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VI. Answer the following questions


1. Do you often visit the city museums?

2. Do you generally go there alone or with your friends?

3. What kind of museums are you most interested in?

4. Describe what kinds of exhibits are displayed in some museums you know?

5. It is better to have a guide or to visit a museum alone? Why?

6. What kind of painting do you prefer?

7. Do you paint yourself? What style do you prefer?

8. What pictures did you enjoy most of in the Omsk Fine Arts Museum?

9. Discuss the pictures by Russian artists in the Museum.

10. Discuss the canvases by European artists from Museum.


Unit 7

I. Read and learn these words by heart:


A remnant [‘rǝ mnǝ nt] – остаток

A convent [‘kƆ nvǝ nt] – монастырь

A donation [dƆ uneiʃ ǝ n] – денежное пожертвование

An offering [‘Ɔ fǝ riƞ ] – подношение, пожертвование

Viewed from above [vju: sd frƆ m ǝ ’bv] – при взгляде сверху

A length [leƞ Q] – длина

A width [widQ] – ширина

To be erected [I’rektid] – быть сооруженным, установленным

A dome [dƆ um] – купол

A belfry [‘belfri] – колокольня, башня

Devers [‘daivǝ ”z] – разный

Handicraft [‘hæ ndikraf: ft] – ремесло, ручная работа

A num [n٨ n] – монахиня

Orphaned children [‘Ɔ: fǝ nǝ d tʃ idren] – сироты

To starve [sta: v] – умирать от голода

A broth [brƆ Q] – похлебка

Birch-bark [bǝ: tʃ ba: k] – кора березы

Ban [bæ n] - запрещение, церковное проклятие

Ailing [‘eiliƞ ] – больной

Sick [sik] – больной

To snatche [snæ tʃ ] – хватать

In spite of [in spait ɔ f] – несмотря на

To be occupied [ɔ kju: paid] – быть занятым

To turn into [tǝ: n intǝ ] – переделать

A cemetery [‘semitri] – кладбище

An owner [ɔ unǝ ] – хозяин

To desire [dizaiǝ ] – желать, хотеть

To strip [strip] – обдирать, снимать

A be liver [bi’li; vǝ ] - верующий


The Omsk Convent

There still cam be seen the remnants of an Orthodox convent in the southern part of Omsk. The convent was built from people’s donations and offerings in 1912. Viewed from above, it looks like a big cross. Its length is 30 meters and its width about 17 meters. It was erected of wood and stone in Russian style. Its high done was covered with sheet iron. There were five bells on its belfry. Everybody could hear their ringing. There was a large park with diverse trees around the convent. The schoolchildren studied reading, writing, drawing and handicraft here. The nuns gave free medical care and did to people.

In 1917, under a Soviet Power decree the convent was closed and the nuns were sent away from the place. The building was closed and the nuns were sent away from the place. The building was given to the orphaned children. About 200 orphans settled in the house. That year was very severe for the people, owing to economic chaos and famine. The children starved. They had to eat grass and drink broth made of birch-bark. The nuns looked after the children in spite of the ban to mix with them. The nuns shared some clothes and food with them and treated ailing children. Every evening the children waited for the nuns. The poor sick children snatched the food like little animals. But in spite of all the nuns care children died of illnesses and starving.

In 1918 Omsk was occupied into prison. Every day the soldiers food a group of prisoners to the park and shot and killed them there. The prisoners were no killers or robbers. They were peaceful people who sympathized with the Soviet Power. The beautiful park became a cemetery. Nobody knows still how many people were buried there.

In 1929 under a Soviet Power Decree all the churches were closed. The new owners of the convent building desired to destroy the old world and to build a new one. They decided to use this building as a club at first. They pulled down the pointed bell tower, stripped the old fresco and put long benches inside along the walls.

But this club didn’t exist long. In 1941 the Great Patriotic War began and the doors and forgot about it. For many years they used to store vegetables in the house.

In July, 1990 the building was given back to belivers.


II. Do some reports:


A. What do you know about other historical places in Omsk?

B. Try to make up a tour about the city o Omsk using a map.

C. Make up a story about your favorite place in Omsk.


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