkness of the night he walked noiselessly to Jo's trailer. He knocked, and Jo opened the door. " Can you take this package to Fox? " he asked in a low voice. " Tell him to send it to Miller's chief. Tell him also that I shall be hiding at Girton: he knows that I have friends there " I'll go now, " said Jo. " Good luck, Sailor." Christian went to the place where he had left his bicycle and rode off. Early in the morning, when it was still dark, he arrived at the village of Girton. He got into his friends' house through the back door. It was quiet in the house, and breakfast was prepared on the table. Christian ate, then lay down on the bed which had been prepared for him. It was late when he woke. Bright sun was shining in through the window. On the table there was a newspaper. He read: DECAPITATION AT CAMBRIDGE The headless corpse of Professor Duval was found early this morning in his private study. Duval, one of the world's famous mathematicians and a lecturer at the University of Cambridge, was working on a new theory of the space-time continuum. His papers have been lost… - 16 - " Come in, " the Old Man said. " Please sit down, Doctor Fox." Fox looked with interest at the chief of Military Intelligence. The Old Man pushed a box of cigarettes towards him. " Help yourself, Doctor. First of all I must thank you for bringing us the weapon -» Fox interrupted: " Christian got that weapon for you. Don't you think it is time to clear him of the suspicion of the murder? " " That is really a matter for the police, but I believe his story. I think I will be able to help." The Old Man looked through some papers. " I have here a report on this weapon. It is a decapitator; and a new kind of energy is used in it. I have no details, but a group of scientists are working on it. The fingerprints on the weapon show that it has been used by somebody with very small hands." " The Brains! " exclaimed Fox. " Probably. As you know, the Brains have disappeared completely - my men are watching the Fair, and they haven't seen them. I don't think they will come to the Fair again." " We must get one of those crystals, " said Fox. " Lawrence worked with rockets. Duval worked out a new theory for the space-time continuum. Do you see what we are up against? These murders aren't going to stop - you can be sure that the Brains have more than one decapitator. It is an interplanetary affair. The earth is fighting for the right to go out into space…" The Old Man looked grim. " If you are right, " he said, " the position is serious. What have we got? An invasion by beings from another world who can disappear at will and who have a deadly weapon - deadlier than ours. We must find them. If only we knew where to start looking -» " They have a spaceship which is hidden somewhere, " said Fox. " Find the ship and you will find the Brains. I advise you to check all unidentified flying objects which appear in the sky." " I'll do that. Now, if you'll excuse me, I must see the Prime Minister immediately." Fox said quickly: " And Christian? Will you clear him? " " Yes. I'll speak with the Home Secretary. Later, I should like to meet the captain personally." Fox walked along the corridor and left the building of Military Intelligence. He heard the voice of a newsboy: " Another decapitation! The maniac strikes again! Special! " Fox bought a newspaper. It told of an Italian scientist who had been found dead in his laboratory. Fox had a feeling that the real trouble was only just starting. First Britain, now Italy… Where next? He wondered. - 17 - From the window of his office on the sixty-fourth floor Michael Brant had a very good view of downtown Manhattan. But he was not looking through the window. He was sitting with his back to the window. He was a fat man with rings on his fingers and a big cigar between his teeth. " It is interesting, " he said slowly. " Of course, it is interesting, but where is money in it? You agree that it will take a lot of money to make something practical out of this model of yours, don't you? " He was looking at the inventor who was standing in front of him. " I haven't the money to do it myself, " said the inventor. " That's why I came to you. I need a research laboratory. But I am sure that you will get your money back in the end." " In the end! " Brant smiled cynically. " Listen, Marten, I am a financier, not a philanthropist. I want results - now. All right, " he went on, " I'll give you five thousand." " Ten, " said Marten. At this moment, though the door was locked, a dwarf-like figure, dressed in grey, suddenly appeared in the room. The man raised his hand and pointed a strange-looking gun at Marten. A bright ray appeared from the gun The next moment Marten's headless corpse fell on the floor. The weapon turned to Brant… Afterwards the man in grey turned the ray on Marten's invention, and then disappeared. - 18 - In South America five men died. In Africa and Mexico, in Sweden and Madagascar, the decapitations continued. Reports from behind the Iron Curtain said that this process was now world-wide. Brains were seen in Berlin, Hawaii, and other places. More and more people were murdered, and all of them were scientists - until the incident in Caribou City. Caribou City was a small town on the banks of the Peace River in Canada. Uranium had been discovered there, and a group of scientists were doing some research work. One night a scientist was decapitated there in the presence of a large group of people, but this time the Brain who had decapitated him did not escape. The scientist's assistant had a gun and shot the Brain through his heart. There was a full hour of triumph in Caribou City. Then the revenge came. There appeared a lot of Brains in the town. They used the weapons which were of the same type as the decapitators, but much bigger and more powerful. Whole buildings were burned to the ground. In a short while Caribou City was completely destroyed… After that the Brains returned to their practice of killing the world's scientists. Every day reports of new decapitations came from different parts of the world: from Athens and Tokyo, Lisbon and Vienna. Newspapers attacked the governments for doing nothing. The British Prime Minister declared a state of emergency. The police and Military Intelligence were looking for the Brains' base, but could not find anything. The Brains simply appeared, killed, and disappeared again. - 19 - Sitting in an armchair in the cabin of his yacht, Captain Christian raised his glass. " It's nice to be a free man again. Thanks, Doc." Doctor Fox, sitting opposite him, opened a fresh bottle of beer. " You did it yourself, Chris, " he said. " You got the decapitator." " And you took it to Miller's chief. I could not do it without you." They sat a few minutes in silence. " The important thing now, " said Christian, " is to find the Brains. We must get one of those crystals." " I don't see, how you can do that, " said Fox. " You can't catch people who disappear into thin air." " We must try. We must catch one of them before he has time to use his decapitator or touch his crystal. If we work fast, we can do it. And then we'll separate. I'll take the prisoner to a hiding-place which will be prepared - and you will take the crystal somewhere else." Fox laughed: " First catch your Brain." Christian smiled. " We'll make a trap, " he said. " We can publish an article in the newspapers that some scientist has found out the mystery of the Brains. The newspaper article will mention the place where this scientist works - and it will be our hiding-place! I am sure the Brains will come to that place at once! " The doctor thought. " Maybe it will work, " he said. " I am sure it will work, " said Christian. " One of them will come and we'll catch him. And I'll make him talk." " Shall we ask the Old Man to help? " " No! This is my show. Afterwards, if we do it, we'll tell him the good news. But I want to do it myself." He took a note-book and began to write a plan. " We shall need two fast cars and an empty house in some isolated place. Then two separate hiding places." Christian worked out the details of his plan. " Where do they come from? " he asked suddenly. " I don't agree with your theory that they come from interplanetary space. A spaceship large enough to carry fifty Brains cannot be hidden. The astronomers have searched the sky with their telescopes and found nothing. There must be some other explanation. But what? " - 20 - The house stood on a high hill. There were no houses or trees around. In a large room on the ground floor Fox and Christian sat in opposite corners; both were armed. Fox held one end of a nylon cord in his left hand. The cord was connected with a net which was hanging from the ceiling. One pull - and the net would fall. If only one Brain appeared, they were planning to try to take him alive; more than one - and they would open fire immediately. They were sitting and waiting. They were sure that the Brains would learn of the supposed threat to their safety. Not only newspapers published the story, but radio and television had broadcast it, too; and people were talking in the streets… Outside the house, in the garage, two cars stood ready. Two hiding-places were prepared. One was an underground laboratory - Fox was going to use it to investigate the crystal. The other was the cellar of an empty house - and Christian was going to take the prisoner there and question him. Suddenly a Brain appeared in the room. Christian recognized him by the scar on his nose: it was Waldo. He was alone and armed with a decapitation. He saw Christian and raised his hand with the weapon at the moment when Fox pulled the cord. The net fell. Waldo tried to touch the black crystal on his belt, but could not do it because of the net. Christian jumped at Waldo and hit him heavily with his automatic gun. The Brain fell on the floor. Christian unfastened the Brain's belt with the crystal and gave it to Fox. " Go! " he said. " I'll take care of Waldo." Doctor Fox put the belt with its black crystal into a metal box and locked the box. Then he quickly left the room. Christian lit a cigar. Then he lifted Waldo from the floor, threw him over his shoulder and went out. He saw Fox's car in the distance. Reaching the garage, he put Waldo into the other car, got in himself, started the engine and drove off. Waldo spat. All the way to the hiding-place he spat and cursed Christian - and there were some words in his speech Which Christian did not understand. These words sounded English, but he did not know them. The cellar of the house where Christian brought Waldo was empty. In the middle was a big barrel filled with water. It was very heavy, and Christian tied Waldo to it. In one corner of the cellar there were stone steps which led to a massive door. Christian had locked this door, and the key was in his pocket. The Brain's decapitator was pushed under Christian's belt. He looked at his prisoner, holding his automatic in his hand. " Listen, " he said. " You are going to answer my questions. We are quite alone, and I shall make you talk." Waldo spat again. Christian lit a cigar and held it close to Waldo's face. " You will be sorry, Christian, " said Waldo. " You will answer for it." " Answer me! " said the captain. " I'm losing patience… Where do you come from? How many of you are there? How do your crystals work? " He received no answer. He raised his hand and struck Waldo a heavy blow on his face. " Talk, I tell you! " He took the Brain's weapon from under his belt and pointed it at him. " I am giving you three minutes, " he said. " If you don't speak and answer my questions, I'll use your weapon on you. I'll decapitate you." The telephone began to ring. Christian was surprised. Only Fox knew that he was there. He took the receiver. " Chris? Fox here. The crystal has disappeared. I kept looking at the box all the way here, and when I unlocked the box just now, it was empty. There was nobody near me. But the belt with the crystal has disappeared! " - 21 - Somewhere in the south of England a conference was taking place. A group of scientists were sitting and standing round the laboratory table. On the table there were parts of the weapon which Christian had seized from the Brains and sent to Military Intelligence. The Minister of War was looking at the parts of the weapon attentively. " The weapon worked on quite a new principle, " said the leader of the research group. " By some method - we don't understand it - power is taken directly from the atmosphere and changed into heat energy. This heat energy is emitted in a concentrated ray, which annihilates any material form." The Minister of War thought. " Can we make such a weapon? " he asked. Outside the laboratory there was a strong guard of soldiers. They were ready for a possible attack of the Brains. Suddenly the guard commander saw a great cloud of flame and smoke rising over the laboratory. A few minutes later nothing remained of the laboratory and the people who were inside it. The guard commander sent a telephone message to Downing Street. - 22 - The Prime Minister looked tired. There were dark circles round his eyes, and his face was pale. " It's a bad business, " he said, " and I can't see the end of it." The Old Man was sitting at the table opposite the Prime Minister. " Our only hope is Captain Christian, sir, " he said. " If his plan works, we may get useful information." " True, " sighed the Prime Minister. " And meanwhile the decapitations continue. We are losing the best men every day, and it's the same all over the world." The Old Man said nothing, because he did not know what to say. " And now the Minister of War, " continued the Prime Minister. " It seems impossible! Only yesterday I spoke to him -» " I am sorry, " said the Old Man. " I know he was a personal friend of yours." There was a short silence. " I am waiting for news from New York, " said the Prime Minister. " As you know, the United Nations are holding an emergency meeting now…" - 23 - The Secretary-General called again for order. " Gentlemen, please, the delegate from Great Britain has the floor." It was noisy in the great hall. Delegates jumped from their seats and cried. Everybody accused everybody. The Asian Federacy accused Britain. The United States accused Russia. It seemed that the delegates would begin fighting any moment. At last the British delegate was able to speak. " This is no time for quarrelling among ourselves, " he said. " An invasion from space is threatening us-" There was a great noise again. " - an invasion from space, " continued the British delegate. " Our civilization is in danger. We must co-operate-" It was useless. All the delegates were shouting again, and the Secretary-General declared the meeting closed. - 24 - A man was decapitated in New South Wales, three in Yucatan, four in Quebec. The murders continued in Africa, Pakistan and Denmark. Scientists who did original research were murdered all over the world. And only one man had a contract with the enemy. Christian put down the receiver, walked up to the Brain, stopped in front of him and raised the decapitator. " Wait, " said Waldo. " No, I won't wait, " said the captain. " Speak, or I'll shoot." " Don't shoot! I'll answer your questions. We come from-" Suddenly they were not alone. About ten Brains were standing around Christian, grey, dwarf-like figures, each armed with a decapitator. Waldo laughed. " That's the end, Captain…" He gave a command: " Take him alive - I want him alive! " The next moment Christian was seized by a lot of hands, something heavy struck him on the head, and he fell on the floor. " You interfered and spoiled our plans, " said Waldo. " And for this you must die. But it will not be a pleasant death - I've something special for you. I am taking you back with me." He took a belt with a black crystal from one of the Brains and fastened it round Christian's waist. " Very soon all your questions will be answered…" Waldo touched the crystal on Christian's belt, and laughed loudly. " See you later, Captain Christian! " The cellar disappeared. Christian was in complete darkness. It seemed to him that he was hanging in some empty place, between the stars - only there were no stars. At last Christian saw a bright light and knew that he had arrived. - 25 - The Old Man and Doctor Fox were standing in the cellar. " Are you sure it was Waldo and not another of the Brains? " asked the head of Military Intelligence. " Yes. It was easy to see. I had seen him at the Fair, and recognized him by the scar on his nose." " And after you seized Waldo, Captain Christian brought him here, and you took the crystal to a different hiding-place? " " That's right, " said the doctor, " And when I opened the box, it was empty." " Scientists are studying your box, " said the Old Man, " But I don't think they will learn anything from it." " What do you think: is Christian still alive? " asked Fox. " Yes, I believe so, " said the Old Man. " Up to now they have always left the decapitated bodies of their victims. So I think they have not killed Captain Christian. Evidently they have taken him with them - alive. But why? And where? " Fox felt better. " Then there is a chance, " he said: " If Christian is alive, maybe he will escape and bring us the information that we need." " I hope so, " said the Old Man. - 26 - Christian was in a very large hall with a high ceiling and no windows. He had an impression that he was deep underground. In the walls of the hall there were some doors through which he could see long corridors. The central part of the hall was occupied by a big construction with ladders and balconies. Two Brains stood near a large switchboard with red and green lights. The sides of the construction were covered with black crystals. The crystals were placed in pairs. From time to time a Brain appeared from nowhere and put his black crystal into the construction, and then a red light on the switchboard turned into green. Sometimes another Brain took the crystal from the construction and fastened it to his belt. Then he touched the crystal and disappeared. Christian understood that this construction was a kind of transmitter, with the help of which the Brains got to the earth and disappeared from it. He wanted to jump to his feet and break the machine… but two Brains armed with decapitators were guarding him. The crystal, with the help of which he had got into that hall, was taken from his belt and put into the transmitter. He began to wonder where he was. Was he still on the earth but underground? Or was it another planet? Or maybe, he was on board a spaceship? He decided that he must wait and learn all he could. A woman came from one of the corridors. It was a very strange woman. She had long blond hair and was very beautiful. But she was at least nine feet tall. She came up to Christian and said something very quickly, but Christian did not understand her. A Brain answered her, and she laughed. Then she bent and easily lifted Christian with one hand. She looked at him a few seconds, then lost interest and dropped him to the floor, like a child drops a doll. She turned away and left the hall. Christian stood up. " We meet again, Captain Christian…" It was Waldo's voice. And, indeed, the Brain was standing near Christian. " Do you begin to understand now? " asked Waldo. " No? Well, it doesn't matter. You will never leave this place. You will die, but not easily…" He called two other Brains who came up and stood on both sides of Christian, holding their decapitators ready. " Follow me, " said Waldo and went along one of the corridors. Christian walked after him. - 27 - They walked along the corridor, sometimes crossing other corridors. On the side of the corridor there were cells in which Christian saw Brains and giant women. Finally they stopped near an empty cell. " You can live here for some time, " said Waldo. " Food will be brought to you. You are free to go anywhere, except back to the transmitter hall. If you try to get there, you will be immediately killed. I shall return later." Christian was left alone in the cell. The cell was about ten feet in diameter. There was a chair and a low table. Christian sat down. The chair was very comfortable. In a few minutes a giant woman brought a tray with food and water. The food was not very tasty, but Christian was hungry and ate it all. He tried to speak to the giant woman, but she did not answer him. Some other giant women come to look at him. They pointed at him and laughed, but the look in their eyes told Christian that they had very little intelligence. In the days that followed Christian walked along the corridor, where he sometimes met Brains and giant women. He noticed that they spoke a language which was very much like English, but still it was very difficult for him to understand them. Sometimes he tried to ask them where he was, but they never answered him. One day he was standing in the corridor near his cell waiting for the giant woman who always brought him food. Suddenly he saw another woman who was running very quickly towards him. Some other women were running after her and beating her with metal whips. The woman jumped into Christian's cell and stopped at the far wall. At that moment Waldo appeared in the corr