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IV.After visiting Picture Galleries, the Omsk Fine Arts Museum, the House of Artists describe

– The pictures you liked best;

– The pictures by Omsk painters.


IV. Write about Omsk pointers using the following words, expressions and data


¾ Aleksei Liberov 1911. Tomsk 1939. The Leningrad Institute of Arts, Sculpture and Architecture. 1926 Organized the Arts Department. The leader of the Omsk Union of Artists. Landscape painter. Professor of painting. People’s artist of Russia To be exhibited. Omsk. Europe. Russia.

¾ Kondratiy Belov. 1900. 1928. The Arts Industrial School in Omsk. 1991. The Belov Museum. Wonderful pictures. Musical pieces by Great Russian composers. Omsk soloists.


Unit 6

I. Read and learn frees words by heart:


A treasure [`freჳ ǝ ] – сокровище

To be founded [fauundid] – быть основным

Numbering [n^mberiη ] – насчитывающий

An item [ai tǝ m] – каждый отдельный предмет

An engraver [in’greivǝ ] – гравер

Private [‘praivit] – частный

A canvas [kæ nwǝ s] – холст

Former [fɔ ḷ mƏ ] –бывший

A landscapes [‘læ ndkeip] – ландшафт, пейзаж

To enrich [in’ritʃ ] – обогащать, украшать

To replenish [ri’pleniʃ ] – пополнять (with)

To include [inklĴ uḷ d] – включать

To apply [Ə ’plai] – прикладывать (applied art – прикладное искусство)

A masterpiece [ma: stƏ pi: s] – шедевр

A monk [m^η k] – монах

To exemplify [ig’zempliffi] – служить примером, представлять


II. Read and translate this text:


Treasures of the Omsk Fine Arts Museum


The Omsk Fine Arts Museum, one of the largest in Siberia, was founded in December 1926 as an Arts Department of the Local Studies Museum. Now its collection, numbering over nineteen thousand items, include works by Russian and foreign painters, drawers, engravers and sculptors. The foundation of its collection was laid in 1924 when the works from the Moscow Roumiantsev Museum, the Leningrad Hermitage and Academy of Yusupov, Ryabushinskiy, Tsvetkov and others. These canvases were the for the first time exposed on the first floor of the former Governor General Palace (built in 1862).

Among the exhibited canvases one can see the landscapes by Bogolyubov, Levi tan, Shyshkin, Korovin, Polenov. Later on, the collection was enriched with works by Venetsianov, Aivazovsky, Kramskoy, Repin, Vrubel and Serov.

In 1932 the Museum was replenished with collections from the educational museum of the Vrubel Arts Industrial Institute. These collections included pictures by local artists, paintings by Russian and foreign masters, unique works decorative and applied arts from Russia, Europe and Orient. Among them there are in Russian museums.

A number of masterpieces came from the Moscow Tretyakov gallery in 1930-40 s.

Among them were Surikov’s “Harvest”, Larionov’s “A Circus Dancer”.

In 1940 the Museum received the name the Omsk Fine Arts Museum. The collection of icon painting includes icons from the XVIII – XX centuries painted by Russian, Siberian and Urals masters.

The academic style of the second half of the XIX century is exemplified by Makovskiy, Botkin and Semiradskiy.

Visiting the Museum’s gallery one can see many works by Russian Peredvizhniks (member of the Society for Traveling Arts Exhibitions).

The collection of European paintings in Omsk is not so large; it numbers only about 300 works by famous painters from Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, France, Germany.

The Omsk Fine Arts Museum is proud of its small collection of Faberge’s masterpieces. Owing to great efforts by its directors and staff the collections of the Museum are being enriched every year and now they are recognized the most perfect in the State.


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