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WRITING. 1. Write the dictation “My Favourite Escape: Books”.

1. Write the dictation “My Favourite Escape: Books”.

2. Choose the task you would like to do:

A. Write a synopsis of the book you read last.

B. Write an appraisal of the book you read last. First, read the Appraisal of a Book.

C. Write a letter to your favourite author about his/her book you greatly admire.

D. Write a letter to the author of a book you dislike.


" The Collector" is a novel written bу John Fowles. It was first published in 1963, and it is a sort of horror story. It is one of the most sinister books I have read, it holds your attention from the start and becomes more shocking as it progresses. " The Collector" is a good title. The 'hero', Ferdinand Clegg, collects butterflies, but he adds to his collection the girl of his dreams, Miranda, who is an art student. We learn enough about his background, an orphan brought up by his aunt and uncle, to have some understanding of his behaviour. He is avery lonely character and painfully shy, especially with women. We see him following Miranda from a distance, fascinated by her every move. THERE IS A TURNING POINT WHEN HE WINS SOME MONEY, AND HIS PLANS BECOME A REALITY. He buys a remote country cottage, captures Miranda and keeps her there just to look at and admire. All he wants of her is to take her photograph. She is his latest and most precious ‘butterfly’. One of the most interesting aspects of the story is the portrayal of Miranda, as she goes to extremes - from trying to understand Ferdinand and be his friend to violence and trying to escape. In the end she falls ill and dies, while he does nothing to help.

The reader feels all Miranda's hopes and fears until the final dreadful outcome. This is a book which, once youhave started, is impossible to put down.

Write an appraisal of a book you have liked. Organize your paragraphs in the following way:

Paragraph 1: Factual information about the book.

Paragraph 2: An introduction to the setting and the characters. (This might need two paragraphs.)

Paragraph 3: Your reactions and the reasons why you liked it.

Paragraph 4: A conclusion.

The following sentences might help:

… tells the story of...

... based on real life (the author's experiences)

As the story unfolds we see...


Tell the class about your favourite book.


The Art of Reading


1. Read the extract “On Reading” from “Expressive English” by James C. Fernald. Learn the new vocabulary.

Sum up the recommendations given by the author. Choose the recommendations you believe the most important and give reasons to support your opinion.

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